Hawaiian Flower Names: Embracing the Beauty and Significance of the Islands' Flora (2024)

Hawaiian Flower Names: Embracing the Beauty and Significance of the Islands' Flora (1)

In the vibrant tapestry of Hawaiian culture, flowers hold a special place, symbolizing beauty, spirituality, and deep cultural significance. From the iconic plumeria, known for its delicate fragrance, to the regal crown flower, each Hawaiian flower carries a unique story and meaning. Embark on a journey through the enchanting world of Hawaiian flower names, discovering their beauty, symbolism, and their profound connection to the islands' rich heritage.

Hawaiian flowers have played a vital role in shaping the islands' traditions, arts, and ceremonies for centuries. They were incorporated into leis, intricate adornments gifted to express respect, appreciation, and affection. Flowers also served as symbols of royalty, with certain species reserved exclusively for the use of chiefs and high-ranking individuals.

As we delve into the world of Hawaiian flower names, we'll explore their captivating meanings and cultural significance. From the delicate pikake to the vibrant hibiscus, each flower tells a story, revealing a glimpse into the heart and soul of the islands.

Hawaiian Flower Names

Discover the beauty and significance of Hawaiian flowers through their enchanting names.

  • Plumeria: Delicate fragrance, symbol of joy.
  • Crown Flower: Regal beauty, worn by Hawaiian royalty.
  • Pikake: Jasmine-like scent, symbol of purity and love.
  • Hibiscus: Vibrant colors, symbol of beauty and hospitality.
  • Bird of Paradise: Exotic bloom, symbol of freedom and joy.
  • Anthurium: Heart-shaped flower, symbol of passion and fertility.
  • Gardenia: Sweet fragrance, symbol of purity and joy.
  • Ginger: Colorful blooms, symbol of strength and vitality.
  • Orchid: Delicate beauty, symbol of elegance and refinement.
  • Protea: Unique appearance, symbol of courage and transformation.

These Hawaiian flower names capture the essence of the islands, embodying their beauty, cultural significance, and deep connection to nature.

Plumeria: Delicate fragrance, symbol of joy.

The plumeria, also known as frangipani, is a tropical flower that has become synonymous with Hawaii. Its delicate fragrance and vibrant blooms have captured the hearts of many, making it a popular choice for leis and other adornments.

  • Cultural Significance:

    In Hawaiian culture, the plumeria is associated with joy, beauty, and new beginnings. It is often used in leis to welcome guests and celebrate special occasions.

  • Symbolism:

    The plumeria's delicate fragrance and vibrant colors are said to symbolize joy, optimism, and positivity. It is also associated with new beginnings and fresh starts, making it a popular choice for lei-giving during graduations and other milestones.

  • Traditional Uses:

    In addition to its use in leis, the plumeria has various traditional uses in Hawaii. The fragrant flowers are often used to make perfumes and oils, while the leaves are sometimes used for medicinal purposes.

  • Ornamental Value:

    With its colorful blooms and delicate fragrance, the plumeria is a popular choice for landscaping and gardening. It adds a tropical touch to any garden and is relatively easy to care for.

The plumeria's beauty, symbolism, and versatility have made it a beloved flower in Hawaii and beyond. Its delicate fragrance and vibrant colors continue to bring joy to people worldwide.

Crown Flower: Regal beauty, worn by Hawaiian royalty.

The crown flower, also known as the lehua, is a stunning flower that holds a special place in Hawaiian culture. Its vibrant red blooms and stately appearance have made it a symbol of royalty and prestige.

In ancient Hawaii, the crown flower was reserved exclusively for the use of chiefs and high-ranking individuals. It was worn as a symbol of authority and power, and was often incorporated into elaborate headdresses and leis. The flower's regal beauty and association with royalty made it a fitting adornment for those who held positions of leadership and influence.

The crown flower also holds cultural and spiritual significance in Hawaii. It is associated with the volcano goddess Pele, who is said to have created the flower from the tears she shed for her lost lover. The flower's fiery red color is said to represent Pele's passion and intensity, while its delicate petals symbolize her vulnerability and heartache.

