Sky Raiders (Five Kingdoms, #1) (2024)

give me books

307 reviews4,736 followers

June 22, 2023

Tak jak Baśniobór niezbyt mi podszedł, tak ta książka jest GENIALNA


226 reviews31 followers

Want to read

August 5, 2013

New Brandon Mull book?




143 reviews9 followers

October 16, 2013

I love, love, love Brandon Mull's Fablehaven and Beyonders series, so while I was extremely excited to read this new series, I was also a little afraid that there was NO WAY Five Kingdoms: Sky Raiders could entice me the way the others had. Well, my fears were completely unfounded--I loved it! Mull has a talent for imagining unique and complex worlds--he has a fantastic imagination. That being said, he also has a strange talent for creating increasingly unique ways for his heroes to enter these strange new worlds (think hippopotamus!!) and Sky Raiders is no exception. Cole and his unsuspecting friends visit what promises to be a spooky haunted house, only to find that the dangers within are more real than they ever could have imagined. Sky Raiders introduces us to The Outskirts, a magical and dangerous place made up of five kingdoms. Readers follow Cole's adventures through the Outskirts as he struggles to stay alive and figure out a way to help his friends. Sky Raiders immediately pulls you in and takes you on a fast-paced ride. I could not put this book down and I cannot wait to see what adventures the rest of the series holds. Sky Raiders is everything I love best about Brandon Mull's writing: fast-paced adventure, unique worlds, and engaging characters.


Marta Álvarez

Author22 books5,741 followers

March 6, 2017

Le sobran diálogos y le faltan límites para su magia.

Es un libro entrenido, con una ambientación que rebosa imaginación y maravilla. Pero creo que su sistema mágico está un poco verde, de esos en los que no sabes realmente qué se puede hacer con la magia y qué no, y a veces X cosa es posible y al momento siguiente no, porque sí.

Aun así, creo que seguiré por la saga, porque los siguientes libros prometen mejorar, al habernos saltado ya la parte más introductoria.


8 reviews5 followers

August 7, 2016

I'm upset that I can't say I enjoyed this book as much as I did Fablehaven and Beyonders. With both of those series, I fell in love with the first book and couldn't wait for the next. With Sky Raiders, while its not bad, I'm not hooked either.

I think maybe its because I got pretty interested in the whole sky castle part with Cole working there. When it changed so quickly into the journey with Mira, I just couldn't find myself enjoying the rest of the book. I was still hanging onto wanting to know more about the castles, cloudwalls, and the job of being a Sky Raider.

I'm also not attached to any certain character either. They all feel the same to me at this point. Sure, they do have different personalities but there wasn't much else. This may also be a reason as to why I did not connect well to this book.

I still plan to read the rest of the series, no question, but now I'll be worried on whether I'll love it or ...grow to love it.

✨ Aaron Jeffery ✨

626 reviews18 followers

October 15, 2019

A little bit of action that didn't last long.
Only liked one character. #twitch

Mary Grace Nakao

180 reviews42 followers

October 9, 2013

Before anyone will start bashing me (for all the right reasons) for rating this book without actually reading it yet, hear me out first okay?


I just really want to point out that as much as I love the Beyonders series, the last book from that particular series failed me. Miserably (thats probably because I was expecting a lot from it. PPS: add to the fact that I ship Rachel and Jason PPPS: ).

Anywaaaay, my point is, I just really wish that this will be great. Greater than The Fablehaven Series, Greater than the Beyonders. I hope I could see Mr. Mulls writing and storytelling prowess improve more. I hope that this series wont be too long (judging from the fact that his books are getting more expensive). And lastly, I just seriously hope that he'll keep up his momentum this time around ;)


1,167 reviews194 followers

September 3, 2023

I like the premise of the Five Kingdoms: five realms of different magical systems and different technologies. This book takes place in Sambria, a kingdom based around dreams. Brandon Mull has a very creative imagination. The stuff in here is crazy.

Sky Raiders (Five Kingdoms, #1) (9)

The beginning of the book is actually pretty creepy. After Cole and his friends are kidnapped and sold into slavery, we spend about half the book with Cole and some new friends raiding castles in the sky. Then Cole and his new friends embark on a quest. I would have liked to see more of the sky castles, but the rest of the adventure is wild and unpredictable.

