Daily National Journal from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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WASBIW SATURDAY JUNE 18 1831 THE CHEROKEES article which follows taken from the List Cherokee Phconix is deserving of more than ordinary attention progress of appears to be onward and rapid in its Course and if it has not already reached it? acme it behoves the country with one voice'to demand that it shall have an end that the' rights of free born mail shall not under any pretences be trampled in the dust and this tn a nation where above all others liberty and freedom have hitherto been its pride and boast The State rights of Georgia we mean not to discuss but would merely point to the policy 1 of the General Government and ask if it be based on even handed justice! We would ask if the Cherokees are forbid to consider them eelves a sovereign people in their own right add to be governed by their own laws by what laws are they to be governed I Are the days of kingly despotism or oligarchy even worse from the greater number of tyrants again to be revived and martial law to take place of tile laws of the land We know that in Eng land as inthe case of the radical reformers when their voice was too loud to be otherwise stifled That the Magna Charta the guarantee fbf the liberty Was aside' the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act and that then the subject could be thrown into prison without legal warrant on mere suspi cion or probably the caprice of tyranny im mured during the pleasure of his rulers not neccssiated to prefer charges against to bring him to trial despite the laws of gaol delivery and for all of which how innocent soever he had no redress But this in England dare nbt be attempted in the present enlightened day or this summary mode of suppressing the freedom of speech as well as annihilating the liberty of the press we have now it would appear only to look within our own free coun fry On the authority of Mr John Ridge a man of education of intelligence and respec tability who with the Cherokee Delegation resided in this City for some time during last winter we learn that with three others ar rested by the Georgia Guard is a Mr John West a young gentleman and a Cherokee who is charged with the high crime of using insolent language to the Guard These says Mr Ridge I saw last night un der guard chained together in pairs and fas tened with locks''' Again Mr David Vann a member of the Cherokee Senate and Tho mas Woodward are' also arrested not allow ed to know the reason of their arrest till they arrive at Head quarters a distance of 70 or 80 miles from their respective Mr Woodward we are afterwards told as well as a Mr' McCoy was imprisoned for acting as Chairman of a public meeting This is free dom of speech with a vengeance 1 As matters adds the Phmiir it will soon become dangerous for any one to open his mouth and utter his But the liberty of the press is also to be jeopardized A Mr Byhan is to be from the Post Office at Spring place the result of which the Editor expresses his fears will be to dis continue the office and mail route from the head of Coosa to the former place which would close the only channel through which they carry on their correspondence and for ward their papers A more ready way to effect this object would be to establish a censorship of the press a la Charles suppress the Cherokee Phrenix and thus prevent their wrongs from being made known to the world On the cases of individual or personal perse cution and that of Mr 'Worcester situated as he is with his wife that cannot be remo ved but at the expense of her life is well worthy of commiseration we have not touch ed: the flagrant abuse of broader rights the question whether the General Government is leagued in their destruction whether non in terference or at least apathy on its part can be justified is what we would hold up for pub lic attention And again we would ask by what laws are the inhabitants within the Che rokee territory whether natives or mere resi dents to be governed If not by the laws of the Cherokee Nation shall it be by the fun damental laws of the Republic and are gag ging laws habeas corpus suspension bills and martial law acknowledged to exist among them and such practices to be tolerated in this yetljappy land of freedom rom the Cherokee PhcenixJ Echola June 4 PROGRESS OPPRESSION We littlq thought when we were remarking! last week on the Post Office reform in this place that we should be able so soon to pub lish additional facts in regard to the means employed to effect the grey object of the Stateof Georgia and the present administration of the General Government The surmises of some that the removal of Mr Worcester from the Post Oflice but to pave a way for his arrest have turned out to be well founded as will be seen from the following order of Col Sanford addressed to each of the Missionaries under the care of the American Board and the letters of Governor Gilmer to Messrs Thompson and Worcester which we have been permitted to publish Scudders' May 28th 1831 Sir After the receipt of the enclosed let ter ten days will be allowed you to remove out of the unsettled limits of the State? If found residing