What is Square Foot Gardening: Pros, Cons + How To Start - Gardening Lovy (2024)

What is Square Foot Gardening? Are you wondering if this is a strange gardening technique that you never heard of? Mel Bartholomew, a former civil engineer, devised the square foot gardening system in the 1970s.

This new method was developed to make gardening easier to handle for those with restricted areas or means.


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To this day, Square Foot Gardening is still changing people’s perspectives on how much food they can plant in a tiny space.

Square Foot Gardening (SFG) divides raised garden beds into one-foot squares and manages them individually for maximum yield and space savings. Each square can grow multiple crops, enhancing biodiversity and yield.

Let’s explore all its benefits, and how to start it today.

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What is Square Foot Gardening?

What is Square Foot Gardening: Pros, Cons + How To Start - Gardening Lovy (1)

Square foot gardening is a horticultural approach that entails partitioning a garden plot into petite, square-shaped segments, typically spanning 12 inches by 12 inches.

Each segment is subsequently dedicated to cultivating a particular crop, such as lettuce, tomatoes, or herbs.

This method is particularly advantageous for compact areas since it optimizes the available area and empowers gardeners to grow diverse crops within a confined space.

Benefits of Square Foot Gardening

Since its inception, this technique has garnered widespread attention and is now widely embraced as a go-to approach by gardeners spanning the globe.

1. Efficient and High Yield: The SFG method is more efficient because it uses a grid system to help grow as many plants as possible in a certain area.

2. Easy Maintenance: Because SFG keeps everything in order, it’s easier to handle crops, get rid of weeds, and keep the soil healthy.

3. Versatility: The SFG method makes it possible to plant a wide range of crops in a single bed, which makes the garden look better and increases its biodiversity.

4. Water Conservation: The SFG method uses less water because it has a small plan and allows for targeted watering.

5. This methodology entails the implementation of a gridded system to partition a garden plot into diminutive one foot squares, with each segment designated for the growth of a specific plant species.

6. As such, this technique enables individuals with restricted outdoor spaces, such as balconies or modest-sized yards, to cultivate a diverse range of herbs and vegetables within a minimal area.

7. Yet another advantage of square-foot gardening over traditional row gardening is its comparatively simplified maintenance requirements.

8. In conventional gardening, tending to extended rows of plants necessitates the laborious and arduous tasks of weeding and watering, which can be both time-consuming and physically taxing.

9. In contrast, square-foot gardening enables one to concentrate on one square at a time, facilitating a more effective tracking of individual plants and ensuring that each one receives the requisite care it requires to thrive.

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How to Make a Square Foot Garden

Step 1- Pick the Right Place: Your garden should be put somewhere that gets at least six to eight hours of sunshine every day.

Step 2- Set up your square foot plant bed: by building a raised bed that is 4×4 feet. For the best effects, it should be filled with a mixture of compost, peat moss, and coarse vermiculite.

Step 3- Set up a grid: Cut the bed into 16 pieces that are all the same size, each one foot by one foot.

Step 4- Choose and put your seeds: Choose different plants based on how they grow and how well they work together.

Is Square-Foot Gardening Effective?

Square Foot Gardening is an effective and efficient way to garden that makes the best use of the room and gets more done.

It is easy to use and flexible, which makes it a good choice for both new and experienced farmers.

So, if you want to start a new yard or just want to make the most of the space you already have, give Square Foot Gardening a try!

The employment of square foot gardening is a remarkably efficacious methodology to foster the growth of an array of vegetables and other botanicals.

Aquaponic vs. Square-Foot Gardening

CriteriaAquaponicsSquare Foot Gardening
Space requirementsMore space requiredLess space required
Water usageLess water usageMore water usage
MaintenanceMore maintenance neededModerate maintenance needed
Plant growthFaster plant growthModerate plant growth
YieldHigh yield possibleModerate yield possible
Start-up costsHigh start-up costsModerate start-up costs
SustainabilityHighly sustainableModerately sustainable
Variety of cropsLimited variety of cropsWide variety of crops

Aquaponics and square-foot gardening are distinct methods of cultivation, each possessing a unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

Aquaponics, while possibly necessitating more space and higher initial investments, has the capacity to generate bountiful yield while utilizing a closed-loop system, thereby increasing its sustainability.