Today, the crown flower continues to be a symbol of Hawaiian royalty and cultural pride. It is often used in leis and other adornments to honor special occasions and cultural events. Its regal beauty and深いhistorical significance make it a cherished flower in Hawaii and beyond.

The crown flower's captivating beauty and深いhistorical significance have made it an enduring symbol of Hawaiian royalty and cultural heritage. Its vibrant blooms and stately appearance continue to inspire awe and admiration, reminding us of the rich traditions and heritage of the Hawaiian Islands.

Pikake: Jasmine-like scent, symbol of purity and love.

The pikake, also known as the jasmine flower, is a fragrant and delicate flower that holds a special place in Hawaiian culture. Its sweet scent and beautiful white blooms have made it a symbol of purity, love, and devotion.

  • Cultural Significance:

    In Hawaii, the pikake is considered a sacred flower and is often used in leis and other adornments for special occasions such as weddings and graduations. Its sweet fragrance is said to bring good luck and happiness, while its white blooms symbolize purity and innocence.

  • Traditional Uses:

    In addition to its use in leis, the pikake is also used in traditional Hawaiian medicine. The flowers are believed to have calming and soothing properties, and are sometimes used to make teas and other herbal remedies.

  • Symbolism:

    The pikake is often associated with purity, love, and devotion. It is a popular choice for wedding leis and other adornments given to express romantic love and affection. The flower's delicate fragrance is also said to symbolize the sweetness and cherished memory of love.

  • Ornamental Value:

    The pikake is a beautiful and fragrant flower that is often grown for ornamental purposes. It is a popular choice for gardens and landscaping, adding a touch of tropical beauty and fragrance to any outdoor space.

The pikake's sweet fragrance, delicate blooms, and deep cultural significance have made it a beloved flower in Hawaii and beyond. It is a symbol of purity, love, and devotion, and continues to be cherished for its beauty and cultural importance.

Hibiscus: Vibrant colors, symbol of beauty and hospitality.

The hibiscus is a stunning flower that is known for its vibrant colors and large, showy blooms. In Hawaii, the hibiscus is revered as a symbol of beauty, hospitality, and welcoming.

The hibiscus flower is often used to create leis, which are traditional Hawaiian garlands. Leis are given as a symbol of affection, respect, and welcome to guests and visitors. The vibrant colors of the hibiscus, ranging from red and orange to pink and yellow, create a striking and eye-catching display that symbolizes the warmth and hospitality of the Hawaiian people.

In addition to its cultural significance, the hibiscus is also prized for its medicinal and culinary uses. The flowers and leaves of the hibiscus plant have been traditionally used in Hawaiian medicine to treat a variety of ailments such as headaches, skin irritations, and digestive issues. The flowers are also edible and can be used to make teas, jams, and other culinary delights.

The hibiscus is a versatile and beautiful flower that holds a special place in Hawaiian culture. Its vibrant colors, symbolic meaning, and practical uses make it a cherished flower that is enjoyed by both locals and visitors alike.

The hibiscus's beauty and cultural significance have made it an enduring symbol of Hawaii. Its vibrant blooms and welcoming presence continue to embody the warmth and hospitality of the Hawaiian Islands, inviting visitors to experience the beauty and aloha spirit of this tropical paradise.

Bird of Paradise: Exotic bloom, symbol of freedom and joy.

The bird of paradise is an exotic and striking flower that is native to South Africa. It has become a popular choice for gardens and landscaping in Hawaii due to its vibrant colors and unique shape.

  • Symbolism:

    In Hawaiian culture, the bird of paradise is associated with freedom, joy, and happiness. Its vibrant colors and unique shape are said to represent the beauty and diversity of the Hawaiian Islands. The flower is often used in leis and other adornments to celebrate special occasions and to welcome guests.