within it after the expiration of that time you will be subject to arrest and to such punishment as the Law shall direct in case of illegal residence Your Servt A SANDORD Guard Executive Department Milledgeville 1 6th May 1831 (J Sir Sufficient evidence has been obtain ed from the Government of the United States to convince the courts of this State that the' missionaries employed among the Cherokees by the American Board of oreign Missions are not its Agents and therefore not exempt ed from the operation of the law forbidding white persons to reside among the Cherokees without license In continuing so to reside you must have known that you were acting in violation of the laws of the State The mis taken decision of the Superior Court upon this subject in the late case determined in Gwinnett County has enabled you for a time to persist in your opposition to the humane policy which the General Government has adopted for the civilization of the Indians and in your efforts to prevent their submission to the laws of Georgia However criminal your conduct in this respect may have been I am still desirous that you should have an opportuniny of avoiding the punish ment which will certainly follow the continu ance of your present residence You are therefore advised to quit it with as little delay as possible Colonel Sanford the Commander of the Guard will be directed to cause to be delivered to you this letter and to enforce the laws if you should persist in your disobedi ence Very respectfully yours GEORGE GILMER Rev John Thompson Executive Department Milledgeville 16th May 1831 Sir It is a part of my official duty to cause all white persons residing within the territory of the State occupied by the Cherokees to be removed therefrom who refuse to take the oath to support the constitution and laws of the State Information has been received of your continued residence within that territory without complying with the requisites of the law and of your claim to be exempted from its operation on account of your holding the oflice of Postmaster at New Echota You have no doubt been informed of your dismissal from that office That you may be under no mistake as to this matter you are also informed that the Government of the United States docs not recognize as its Agents the missionaries acting under the direction of the American Board of oreign Missions Whatever may have been' your conduct in op posing the humane policy of the General Go vernment or exciting the Indians to oppose the jurisdiction of the State I am still desi rous of giving you and all others similarly sit uated an opportunity of avoiding the punish ment which will certainly follow your further residence within the State contrary to its laws You are therefore advised to remove from the territory of Georgia occupied by the Chero kees Col Sanford the Commander of the Guard will be requested to have thisTetter delivered to you and to delay your arrest un til you shall have had an opportunity of leav ing the State Very respectfully yours GEORGE GILMER Rev Samuel Worcester The reader will perceive from the letters of Governor Gilmer that the General Govern ment is leagued with Georgia in carrying this unheard of persecution against the missiona ries They are determined to remove them for the purpose of preventing their opposition to the humane policy of the General Govern ment for civilizing the Indians May we be delivered from such civilization we want none of it If the missionaries must be pun ished would it not be as well to punish them at least for some plausible reason Instead of bare ly making gratuitous assertions against them let them be taken and tried upon the charge of opposing the policy of the General Gov ernment and exciting the Indians to oppose the jurisdiction of the Such a course would be a little more becoming Whether the missionaries will think it to remove is more than we can say We think it probable however that some of them will Dr Butler is already under an arrest And as to Mr Worcester against whom there seems to be the greatest animosity there has not been a single moment since the passage of the Georgia law that he could have removed And now it is impossible for him to remove if he is disposed to do so Mrs on account of ill health has been unable to leave the house for the last eight months and at this time she is utterly unable to her bed She cannot be removed without ex posing her life to immediate danger It will be seen that Mr has but ten days notice The Post Oflice at Spring Place is yet oc cupied by Mr Byhan but we understand that arrangements are in progress to have him dis placed and we presume it will be done shortly In order to effect this the Postmaster General will have to do one of three things Either to bring in a white man from the States or to alter the mail routes or to discontinue the of fice and the mail route from the Head of Coosa to Spring Place To do the last would be to close the only channel through which we can carry on our correspondence and for ward our paper to our subscribers We may be mistaken but we cannot suppress our fears that this course will be pursued Many acts of reform equally as astonishing as this would be have been done We are prepared to hear