It will appeal to fantasy/adventure fans of all ages.

Language: Clean
Sexual Content: None
Violence/Gore: Threats, roughness
Harm to Animals:
Harm to Children:
Other (Triggers):


    2017-books 2023-misc-books autographed


1,997 reviews38 followers

November 25, 2015

I loved parts of this fantasy adventure. It has a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson feeling, but some of the elements are original and creative. Unfortunately, my favorite parts--the adventures that Cole has in the cloud castles as a Sky Raider--are short lived and last only a few chapters. The settings and character purposes change so much that it was hard to connect with the story. There's also a lot of "Cole sits down and listens to another character explain something" chapters, and while I like getting clarifying backstory, I would prefer that it come from adventure and discovery. An original story with promise, but only a like from me.


4,586 reviews490 followers

January 1, 2021

Not a bad book by any means, just was not the adventure book for me. Liked some parts of it, like the friendship but overall I wasn't invested in the story

Niloofar Gh

19 reviews9 followers

November 20, 2021


🔸 کتاب #پنج_پادشاهی نوشته‌ی #براندون_مول کتابی فانتزی حماسی با داستانی با ته‌مایه دلهره است. روایتی از دنیایی ناشناخته میان رویا و واقعیت...

🔹کول راندولف و دوستانش برای گذراندن یک شب هالووین فراموش‌نشدنی برنامه می‌چینند. او دوستانش را برای دیدن خانه‌ی وحشت ترغیب می‌کند، اما همگی در آنجا گرفتار شده و سر از سرزمین دیگری درمی‌آورند؛ سرزمینی که در هیچ‌کجا نامی از آن نیست، سرزمینی ناشناخته با وقایعی عجیب؛ سرزمینی بین واقعیت و رؤیا.
در آنجا با دختری به نام میرا آشنا شده و با کمک او سعی می‌کند دوستانش را نجات دهد تا قبل از اینکه به فراموشی سپرده شود، به وطنش بازگردد...

🔸️ نظر من:
این کتاب هیجان‌انگیزه، البته که رده سنی کتاب برای نوجوان هست و بیشتر مناسب سن ۱۴ تا ۱۶ ساله ولی من از خوندنش لذت بردم.
کتاب شخصیت‌پردازی عجیبی داره، شخصیت اصلی داستان قوی و شجاعه ولی خب یکم زیاد از حد شجاعه😅
بخش‌هایی از کتاب به شدت هایپ میشین و هیجان پیش از حادثه زیادی بهتون وارد میشه ولی درحقیقت هیجان زیادی ندارند☹️
داستان خیلی خوب پرداخته شده و هیجان یک بازی کامپیوتری رو بهتون وارد می‌کنه.

Shay McClean

29 reviews10 followers

August 6, 2013

(review based on the first 100 pages). What you can expect: a Halloween haunted house that gets a little too real, a talking smiley-face graffito that just wants you to have a better day, and floating cloud castles that may or may not be inhabited by such creatures as giant armored centipede monster insects that may or may not wish to eat your face.

I don't have any idea where he comes up with this stuff, but in my book Brandon Mull is the best middle grade fantasy writer working today. It's like he manages, as an adult, to get inside the wildest fantasies of a ten-year-old kid and bring out every vivid detail. I'm only bummed that I have to wait until March to read the rest.


19 reviews

March 9, 2017

It was a good book for young teens. It is very adventurous and always has you on a cliffhanger. Cole is trying to help his friends that got taken from there world and now he is trying to find them. He finds someone else very important on his way and then things start to twist.


105 reviews

March 20, 2023

skończyłam to jakoś w tamtym tygodniu ale zapomnialam zrobić update 😭 Fajna rozrywka suoer bohaterowie, styl pisania Brandona jest specyficzny ale nie przeszkadzał mi jakoś wielce. Uważam że seria dobra dla młodszych osób i poczułam się jak w okresie do którego wracałam z czytaniem i zaczynałam perciego ❤️


148 reviews6 followers

August 3, 2023

Będąc dzieckiem na pewno pokochałabym tą serię. Nie jest to moja grupa wiekowa, a i tak bawiłam się przednio. Opis książki był mało ciekawy, ale jak już zaczęłam czytać to bardzo pozytywnie się zaskoczyłam. Podciągam nieco ocenę bo uważam, że jest bardzo dobrze napisana. Najpewniej zapomnę o fabule po skończeniu serii, but who cares? To jest idealna książka żeby odpocząć gdy ma się gorszy czas🍁