  • Ornamental Value:

    The bird of paradise is a popular choice for gardens and landscaping due to its exotic appearance and vibrant colors. The flowers can be a variety of colors, including orange, red, yellow, and purple. The plant is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of climates.

  • Cultural Significance:

    The bird of paradise is often used in Hawaiian culture to represent the welcoming spirit of the islands. It is a popular choice for leis and other adornments given to guests and visitors as a symbol of aloha and hospitality. The flower is also used in hula performances and other traditional Hawaiian ceremonies.

  • Medicinal Uses:

    In some cultures, the bird of paradise is believed to have medicinal properties. The flowers and leaves of the plant have been traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments, including stomach problems, headaches, and skin irritations. However, it is important to note that these medicinal uses are not scientifically proven and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical care.

The bird of paradise's exotic beauty, symbolic meaning, and cultural significance have made it a beloved flower in Hawaii and beyond. Its vibrant colors and unique shape continue to captivate and inspire, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

Anthurium: Heart-shaped flower, symbol of passion and fertility.

The anthurium is a genus of flowering plants that is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. It is known for its heart-shaped flowers and vibrant colors, which have made it a popular choice for gardens, homes, and special occasions.

  • Symbolism:

    In Hawaiian culture, the anthurium is associated with passion, fertility, and hospitality. Its heart-shaped flowers are often used in leis and other adornments to express love and affection. The flower is also believed to bring good luck and prosperity to those who receive it.

  • Ornamental Value:

    The anthurium is a popular choice for gardens and landscaping due to its vibrant colors and long-lasting blooms. The flowers can be a variety of colors, including red, pink, white, and purple. The plant is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of climates.

  • Cultural Significance:

    The anthurium is often used in Hawaiian culture to represent the welcoming spirit of the islands. It is a popular choice for leis and other adornments given to guests and visitors as a symbol of aloha and hospitality. The flower is also used in hula performances and other traditional Hawaiian ceremonies.

  • Medicinal Uses:

    In some cultures, the anthurium is believed to have medicinal properties. The flowers and leaves of the plant have been traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments, including skin irritations, headaches, and digestive problems. However, it is important to note that these medicinal uses are not scientifically proven and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical care.

The anthurium's beauty, symbolic meaning, and cultural significance have made it a beloved flower in Hawaii and beyond. Its heart-shaped flowers and vibrant colors continue to captivate and inspire, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

Gardenia: Sweet fragrance, symbol of purity and joy.

The gardenia is a genus of flowering plants that is native to subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Oceania. It is known for its sweet fragrance and delicate white flowers, which have made it a popular choice for gardens, homes, and special occasions.

  • Simbolisme:

    Dalam budaya Hawaii, gardenia dikaitkan dengan kemurnian, kegembiraan, dan cinta. Bunganya yang putih sering digunakan dalam lei dan dekorasi lainnya untuk mengungkapkan cinta dan kasih sayang. Bunga ini juga diyakini membawa keberuntungan dan kemakmuran bagi penerimanya.

  • Nilai Ornamental:

    Gardenia adalah pilihan populer untuk taman dan lansekap karena wanginya yang harum dan bunganya yang tahan lama. Bunganya bisa berwarna putih, krem, atau kuning. Tanaman ini relatif mudah dirawat dan dapat tumbuh subur di berbagai iklim.

  • Makna Penting:

    Gardenia sering digunakan dalam budaya Hawaii untuk mewakili semangat penyambutan pulau-pulau tersebut. Ini adalah pilihan populer untuk lei dan dekorasi lainnya yang diberikan kepada tamu dan pengunjung sebagai simbol aloha dan keramahan. Bunga ini juga digunakan dalam pertunjukan vạn tradisional.

  • Penggunaan Medis:

    Di beberapa budaya, gardenia diyakini memiliki khasiat obat. Bunga dan daun tanaman telah digunakan secara tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit, termasuk iritasi kulit, luka, dan masalah pencernaan. Namun, penting untuk dicatat bahwa kegunaan obat ini tidak terbukti secara ilmiah dan tidak boleh diandalkan sebagai pengganti perawatan medis.