almost any thing We could wish that this were the end of our account oi tha progress of oppression but it is not The following note will speak for itself: Oougillogy Cher Nation June 1 1831 Mr Boudinott Dear Sir The Georgia Guard under the command of Col Nelson are now here with four prisoners Messrs Elliott and Dennis white men citizens of this nation by marriage and the Rev Mr Trott also a white man who are charged with a violation of the Georgia law in living in this nation by its allowance and laws The other is Mr John West a young gentleman and a Cherokee who is charged with the high crime of using insolent language to the Guard These four 1 saw last night under guard chained together in pairs and fastened with locks Mr David Vann a member of the Cherokee Senate and Thomas Woodward are also arrested but not chained who are not allowed to know the reason of their arrest until they arrive at Head Quarters 70 or 80 miles from their respective residence The Guard is still in pursuit of othar men They have a waggon along in which they have a drum on which they beat and a fife to make martial music Your friend JOHN RIDGE Hail Columbia happy land!" We have a few additional facts to state Mr Trott is a Methodist Itinerant Missionary under the direction of the Tennessee Confer ence We understand he is not allowed to ride and that he is indeed chained every night The Rev Mr Clauder Moravian missionary was also arrested Tuesday morning and kept under guard about two hours and then dischar ged on his claiming the privilege of having ten days notice The Guard arrived in this place Tuesday evening and put up at their usual quarters On Wednesday morning a file of men seven or eight in imber went to Mr and arrested him while he was at breakfast they also went to Mr but did not find him (he being not at home) after making a particular search in the house When Mr tvas taken to the Comman der it turned out that he was arrested for presi ding as President over a meeting of individu als in this place a week or two since Air Woodward was also imprisoned for a similar act They were both discharged As mat ters now go it will soon become dangerous for any one to open his mouth and utter his opin ions We will not enlarge upon this subject lie who reads will understand To our Cherokee readers we say have patience and forbearance Cultivate good feelings even to our enemies Let the public see that we are for peace and that we use none but peaceable measures to assert our rights We do not yet suffer as others have suffered Many have suffered death for opinion's sake we have not yet come to that Since writing the above we are in formed the Guard passed by Spring Place and arrested Mr Jos Vann Mr is a native and we presume is as ignorant of the cause of this arrest as the others were There is nothing wanting but a court of inquisition to complete the tragedy The Hon Josiah Johnston of Eouisiana We yesterday presented to our readers the Speech of Air Johnston of Louisiana at a dinner recently given to him by his friends and constituents at Alexandria It is with plea sure we give currency to the doctrines and facts which it contains Throughout it bears as marked a contrast to the wild declamation of Air McDuffie as is exhibited in the gene ral tone character and deportment of the in dividuals themselves Mr Johnston possesses a vigorous clear and discriminating mind and sound judgment and is peculiaraly distin guished by what we apprehend to be the most valuable quality in an American Statesman common sense In his legislative charactenjne is always well informed always judicious al ways respectable Mr McDuffie is urfqiies tionably a man of genius though we littwe al ways thought his talents were much overrated He frequently displays considerable vigor and originality of intellect but his imagination oc cupies a more important share of it than judg ment His style of written composition we prefer infinitely to his oral and in this parti cular he forms a strong contrast with his friend Calhoun Mr AlcDuffie is unequal irregular and eccentric in his course frequently ris ing above what would have been anticipated still more frequently falling far below it Mr Johnston is always dignified Mr McDuffie frequently the reverse Air Johnston is equally firm and decided in his character Mr AlcDuffie violent and impassioned The one always conciliates the other frequently offends his opponents AVe are gratified especially at the views which Mr Johnston presents of the policy of the Southern portion of our country as it re gards the American System While Mr Mc Duffie indulges in the most erratic manner in his speculations upon the abstrusest doctrines of political economy ascience peculiarly un suitable to his character of mind and as might reasonably be anticipated commits the most egregious blunders and compounds the most palpable distinctions conclusively establish ing if his argument is carefully analysedeither the unsoundness of his premises or the fallacy We would take the liberty of asking wheth er a functionary of high rank and whose name has been mentioned as likely to be as sociated in the new Cabinet has not recently been allowed to the extent of ten thousand dollars as a commission upon