Conversely, square-foot gardening can function with less space and water but may feature a limited selection of plant varieties and require frequent maintenance.

Ultimately, the decision to choose between aquaponics and square-foot gardening will hinge on individual inclinations and objectives.

Those seeking to cultivate a large number of products within a closed-loop system may find aquaponics to be the superior option, whereas those with spatial or financial constraints who wish to grow a diverse array of crops may opt for square-foot gardening.

Pros and Cons

Square-foot gardening is a widely-used horticultural technique that involves the strategic placement of crops in a compact area, accomplished through the implementation of a gridded system to partition the garden bed into uniform square-foot sections.

Although this approach offers numerous advantages, it also carries certain limitations. In the ensuing discourse, we will examine the merits and demerits of square-foot gardening.

Pros of Square Foot Gardening

  • Maximizes Space: Square foot gardening represents a space-efficient approach to cultivation, rendering it an optimal choice for gardeners who confront spatial restrictions. This methodology facilitates the cultivation of diverse crops within a condensed area, making it particularly advantageous for urban gardeners or individuals who possess diminutive backyards.
  • Reduces Weeds: Through the adoption of a gridded system, square-foot gardening effectively mitigates the growth of weeds. This system’s efficacy is attributable to the fact that every individual square-foot section is allocated to a specific crop, precluding the emergence of unwanted weeds.
  • Saves Time: Square foot gardening is time-efficient because it requires less time to plant and maintain than traditional gardening methods. Employing a gridded system, square-foot gardening optimizes the planting, watering, and fertilizing process, thereby simplifying the gardening experience and fostering enhanced enjoyment.
  • Increases Yield: Square-foot gardening enables the production of an increased quantity of crops per unit area of garden space relative to conventional gardening methodologies. This surplus yield, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals intent on growing their own sustenance, is a key advantage of square-foot gardening.
  • Reduces Soil Erosion: Square-foot gardening represents an effective measure for curbing soil erosion since the plants grown within the bed provide coverage that shields the soil from the erosive effects of wind and rain.
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Cons of Square Foot Gardening

  • Initial Cost: Square-foot gardening may incur a higher initial expense compared to conventional gardening techniques. This is because the establishment of a raised bed necessitates the procurement of construction materials, including lumber, soil, and compost, as well as the filling of the bed with soil.
  • Limited Plant Selection: Square-foot gardening is tailored to suit limited spaces, certain constraints may impede the cultivation of certain plant species. As an illustration, voluminous flora such as watermelons or pumpkins may not be viable options for square-foot gardening due to their size.
  • Requires Regular Maintenance: Square foot gardening requires regular maintenance, including watering, fertilizing, and pruning. It can be time-consuming, especially during the peak growing season.
  • Limited Growing Depth: Square foot gardening is typically done in raised beds with a limited depth. It may limit the types of plants that can be grown, as some plants require deeper soil to thrive.
  • Soil Quality: The success of square-foot gardening heavily depends on the soil’s quality. Poor soil quality can lead to low yield or plant failure, which is frustrating for gardeners.

Square Foot Gardening Planner:

One of the most important parts of the Square Foot Gardening method is planning. This means choosing which crops to plant and where to put them.

When making a plan, think about what each plant needs in terms of light, water, and space, and put plants that have similar needs together.

A planner or app for planning your garden can help you see how your garden will look.

Importance Of Square Foot Gardening Spacing

For a Square Foot Garden to work, the plants must be spaced out correctly. Here is a broad guideline:

  • Large plants like tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, and cabbage need an entire square foot each.
  • Four beans, Swiss chard, or big herbs that are medium-sized can fit in one square foot.
  • You can put nine small plants like carrots, radishes, and small herbs per square foot.
  • There can be sixteen very small plants like cabbage, spinach, and radishes per square foot.