Keindahan, makna simbolis, dan makna budaya gardenia telah menjadikannya bunga yang dicintai di Hawaii dan di luarnya. Bunga putihnya yang harum dan tahan lama terus memikat dan menginsipirasi, mengingatkan kita akan keindahan dan keanekaragaman dunia alami.

Ginger: Colorful blooms, symbol of strength and vitality.

Ginger is a genus of flowering plants that is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. It is known for its colorful blooms and spicy rhizomes, which are used in cooking and traditional medicine.

  • Symbolism:

    In Hawaiian culture, ginger is associated with strength, vitality, and good luck. Its vibrant flowers and spicy aroma are said to bring positive energy and ward off evil spirits. Ginger is often used in leis and other adornments to celebrate special occasions and welcome guests.

  • Ornamental Value:

    Ginger is a popular choice for gardens and landscaping due to its colorful blooms and long-lasting flowers. The flowers can be a variety of colors, including red, pink, yellow, and white. The plant is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of climates.

  • Culinary Uses:

    Ginger is widely used in cooking for its spicy and aromatic flavor. The rhizomes of the plant are used fresh, dried, or ground into a powder. Ginger is a common ingredient in Asian cuisine and is also used in many Western dishes. It is known for its ability to aid digestion and reduce nausea.

  • Medicinal Uses:

    Ginger has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. Ginger is commonly used to treat nausea, motion sickness, and other digestive problems. It is also believed to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.

Ginger's beauty, symbolic meaning, and practical uses have made it a beloved flower and spice in Hawaii and beyond. Its colorful blooms and spicy aroma continue to captivate and inspire, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

Orchid: Delicate beauty, symbol of elegance and refinement.

Orchid is a large and diverse family of flowering plants that are found in a wide range of habitats around the world. They are known for their delicate beauty, intricate blooms, and diverse colors.

  • Symbolism:

    In Hawaiian culture, orchids are associated with elegance, refinement, and beauty. They are often used in leis and other adornments to symbolize love, admiration, and respect. Orchids are also believed to bring good luck and prosperity to those who receive them.

  • Ornamental Value:

    Orchids are popular choices for gardens and landscaping due to their delicate beauty and long-lasting blooms. They come in a wide variety of colors and shapes, making them a versatile addition to any garden. Orchids can be grown in a variety of climates, although they generally prefer warm, humid environments.

  • Cultural Significance:

    Orchids hold a special place in Hawaiian culture. They are often used in hula performances and other traditional ceremonies. Orchids are also used to create leis and other adornments that are given to guests and visitors as a symbol of aloha and hospitality.

  • Medicinal Uses:

    In some cultures, orchids are believed to have medicinal properties. Various species of orchids have been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including pain, inflammation, and digestive problems. However, it is important to note that these medicinal uses are not scientifically proven and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical care.

Orchids' delicate beauty, symbolic meaning, and cultural significance have made them beloved flowers in Hawaii and beyond. Their intricate blooms and diverse colors continue to captivate and inspire, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

Protea: Unique appearance, symbol of courage and transformation.

The protea is a genus of flowering plants that is native to South Africa. It is known for its unique and striking blooms, which come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. Proteas are popular choices for gardens and landscaping, and they also have cultural and symbolic significance in Hawaii.

In Hawaiian culture, the protea is associated with courage, transformation, and resilience. Its unique and eye-catching blooms are said to represent the strength and beauty of the human spirit. Proteas are often used in leis and other adornments to symbolize admiration, respect, and support.

The protea's unique appearance and symbolic meaning have made it a popular choice for gardens and landscaping in Hawaii. Its striking blooms and long-lasting flowers add a touch of exotic beauty to any outdoor space. Proteas are also relatively easy to care for, making them a popular choice for gardeners of all levels.

The protea's beauty, symbolism, and versatility have made it a beloved flower in Hawaii and beyond. Its unique blooms and deep cultural significance continue to captivate and inspire, reminding us of the strength and beauty of the natural world.