Author11 books81 followers

December 1, 2017

I don't normally review books until I've finished, and I'll come back and update this review and I reserve the right to change my rating. But I will say this - it wasn't very many pages in before I knew that I would have to read every book in this series to find out what happens. That's because it begins with an entire group of a dozen or so children being kidnapped and sent through a portal to an entirely different world from which they seem to have no hope of escape. As I write this, I'm only about twenty percent into the first book, and I have no idea what happens, but I have to find out. To me, that's a good book.

Warning - I think this book targets middle graders, so roughly third grade and up, but the kidnapping scenes, and the brutality with which the children are treated, might be too frightening for younger readers. But if your children are a few years older, this would be a good book to read with them. My high-school aged daughter and I are reading it together and we both are enjoying it.

UPDATE - We have finished this book and are moving on t the next one. Still four stars, it's a very enjoyable book to read with your children if they are in middle-school or older.


180 reviews67 followers

October 17, 2018

2 & 1/2 stars

Definitely have mixed feelings on this one. This is a younger grade book, definitely not YA, so I think it was a little too young for me.

The adventure was pretty fun to read, but it was just all over the place and some of it was just not realistic. I couldn’t really picture things in my head easily at all. :(

A few parts about crushes, but nothing much at all.

Violence was very minimal with some fighting but nothing gory.

Overall, a bit of a disappointment for me. ;)

Recommended for: ages 10+


512 reviews32 followers

May 24, 2017

Brandon mull and his magic systems. It is fascinating. The characters are well put together. Story is simple but interesting. Magic system is good but there are more to be explained. It's a good start.

Cori Reed

1,135 reviews382 followers

April 25, 2019

Better than Fablehaven but not as good as Beyonders (imo, obviously!)


11 reviews1 follower

March 29, 2018

the theme is friendship


791 reviews6 followers

July 30, 2018

Brandon Mull never cease to amaze me with his storytelling. I have read almost everything by him and have yet to be disappointed. Sky Raiders the first in a five book series did an amazing job setting up fantastical story arc that will carry out through the series. I am very eager to find out what happens next in the Five Kingdoms. Brandon Mull always has a wonderful and colorful cast of characters and this one is no different. Every character had their own unique quality about them. We also got some nice background information about them to which was a plus. I really like our main character Cole though. For only being 11 (or whatever age you are in Sixth Grade) he was very level headed. We got a nice bit of world building here in book one. I think if I am not mistaken each book will take place in each of the Five Kingdoms, maybe. But here in book one we got to know a little bit about where Cole and his friends were taken in the Outskirts. Personally I am really excited to explore and learn about the other four kingdoms within the Outskirts. And lastly I want to talk about the magic system because that is what I live for in books. The Five Kingdoms have the ability known as Shaping. Now not everyone in the Outskirts has this ability only some which was nice to see. However this Shaping ability allows you to create things whether they be inanimate objects or what the book calls Semblances. I won't go into any more detail because I think it is always better to learn new magic systems through reading. I really loved this book and am so happy to be back in a new Brandon Mull series.

Steve Buchanan

3 reviews1 follower

August 25, 2015

Eleven year old Cole Randolph’s life is normal. Or, it was until an unfortunate Halloween when he and his friends enter a supposed “haunted house.” But it isn't a haunted house at all. It’s a trap set up by slave traders from another world called The Outskirts. Cole and his friends are smuggled into The Outskirts to be sold as slaves. They are told that the people closest to them will not remember them.
Cole is soon separated from his friends and is sold to an organization known as Sky Raiders. There he meets an eleven year old girl named Mira, who is actually a lost princess. She informs him that her father, the High King, staged her and her sisters’ death and stole their shaping powers. She tells him that shaping is creating things with your mind and that she has to overthrow her father in order to get her shaping back. Cole agrees to help her, and with the help of two other of her friends, Jace and Twitch, they escape and embark on the quest. Later, they realize that Mira’s power has escaped ad taken a form that destroys everything. The people call it Carnag. Straying from their original quest, they must go after Carnag, in hopes to get Mira’s powers back.
After a hard fight, Mira recaptures her power, and they find out that Carnag was controlled by someone known as a Shapecrafter, someone who can shape the shaping power. Will Cole be able to stop the Shapecrafters, overthrow the king, rescue his friends, and find a way to get back to his own world, before he gets captured?