Remember that these are just general rules, and it’s important to think about how each plant grows and what it needs.

Square Foot Gardening chart

How To Plant In A Square Foot Garden: For a Square Foot Garden, a planting guide can be very helpful.

This chart will help you keep track of what you put in each square when it was planted, and when it’s ready to be picked.

This is especially helpful when you are growing a lot of different plants close to each other. You can either make your own chart or look online for charts that you can print out.

Square Foot Gardening Soil Mix

In Square Foot Gardening, the right mix of dirt is very important.

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The person who came up with the SFG method, Mel Bartholomew, suggests a mix called “Mel’s Mix.” It has three parts that are all the same amount:

  • Compost: Provides rich nutrients. Using a mix of different kinds of soil can help give plants a wide range of nutrients.
  • Peat moss helps keep water and nutrients in the soil.
  • Coarse vermiculite helps the soil breathe and drain better.

This mix gives your plants a growing medium that is full of nutrients and drains well. Every time you plant something new, remember to add new compost to the dirt to add nutrients.

Square Foot Gardening template

With a Square Foot Gardening template, you can see how your yard will look and plan where each type of plant will go. Here are the basics of making your own template:

1. First, make a grid: Draw a square and cut it into smaller squares, each of which is equal to one square foot. A typical Square Foot Garden is 4 feet by 4 feet, so it has 16 circles.

2. Pick the plants you want: Choose what you will grow in your yard.

3. Decide the placement: Put each crop in one or more of the squares in the grid. Don’t forget to think about how each plant grows and what it needs. For example, big plants like tomatoes or cabbage would need their own square, but several small plants like radishes or carrots could fit in one square.

4. Take note of the numbers: Indicate how many of each plant you’ll be putting in each square. This depends on how big the plant is. As a general guide, you can plant 1 big plant, 4 medium plants, 9 small plants, or 16 very small plants per square foot.

5. Rotate your crops. It is best for the health of your land and to keep pests away if you change your crops every season. This means that you can’t put the same crop in the same square from one season to the next.

Having a Square Foot Gardening template will help you make the best use of your garden area and will be useful all through the growing season.

square foot gardeningfor beginners FAQS

Q: How deep should a yard that is a square foot be?

For a square foot yard, a depth of 6 to 12 inches is usually enough.

But you may need to change the depth based on what the roots of the plants you want to grow need.

Q: How many plants can I grow on a square foot of space?

It depends on what kind of plant it is.

As a general rule, one square foot can hold one big plant (like a tomato), four medium plants (like lettuce), nine small plants (like spinach), or sixteen very small plants (like radishes).

Q: Does a fence need to be around a square foot garden?

A fence isn’t necessary, but it can help keep pets, pests, or strong winds out of your yard.

To Sum Up

Growing watermelons in a square-foot garden can be a fun and rewarding experience for gardeners with limited space.

You can grow big, juicy melons in a small area using trellises or supports and carefully controlling the soil conditions.

Remember to water and fertilize regularly, monitor for pests and diseases, and harvest your watermelon when it is fully ripe for the best flavor and texture.

With a little bit of patience and care, you can enjoy the taste of fresh, homegrown watermelon all summer long.

What is Square Foot Gardening: Pros, Cons + How To Start - Gardening Lovy (2)


My name is Olivia, staying in the United States, and I love to have plants in my garden. Lots of plants are there in my balcony, indoor and outdoor garden also. Here I am trying to share useful tips on gardening, how to grow and care for various plants, etc. Check out more.

What is Square Foot Gardening: Pros, Cons + How To Start - Gardening Lovy (2024)


What is Square Foot Gardening: Pros, Cons + How To Start - Gardening Lovy? ›

Square foot gardening maximizes space by planting in garden beds with a gridwork composed of 1-foot square sections. This proven method of gardening takes some planning when it comes to plant-selection and space requirements, but it is a quintessential way of getting the most out of your garden.