The protea's unique appearance and symbolic meaning have made it an enduring symbol of courage and transformation in Hawaii. Its striking blooms and deep cultural significance continue to inspire and captivate, reminding us of the strength and resilience of the human spirit.


Have more questions about Hawaiian flower names? Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Question 1: What is the significance of flowers in Hawaiian culture?
Answer 1: Flowers hold a deep cultural and spiritual significance in Hawaii. They are used in leis, adornments, and ceremonies to express love, respect, welcome, and celebration.

Question 2: Which flower is known as the "Queen of the Night"?
Answer 2: The flower known as the "Queen of the Night" is the pua melia, also known as the night-blooming jasmine. It is prized for its sweet fragrance and beautiful white blooms that open at night.

Question 3: What is the state flower of Hawaii?
Answer 3: The state flower of Hawaii is the yellow hibiscus, also known as the pua aloalo. It is a symbol of beauty, hospitality, and the warm aloha spirit of the islands.

Question 4: What flower is associated with the goddess Pele?
Answer 4: The flower associated with the goddess Pele is the ʻōhiʻa lehua. Its vibrant red blooms are said to represent Pele's passion and fiery nature.

Question 5: Which flower is used to make traditional Hawaiian leis?
Answer 5: Traditional Hawaiian leis are often made using flowers such as pikake, plumeria, and tuberose. These flowers are prized for their sweet fragrance and beautiful blooms.

Question 6: What is the significance of the haku lei?
Answer 6: The haku lei is a traditional Hawaiian lei made from various flowers, leaves, and other natural materials. It is often worn as a symbol of honor, respect, and celebration.

These are just a few of the many questions people have about Hawaiian flower names. The rich cultural and symbolic meanings associated with these flowers continue to fascinate and inspire people worldwide.

Now that you know more about the significance of Hawaiian flower names, discover some tips for incorporating these beautiful flowers into your own life and experiences.


Here are some practical tips for incorporating Hawaiian flower names into your own life and experiences:

Tip 1: Learn the Meanings and Symbolism:
Take some time to learn about the cultural and symbolic meanings associated with different Hawaiian flower names. This knowledge will deepen your appreciation for these flowers and allow you to use them more intentionally.

Tip 2: Incorporate Flowers into Your Decor:
Bring the beauty of Hawaiian flowers into your home or workspace by incorporating them into your decor. Arrange fresh-cut flowers in vases, hang botanical prints on your walls, or use flower-patterned textiles to add a touch of tropical flair.

Tip 3: Use Flowers in Celebrations and Ceremonies:
Incorporate Hawaiian flowers into special occasions and ceremonies. Create leis for graduations, weddings, and other milestones. Use flowers to decorate altars and sacred spaces. The beauty and symbolism of these flowers will enhance the significance of your celebrations.

Tip 4: Experience Flowers through Traditional Hawaiian Practices:
Immerse yourself in Hawaiian culture by participating in traditional practices that involve flowers. Learn how to make leis, take a hula class, or visit a botanical garden to appreciate the beauty and diversity of Hawaiian flora.

By incorporating Hawaiian flower names and their meanings into your life, you can connect with the rich cultural heritage of the islands and bring a touch of beauty and symbolism to your everyday experiences.

Whether you're planning a special event, decorating your home, or simply seeking inspiration, Hawaiian flower names offer a wealth of beauty, symbolism, and cultural significance. Embrace these enchanting names and discover the joy and meaning they can bring to your life.


Hawaiian flower names are more than just beautiful words; they are symbols of cultural identity, spiritual significance, and the deep connection between the Hawaiian people and their natural environment. From the delicate pikake to the vibrant hibiscus, each flower carries a unique story and meaning.

In this article, we explored the enchanting world of Hawaiian flower names, discovering their beauty, symbolism, and cultural significance. We learned about the role of flowers in traditional Hawaiian ceremonies, leis, and adornments. We also explored the practical and aesthetic ways to incorporate these flowers into our own lives, from decorating our homes to participating in traditional Hawaiian practices.