extra official disbursem*nts whether' the officer in ques tion had not offered to take one half of the sum thus allowed him and whether the whole arrangement was not expressly sanctioned by the President himself The New York papers announce the death at Grassy Point on the North river of Air Edward Beverly Rathbone of the house of Jagger Rathbone of that city who it will be remembered had his leg amputated in consequence of the injury received by the ex plosion of the steamboat General Jackson which he was one of the ill fated passengers1 When a good work is to be performed the citizens of Baltimore are not to be outdone in the race of liberality A meeting was held on Wednesday to aid the sufferers by the conflagration at 'ayetteville when a resolution was passed to transmit 2009 dollars in advance of the subscription intend ed to be collected from the inhabitants at large The frigate Potomac which was toweddown the bay on Wednesday goes to Norfolk in the first place to take in her stores It is still believed that she will then proceed to York in order to carry out Mr Van England rom the Richmond Whig June 11 MR BRANCH AND THE LATE SECRETARY WAR AVe have already published the article from the Globe which authorised by Major Eaton challenges Governor Branch to the production of the testimony which he intimated he could adduce to establish the existence of the ma lign influence which drove him and Air Ing ham from the Cabinet requiring sacrifices at their hands which as men of honor they could not make But as the controversy evidently has not terminated as this challenge of Major Eaton will extort further disclosures in all pro bability from Air Branch and others and as the subject is curious as well as important in volving as it does the secret history of an Ad ministration whose rule constitutes a memor able as well as a melancholy epoch in Amer ican history we are induced to republish it a second time to put our readers in full posses sion of its nature and to afford them the ben efit of reading the text and the of the Telegraph simultaneously To those commentaries we invoke undivided attention We beg them to remember who Duff Green is that he is the man who per haps was more instrumental than any other in making Gen Jackson President that he was the confidential Editor of the Party who whenhe was assailed by the friends of Mr Adams sustained him against all attacks placed him in a situation of distinguished elevation and emolument and overwhelmed him with cares ses and a patronage we believe altogether un exampled in this country Of unquestioned talents possessed of all the avenues to secret and confidential intelligence interested obvi ously to preserve the Jackson party in its in tegrity his character and credibility vouched by that party itself we again invoke undivi ded and emphatic attention to what this form er Atlas of the Jackson party this its con roia the Windsor Republican Vermont The Governor of this State has issued his proclamation calling upon the free men of the second Congressional District to meet on the first Tuesday of July next to choose a Representative to Congress in place of Air Mallary deceased our or five can didates have already been put in nomination and as the National Republicans who are a decided majority in that district have no less than three candidates there will probably be no choice at the first trial Measures ought to be taken to unite that party upon one can didate Either of the gentlemen nominated would do honor to the state An election was held in the 4th District on Monday Last Mr Allen was the National Republican candidate but the Antis persist ed in supporting Mr Swift which circum stance again prevented a choice murder! Extract of a teller to tlrt Editor of the Sznil nel dated Jericho Duplin County Li June 1831 On Sunday last a murder was committed in this neighborhood which has created a very unusual sensation on that day Miss Nancy Boyet daughter of a very respectable widow left her house with the in tention of visiting Mr family who live at the distance of a mile from her When night approached and her daughter still absent Airs Boyet became uneasy and set out with the hope of meeting her on the way Iler feelings may more easily be imag ined than described when she found on her ar rival at Air that her daughter had not been there that day a She alarmed the neigh bors a company went forth and after a dili gent search they fouud the mangled corpse of the unfortunate victim in an adjoining pond Her body was shockingly bruised and her throat was cut to the neck bone rom ap pearances the murder must have been perpetra wd at a distance of two hundred yards from the pofyd in which the body was found and the resistance must have been desperate The ground and bushes at the place of con flict were much trodden and broken and some light wood limbs that were on the spot appeared to have been used by the monster in completing his designs The young combs were also found broken and scattered on the ground No discovery leading to the detection of the murderer has yet been made and with the exception of its fatal result the whole transaction is yet a mystery to the neighborhood It must have taken place about noon in a