How to get started with square foot gardening? ›

Square-foot gardening typically starts with a 4x4-foot raised garden bed filled with amended soil, then subdivided into 1-foot squares with markers like lattice strips. You then plant the appropriate number of plants in each square. (You determine this by plant size.)

What are the downsides of square foot gardening? ›

Drawbacks of Square Foot Gardening

Some crops, like large, indeterminate tomatoes, need more space than a single square foot—otherwise they'll start stealing nutrients and water from other plants. Plus, plants can deplete moisture and nutrients quickly in a square foot garden due to the intensive planting technique.

How many lavender plants per square foot? ›

You will want to space plants out to around 1 every 1-2 square foot. Lavender will need full sun, but will tolerate part shade. Take care to notice what plants are around the area as well, see the companion plant section below. Expect your lavender seeds to sprout within 14-28 days.

How deep does a square foot garden need to be? ›

How Deep Is a Square-Foot Garden Bed? Beds should be deep—between 6 and 12 inches in depth to give plants plenty of rich nutrients, while still maintaining good drainage.

How do you layout a garden for beginners? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

Is square foot gardening a good idea? ›

One of the most significant advantages of square-foot gardening is that it saves or consumes 80% less space than conventional gardening. Gardeners can plant various crops in a small area by using a raised bed and dividing it into one-foot squares.

Do you have to use raised beds for square foot gardening? ›

Certainly you can apply the principals of square foot gardening without doing a raised bed . The raised beds do serve a function and help produce better vegetables. With a raised bed you build your bed on top of your existing topsoil and add more soil to fill in your raised bed.

How many plants can you have per square foot gardening? ›

4 inches, you can fit 9 plants in each square foot. 6 inches, you can fit 4 plants per square foot. 12 inches, you can fit 1 plant per square foot.

Does square foot gardening have to be in raised beds? ›

Developed by Mel Bartholomew, Square Foot Gardening maximizes food yields in small gardens by using successive planting techniques and intensive spacing. While originally developed strictly for use with raised beds, we've found these techniques work well when gardening directly in the ground, too.

Does lavender come back every year? ›

Lavender is a perennial, so it will come back every year as long as you care for it properly, which includes giving it plenty of sun, a little bit of water, and a lot of love. If all of its needs are met, you can expect your lavender plant to bloom every year, for about three to five years.

How many marigolds are in a square foot garden? ›

Marigold seeds are planted 1/2 inch deep, 4 per square foot, in the full sun. Take care to notice what plants are around the area as well, see the companion plant section below. Your seeds should sprout within 14-21 days.

Where is the best place to plant lavender? ›

Light: Lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil to grow best. In hot summer climates, afternoon shade may help them thrive. Soil: Lavender grows best in low to moderately-fertile soils, so don't amend the soil with organic matter before planting. Lavender performs best in neutral to slightly alkaline soils.

What is the best layout for a vegetable garden? ›

Additionally, arrange the plants in such a way that the tallest ones are at the north end of the row, followed by medium-height veggies, and finally, the shortest ones at the south end. This arrangement maximizes sunlight exposure for all the plants.

How many sq ft does a tomato plant need? ›

Garden tidiness.

SFG recommends planting one indeterminate tomato per square in the grid. We're assuming you're attaching your trellis to the north end of your raised bed and that the tomato is planted in those adjacent squares.

How do I plan a square foot gardening layout? ›

Plan your plant layout

Begin by sketching your layout (or make a digital plan), and start placing your plants into your design. The guideline for plants in a square-foot garden is one extra-large plant per square; four large plants per square; nine medium plants per square; and 16 small plants per square.

Is there an app for square foot gardening layout? ›

Garden Manager is a web app that allows you to visually create your beds, then say what you want to plant per square foot. Based on your information that you give it about the amount of sunlight the bed gets, and how deep your soil is, and your planting zone, it will help you choose the best vegetables to plant.

What is the square foot gardening theory? ›

Square foot gardening is the practice of dividing the growing area into small square sections. The aim is to assist the planning and creating of a small but intensively planted vegetable garden. It results in a simple and orderly gardening system, from which it draws much of its appeal.


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