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



2,174 reviews

July 8, 2014

This was lots of fun and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Hopefully two more might come out in the next year or so. Cole suggests going to a haunted house on Halloween and then discovers that his friends are captured and being led off somewhere. Only he and one other girl haven't been captured. He feels guilty and goes after the group to rescue them. The girl is going to try to get out of the house and go for help. Cole discovers his friends are in cages and are now going to be slaves. He hopes to free them but instead gets captured thanks to being betrayed by a slave and treated extra badly as an example. He ends up being sold to the Sky Raiders while his two best friends are going to be sold to the high King. While with the Sky Raiders he meets a girl named Mira. Mira has some secrets. He also discovers that these five kingdoms have magicians, called different things in each kingdom (there are 5 of them) which will play a big role in the rest of the books. (Five more books. Five Kingdoms. Want to guess where each book will be located?) Telling more would require spoiler alerts so I'll stop describing the story now. I did roll my eyes when I discovered at least one of Mira's secrets. But Mull managed to make even that just slightly unusual. I guess that is what I'm enjoying. Common tropes are being used with twists that make them rather uncommon. Certainly worth a read if you enjoy fantasy! Besides his Note to the reader is just plain charming.

    5-6-fiction fantasy fiction

Christie Powell

Author23 books70 followers

June 4, 2014

I would have liked this book better if I didn't love the beginning so much. I really enjoyed the idea, set up, and characters, though they did seem to act older than their age. I liked the detail of the world, and I really liked the Sky Raiders part--it had excitement without being too fast paced, logical goals and sequencing yet with room for spontaneity, both plot and character development. Then the characters went off on the usual high-paced adventure with more characters than I can keep track of and more situations that would be fascinating if they were fully developed.

Jeff Wheeler

Author96 books4,867 followers

March 24, 2016

I'm a fan of everything Brandon Mull writes and recently started on the Five Kingdoms series. His books are full of humor (especially teenage comebacks), tension, and interesting plots. I liked Fablehaven better than this, but this was better than Beyonders in my opinion. The story is about some kids who get abducted into a magical world. The lead character, Cole, carries his own and we start learning about his new normal and new career. As with most Brandon books, the tension kept me reading and I'm looking forward to starting the next book soon.

Lou Anders

Author38 books202 followers

January 25, 2016

This was my first time reading Brandon Mull. I was very impressed with the complexity of his world building and of the depth of his characters. I was particuarly impressed with how imaginative the world of the Outskirts is and the way he managed to include some fascinating "SFnal" concepts into the book without sacrificing pace or accessibility. I gave the book to my son before I had finished it. He overtook me and finished first. He's now on book two. Recommended.

Danielle Seay

164 reviews7 followers

April 2, 2021

I literally loved this book series when I first read it, but I never actually got to finish it. So I have to do past me proud and complete it. It was once again very good, the plot really hooks you from the start. I remember being spooked by some of the parts like the silent wood and Brady’s wilderness, so it was fun rereading those. Totally recommend the series, and I cant wait to keep reading.


392 reviews16 followers

May 21, 2016

Brandon Mull never disappoints. Sky raiders is an extremely creative story that just takes off and never stops. Between castles in the sky and giant cookies this is a fantastic world that was created. Will be reading the second book shortly.

    2016 fantasy mg


36 reviews

February 18, 2024

4/5 🌟

Podobało mi się jak Cole poszedł ratować swoich przyjaciół. Fajna była też historia Miry i jej sióstr. podobała mi się także walka ze Spustoszem.ciekawa była praca łupieżców niebios. Super było też sztuka formowania. Polecam!

Cintya Larasinta

303 reviews27 followers

October 29, 2015

Aaah....Aku suka sukaaa Suka BANGET!!! Aku tdk sabar menantikan novel berikutnya. Semoga diterjemahin lbh cepat ya...

    adventure fafic middle-grade
Sky Raiders (Five Kingdoms, #1) (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 6005

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.