thickly inhabited settlement and on the public road leading from Whitehall to ayetteville An inquest was held and a ver dict pronounced of and muider by some person Should any thing farther transpire concerning this lamentable deed I shall take an early opportunity of com municating Reform in Salem County Several hun dred names arc attached to a call for a Na tional Republican Convention in Salem Coun ty in this state to be held on the 15th inst Among the signers we recognize the names of the Jackson members of the Legislature from that county last year We are assured from private sources which are unquestionable that the call embraces about thirty individuals who were decided Jackson men six months ago and that in addition about three hun dred citizens of that county formerly of the same political faith have given in their adhe sion to the cause of the Constitution the Uni on and the American System having become thoroughly disgusted with the weak inconsist ent and highly ruinous policy of lie" present Jackson administration The Jackson party are considered as virtu ally extinct in Salem county the National Republican party having a majority of at least of his deductions Air Johnston by a plain simple and intelligible exposition of facts and a familiar illustration of the practical operation of the policy which he recommends carries conviction to the mind His speech is an am ple and satisfactory refutation of the impas sioned declamation of the South Carolina nullifier In another feature the contrast is equally striking We allude to the feeling of patriot ism exhibited by the one so wholly unlike the passionate invective which the other has pour ed out against his fellow citizens and their con duct Air Johnston is a decided inflexible opponent of the present Administration Mr McDuffie one of the most ardent and active of those who supported the pretensions of Gen Jackson Judging a priori it would be from the former that we should look for angry in vective and exciting declamation in the lat ter we should expect the loftiness which ought always to dignify the victor But the reverse is the case Air McDuffie is even more harsh and ill tempered than when leading the van of opposition in a furious contest Those who differ with him in opinion are cither fools or knaves and this confederated Union to which his State and himself are indebted for all they possess that is valuable those institutions which have raised him to his present elevation are spurned and contemned when broughtnto comparison with narrow and sectional and imaginary advantages or with a favorite erroneous theory His friends may laud as they please the pa triotic intentions and feelings of Air AlcDuffie and he may declaim against the cold hearted selfish policy of the majority of the nation We cannot prize that patriotism which ckrts itself to foster sectional jealousies and antX pathies to vilify our own people to engender a feeling of hatred for our own institutions and to cover with obloquy and contempt the pre servative principle of the country the union of the States Away with such patriotism and such patriots Wc could import thousands of such every day fully matured from any country be yond the Atlantic without rearing them on our own soil Such sentiments and principles are exotics they never originated in the Ameri can soil or attained their growth under an American sun The original virus was in troduced in the person of Dr Cooper and whether Air McDuffie has caught the infec tion in the natural way or it has been inocu lated into his system the disease is not the less malignant or less fatal AJr Berrien has we are informed been in form as well as substance dismissed from his officeof Attorney General If report be true the manner of this proceeding was brief and uncourteous Of the whole of the late Cabi net the only fractions left are the unit Air Barry and the cypher Gen Jackson IDENTIAL ORGAN AND INSTRUMENT SAYS Gen Jackson What is it I That Gen Jackson has been induced to yield his own judgment: AND TUT Ills OWN AME THE INTERESTS THE COUNTRY AND THE REPUBLICAN PAR TY UPON A DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO CONTROL THE PRIVATE INTERCOURSE Had we alleged this as allege it we did three months ago the allegation would' now have been pronounced as it was then pro nounced a coalition Emanating from from a Jackson man intimate with all the par ties familiar with all the circ*mstances what can be what will be said to it I That it is not true I We again reiterate that its truth is notorious at Washington that it has been for eighteen months the theme of general conversation of indignant amazement and of painful regret in all the circles of that ci ty that Jackson Members of Congress have openly proclaimed it and stigmatized it that the delicacy thrown over the subject by the sex of some of the parties has alone prevent ed it from being made a topic in the public prints It has come out at last properly come out and we shall sec how the partizans of the President will meet or evade a charge which they can neither repel nor admit If it be true if it be made out to the satis faction of the American Public that the Presi dent has made a desperate attempt to con trol the private