As we reflect on the beauty and significance of Hawaiian flower names, let us appreciate the rich cultural heritage and deep connection to nature that they embody. May these enchanting names continue to inspire us, bringing joy, meaning, and a touch of paradise into our lives.

Hawaiian Flower Names: Embracing the Beauty and Significance of the Islands' Flora (2024)


Which flowers represent the Hawaiian Islands? ›

Hawaiians adopted the hibiscus – in all colors — as their official Territorial flower in the early 1920s however it wasn't until 1988 that the yellow hibiscus, specifically the Hibiscus brackenridgei was selected as Hawaii's state flower.

What is the Hawaiian name for flowers? ›

pua₁ - flower, blossom, tassel and stem of sugar cane; to bloom, blossom. pua ahiahi - same as nani ahiahi, the four-o'clock flower. pua aloalo - hibiscus flower.

What is Hawaii State Flora? ›

The Hibiscus is Hawaii's most outstanding flower. More than thirty-three varieties have been brought from other countries, and by crossing these with one another and with three native species, more than five thousand horticultural varieties have now been produced.

What is the significance of flowers in Hawaiian culture? ›

In Hawaiian culture, flowers are often used to convey emotions, express love and respect, and honour gods and ancestors. They are also central to celebrations, such as weddings, graduations, and festivals, where they adorn leis, garlands, and headdresses, adding beauty and significance to the occasion.

What is the sacred flower of Hawaii? ›

The plumeria flower is one of the most significant and powerful within Hawaiian culture. It is either a bright pink or creamy yellow color and has a strong and sweet scent that is adored by many. In the past, only royalty was allowed to wear this flower due to its wonderful smell.

What is the native flora of Maui? ›

Common Native Plants
ʻĀkalaʻOheloʻŌhiʻa lehua
HāpuʻuHauʻŌhiʻa ha
KoaKokiʻo ʻulaʻulaLoulu
Naupaka kahakaiOlonāPāpala kēpau
2 more rows

What is the tropical flower of Hawaii? ›

Hawaiian Hibiscus

Hawaii's state flower, hibiscus brackenridgei. Hawaii's official state flower is the yellow hibiscus (hibiscus brackenridgei), also known as the pua mao hau hele. In 1923, the territory of Hawaii named the hibiscus the official flower, but did not specify a variety, which led to some confusion.

What is the flower of the Big Island of Hawaii? ›

Each island has its own official color and flower: The Big Island's color is red, and its flower is the red ohia lehua blossom. We see the Ohia lehua blossom on most of our tours.

What is the star flower of Hawaii? ›

'Hoku Hawaii', or Hawaiian star, is an early season sunburst hybrid whose bright red-orange flower resembles the color of an evening star.

What is the Hawaiian good luck flower? ›

Plumerias are commonly used when making lei due to their shape and beautiful fragrance. They symbolize positivity and new beginnings. And they may be gifted as a token for good luck.

What is the classic flower of Hawaii? ›

Nevertheless, the jazzy, vivid flower, in hues ranging from bright pink to white, has come to symbolize Hawaii, with the yellow hibiscus, also known as pua alo alo, serving as the state's flower.

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Polynesian tattoo symbol: flowers

Tiare Tahiti (gardenia tahitensis) is the emblem flower of Tahiti, usually simply known as tiare, literally "flower". Flowers often appear in Polynesian designs, mainly hibiscus flowers, frangipani and tiare.

What is the flower for Oahu? ›

Oahu's color is the bold golden yellow puailima or ilima for short. Ilimas come in shades of yellow, orange and red, but it is the yellow flower that is most prized and is a symbol of love. Kauai is the color purple.

What is the official flower of the Big Island of Hawaii? ›

Each island has its own official color and flower: The Big Island's color is red, and its flower is the red ohia lehua blossom. We see the Ohia lehua blossom on most of our tours.


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