A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Lear (2024)

You have been lifesavers to my family and me.

As I sit down to write this note the tears are already filling my eyes which is a sign that I made a better decision to write to you than to video this message as I had originally planned. You have been lifesavers to my family and me.

A week after I was released from the hospital in December, my dear friend Liza Lucy (loaded with several variations of her homemade chicken soup recipes filling a 60 pound bag) came to visit me at Pickle Road. Liza brought a surprise along with her, our dear, dear friend Meg Cox. Other than Mr. Electric and the gazillion doctors and nurses, Liza and Meg were the only two human faces that I saw and had the opportunity to speak with face-to-face since being admitted to the St. Barnabas Transplant Unit in mid-October as I was in isolation due to ‘white blood cell minus’ and was in tremendously vulnerable to any bacteria or virus.

After a few much-needed laughs and catching up, the conversation became very serious. Liza and Meg had discussed the financial burden of being hospitalized for almost 3 months. I had been so ill, even thinking about finances never even entered my head.

Yes, I do have medical insurance through Mr. Electric’s job, but Meg and Liza assured me that even with good insurance the co-pays for specialist after specialist, operations, medications, etc. would be astronomical. With me not being able to work and even contribute to just buying food at this point, they worried whether we would lose our house.

One of my personality defects is that I can be very prideful and have, throughout my life, refused to accept anything from anybody. It’s difficult for me to even ask someone for or accept a simple favor. Maybe it’s growing up in the Rust Belt? Maybe it’s because I started working at a very young age? Maybe it’s because I’m so darned independent, what Liza and Meg had been planning, then proposed, literally stopped me in my tracks and made me face my worst nightmare–I had little to no control of my health, my ability to make a living, and and how I might pay these exorbitant bills. I was embarrassed. Meg and Liza wanted to start a GoFundMe MARK LIPINSKI’S RECOVERY FUND campaign to help us out. After much stomach churning and a lump in my throat I acquiesced.

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (1)

Mr. Electric, protecting me from stress and to help me heal, did not want me to worry about the money and wouldn’t share with me any of the bills that were from oncologists to surgeons to medications. One day, I opened one of the many bills that I found in a pile on the kitchen table – – just my room and board was well over $100,000 than what we paid for our house! Liza and Meg were right. The bills, huge bills, keep rolling in.

It was hard for me to imagine and difficult for me to swallow that anyone would want to, but did, contribute generously to the GoFundMe MARK LIPINSKI’S RECOVERY FUND campaign. This has been an important lessonin accepting help and gratitude. It has also taught me a lot about my own spirit of giving.

Many of the donations were given anonymously. I don’t know who you are, yet you contributed to my well-being. How do you even begin to thank the myriad of strangers, friends, current and former co-workers, former students, organizations, fellow teachers and fiber artists, and Facebook friends for this kind of generosity? And the comments . . .

I have tried many times to read the comments that were left with the donations, and I can’t get through the first couple of pages without great emotion. I will read all of them, I promise, as soon as I can.

I am so grateful to those of you who were able to give with an open heart. I can’t tell you how much that means on both an emotional and practical level.

Just know that all of the ‘Thank You’s” in the world will never be enough. So I will end this note, with great humility and love, as I began it:

You have been lifesavers to my family and me. xoxom

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (2)

Artists or art that turns me on and feeds my muse! Like it or dislike it, what about this art inspires your own art or creativity? This painting is by artist, Mexican artist Alejandro Colunga. For more about the artist, Click here:


A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (3)

Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really angry. She told him “Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!”

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (4)

Bob has been missing since Friday.

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (5)

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (6)

Look around you. Design is everywhere! How can you incorporate the beauty that surrounds you into your art or craft? Doorknobs on a clothes shopon Queen W, Toronto, Canada.