intercourse of by forcing upon it one whom it was unwilling to receive if it be made manifest that this was the hinge upon which the whole cabinet machi nery revolved that those who aided and coun tenanced the desperate were loaded with favor and patronage while those who opposed it forfeited the grace of the Chief Magistrate and were expelled from his con fidence and the public councils if these ex traordinary facts be made manifest how will the force of the disgraceful truth be broken how will it be extenuated with what face will the advocates of Andrew Jf "kson dare to press his re election upon the American Peo ple 1 Buffalo June 8 iJhe body of an unknown man was found on trie beach of the lake about six miles from this place on Thursday last Six hundred dollars in gold and bills with a pistol and a few articles of jewelry vAare found in his pock ets as also a small Hebrew volume The dress of the body corresponds with the clothes of the man who jumped overboard from the Steamboat Wm Penn off Erie Pa on the 2d of April last That individual en tered his name Davids on the way bill of the Penn and he is recollected to have spoken like a foreigner The property found upon the body is in the hands of the Coroner SELECT WORKS of the British Poets with Biographical and critical Prefaces by Dr Atkin new edition for sale by CO ALE CO 7 doors east of the National Hotel The object of this work which is entirely new is to comprise within a single volume a chronological series of our Classical Poets from Ben Johnson' to Beattie without mutilation or abridgement with Biographical and critical notices of their authors The contents of this volume arc so comprehensive that few poems it is believed are omitted except such as are of secondary merit or unsuited to the perusal of youth The Work within these bounds may be termed a Library of Classical English and may safely be recom mended to the heads of Schools in general and to the 1 'hrarir of Young Persons Ma 23 two to one This is reaction with a vengeance Newark Eagle To whom does the Automaton President belong Duff Green says a contemorary Insists upon it that the President is his President and the Globe vows in effect that it is its President or Air Van Presi dent Pity the old man is not divisible or mathematically speaking pity that the unit being reduced to four ciphers the Chief cipher could not become two semi ciphers Orleans Argus Charleston June 10 Remarkable The tide rose higher in our harbor yesterday unless attend ed by a gale of wind by one foot than it has been known to have risen within the memory of our oldest citizens There was some pro perty damaged on tlm wharves and in the stores but not to any considerable extent The wind was moderate from the northcast Washington Office June 4th 1831 WRITTEN Proposals will be received at the OtHec or bv the Commissioners the ifth Ward until the 1st of July next for renting from the Corporation the Wharves al the terminniion of third and fourth streets East on the Eastern Branch or eit her of them June 7 JOHN VAN NESS Mayor magazine NO 5 of the Magazine and Lite terary Gazette edited by Mrs Sa jh Ilalc whole lengt portrait of the latest fishion and a whole length portrait of the Spanish Costume ust received by COALE CO June 13 LIBRARY SELECT NOVELS (Nos 3 and 4) riVIE Dutch ireside A tale by the1 author of Lelters from the South Back woodsman John Bull in America being the 3d and voltunesof the Library of Select Novels Justji'ublished and for sale by COALE CO mie I 7 doors east of the Nat Hotel New i Book just received and for Sale at COALE Law Medical and Miscellaneous Book Store 7 'doors cast of the NaL Hotel A Digest of Pickering's Reports from the second to the 8th volume inclusive By Willard Phillips and others June 13 SKETCHES of American Character By Mrs Sarah Male author of Northwood 3d edition or Sale by COALE CO June 14 7 doors cast of the Nat lintel SOUTHERN REVIEW OR Just received by THOMPSON The Southern Review No XHI for May 1831 Contents 1 Letters and Journals Lit erary Opinions 2 Poems 3 Life and Times of Daniel De oe 4 Letters on (he United States 5 Historyof the ine Arts 6 Steam Engine and Rail Roads 7 The Siamese Twins 8 Voyagesand Discoveries of the compatri ots of Columbus 9 amily Library Published in four quarterly numbers per annum subscription price five doilais Subscriptions received by Thompson and Homans June 15 TpINE close napped Beaver Chapeaus Nava! and Military Undress Caps at ashionable Establishment 5 doors wed of Brown's June lL 3td SHIP NEWS June Writing Paper June if Public Meeting of the riends of Henry Clay in Georgetown The friends of the American System and of HENRY CLAY as its steadfast zealous and ablealvo utc who reside in Georgetown and that part of 'Wash ington county west of Rock Creek are invi ted to attend a public meeting to be held at the Lancaster School House mlbis town on WEDNESDAY'1 the 22d Juno at 6 clock GeorgetownMay 31 183) MATTHEW WRIGHT GUSTAVUS HIGDON JOHN PIC Commissioners NEW ANCY RENCH SHOES Just Received CASE containing a variety of colors Also 2 Cases new style DUNSTABLE BONNETS June DARIUS CLAGETT srge stock on hand and will died with every variety of the abovfe wove anil lin oia winter Laid Water Lined DIED In Stafford county Va on the 30th ult after a long and painful illness Mrs Margaret Hook wife of Ro bert £1 Hooc Esq At Barnaby Prince County Md on the 6th inst Mr Otho Callis in the 38th year of his age formerly an officer in the army POUT ALnggxnmJ Arrived June 16 Steamboat Potomac Jenkins freight and passengers Passed off the mouth of the river brig De los Barret from Pernambuco 27 davs Left at Per nambuco May 18 brigs Globe for Philadelphia in 4 days RobisonHowlaul? for New York hr 15 days Messenger Ceria uncertain Sophia Eliza uncer tain schr Virginia for Baltimore in 8 days May 16 sailed from Pernambuco brig Antelope Bowers for Providence schr Rose Russell for Nan tucket The steamboat also passed a bi ig off Island Iwund up and the rigate oiomac off huhmi Head bound down Sailed Juna 16 Brig Swan Atkins Halifax Schr Virginia Rodbiul New York Sloop Harmony Bowen Providence I In Hampton Roads June 10 brig Sarah and Thebe Knowles from this port for Boston Ship Eagle Hill at Bremen 6th May PATRIOTIC BANK IaMntm June I 1831 A GENERAL meeting of the Stockholders of tins Bank will be held at the Banking House1' on Monday the 4th day of July next for the puipose of electing Directors for the ensuing year The election will be opened at 10 A and close at 3 WEIGHTMAN Cashier June 18 Inwtdif ENCYCLOPAEDIA AMERICANA TUST published by Carey and Lea Plnla delphia Thompson and Homans Washington and John Miller London The Sixth Volume containing about 1500 articles (to be continued at xntervals of three months) of the Eneyclopiedia Americana a po pular Dictionary of Arts Sciences Literature History and Politics brought down to lhepresent time and in cluding a copious collection of original articles in Ameri can Biography on the basis of the seventh edition of the German Conversations Lexicon Edited by Dr rancis Lieber assisted by Edward Wigglesworth Esq To be completed in twelve large volumes octa vo price to subscribers bound in cloth two dollars and a half each Each volume will contain between 600 and I 700 pages Complete seis of the above valuable work will be fur mshed to order by the subscribers Price $2 50 per vol in boards do in sheep gilt Jun? 3t THOAIPSON HOMANS WHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE WANTED ANK of Wasington Stock Patriotic Bank: i ditto Union Bank of Georgetown ditto atm and ditto Enquire of JOHN WEBB Stock Broker NOTICE' THE Voters of the Sixth Ward are hereby notified that an election will be held on Thursday the 23d inst at Mr John School Room for one member of the Board of Aidermen to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Ed ward Clarke Esq Polls to be opened at 10 A and closed at 7 clock i' Al TIIOMPSON HOMANS being agents IL fiir the sale of riling Paper manufactured by Donaldson New York Meeteer Baltimore Gilpin Brandywine Mills they can supply to the i raae ana to DOOKOinaers 8vo and tqNptc foolscap Quarto Post olio Post Demy Medium Royal Super Royal Imperial Of nil which they have a I tie regul sizes including Blu: wove win: June 18 PRINTING INK 2 £1 KEGS News Ink just received from Boston Also on hand 33 Kegs Book Ink from No I to No 5 or Sale by GARRET ANDERSON Corner of 1 1 th street and Penn Avenue: June 16 dxc OOR SALE ranklin Insurance Coni JL pony Stock Enquire of tf JOHN WEBB Stock Broker CHLORIDE LIME CASK dry Chloride of Lime Also Chloride of Sodium in bottles Just received by TODD Co June 15 6t PRACTICAL READING LESSONS UST published and on stile by TIIOMP SON HOVIANS Practical Reading Lessons on the three great duties which man owes to his Maker his fellow beings and hirmelf illustrated by numerous interesting Historical Anecdotes Biographical Sketches nded for the instruction an'd amusem*nt of vutb Purr 50 June 11 CANAL Remarks on Canal Navigation illustrative of the advantages of the use of Steam as a moving power on Canals with an Appendix containing a series of Experiments Ta bles tec on which a number of proposal improvements arc founded also plans and descriptions of certain classes of Steamboats intended for the navigation of Canals and the adjoining branches of the Sea by airbairn Engineer on sale by June IB THOMPSON HOMANS VOYAGES and TRAVELS ragments of Voyages tuid Travels including Anecdotes of a Naval Life chiefly for the use of young persons by Capt Basil Hall 2 vuls $1 25 just published and on sale by June 16 THOMPSON HOMANS SELECT MEDICO CH1RURGICAL TRANS ACTIONS A Collection of the most valuable Me 1V moirs read to the Medico Chirurgical Societies of London and Edinburgh the Association of ellows and Licentiates of the King and College of Physicians in Ireland the floyal Societies of London and Edinburgh the Royal Academy of Turin the Me dical and Anatomical Societies of Paris Edited by Isaac Hays MD or sale by June COALE CO VILLAGE HYMNS Ji'l Kecewed and on Sale bv Thompson Homans VILLAGE Hymns for Social Worship selected and original designed as a Supplement to the Psalms and Hymns of Dr Watts Dabolfs Arithmetic Bickersteth on Prayer Bickersteth on Communion une 1 1 PIPE CLAY 4 EW Casks white PIPE CLAY this day re I reived by TODD CO June 121 (Tel).

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Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.