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (7)

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (8)

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (9)

I love embroidering French knots and I love Colonial knots, as well. Here is a little lesson in the art of candlewicking, that is just making a bunch of embroidered knots to create wonderful designs on fabric. Here’s where to begin:


A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (10)



  • bottles of lager
  • racks baby back ribs
  • carrots
  • celery ribs
  • onion


  • bacon fat
  • onion
  • garlic cloves
  • fresh ginger
  • orange juice
  • ketchup
  • cider vinegar
  • light brown sugar
  • strong-brewed coffee
  • sambal oelek or other Asian chile sauce
  • unsulfured molasses
  • tamarind concentrate
  • Dijon mustard
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Vegetable oil, for brushing

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (11)

FOR THE FULL RECIPE, CLICK HERE: http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/beer-braised-baby-back-ribs-with-orange-tamarind-sauce

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (12)

I love blogger Abby Glassenberg although I don’t think I have never met her. Abby is that new generation of fabric sewist/maker/author who calls it as it is, sometime sweetly and sometimes in your face, confronting issues that need to be discussed within the sewist/quilting/designer industry (which I just love and find totally refreshing). This cute, heart–holding frog is from Abby’s blog, While She Naps. Here is how to make one for the little boy or girl in your life as a Valentine surprise:


A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (13)

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (14)

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (15)


A prep time of approximately 5 minutes is required to make the Mai Tai. After mixing all the ingredients together, we suggest chilling it in the refrigerator for approximately 3 hours. Feel free to serve your Mai Tai over crushed ice, and to garnish it with a mint sprig.

Forthe Full Recipe Click Here: http://amorettiblog.com/retro-co*cktail-recipe-the-classic-mai-tai/


A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (16)

Several months ago, Facebook, without warning, had implemented a new business model. As a result, the vast majority of “LIKErs” who have been faithful readers of this Fan Page have been blocked from receiving my posts, time and time again, from getting all or a few of the postings onto their timeline feed.

The reason is, Facebook would like pages like,Mark Lipinski’s Fan Page, to pay money every day, and on every post, in order to advertise and lure readers like you, onto the Fan Page.

With out “BOOSTING” a post, only about 5% of people who clicked LIKE on MARK LIPINSKI’S FAN PAGE are actually seeing anything I post — and it could be random – sometimes you get a post, and sometimes not. Basically, it sucks for all of us. I am finding that we are all better served if I posted my tips, ideas, links, and jokes, etc. to thisblog. You can subscribe to thisblog (only if you want to) toget an email each time I post a grouping of ideas, links, etc. andnever miss a chance at inspiration.

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (17)

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (18)

“Give this heart-shaped Scrubby to make their dishwashing or bathing a time to remember that they are loved. Choose from any of the wonderful shades of this yarn…no one says crochet hearts have to be red!”

Click here for the free crocheted pattern: http://www.redheart.com/free-patterns/valentine-scrubby

A Heartfelt THANK YOU, Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Learn to Make Ribbon Embroidery Tulips, Make a Valentine Candy Pincushion,Weave Your Own Sleeve Patches, DIY Stash Busting Rug, The Right Way to Open a Coconut, Sew a Terrycloth Kitty, Quick Cross Stitch for your Valentine, Knit a Sweet Spring Bird, Create a Prayer Box, Immortalize Your Pet in Fabric, Felt and Fabric Valentine Sachets, How to Harvest and Dry Lavender, PLUS . . . Recipes, Videos, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (19)

Wow! I went gaga over this taffeta Oscar de la Renta floral embroidered gown. I immediately put my shoes on and thought about heading out to my local silk ribbon joint to do a little living embroidery myself. Since I am flat broke, I decided against it animal just have to rummage through my stash to find the silk ribbons that I already have! This dress costs a mere $8,490.00. Unless you, your self are going to run out for yardage of taffeta and silk ribbons, you may order the dress here:

A Heartfelt THANK YOU,  Two Free Quilt Patterns to Piece, Embroider Paisley Valentine Hearts, Try Candlewicking, Make the Cutest Frog Prince Plushy, The Right Way to Peel an Egg, Easy No-Slip Hangers, Crochet a Valentine Scrubby, DIY Teeth Whitening, Lear (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 6078

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.