Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

Httf Watfai Mala Nat Wa4aJ. U.U 411 4 Marf WeaH-aAftte rf 4tl Naa) W.I. 4fj M.Jp 4t H.fe 4t, H.I. dliLl Me. ev er-d STi ta't-NAMrf WiTf I I 4 ffSOF aoa i 1 1 Mtlw: I.

ia niO'SHiVui(i I 1 J) (ATrWAM, il K. 4 DBorrfrt end Ow.r! 1 Rhstr, N. lUUSot. Arni 23. Ti taut.

MlD w. ILI P-uS i.uit AMv 4I oaww wmi itiafli. 4, irnsttK. m-M naa aama wvaafi UaaM eu UN i Kti Life ii ilw a 1 Mtwrr.Mi paMiit. iaaaaor, iilWM tr.r.a.

nm iiay lam iih nw ttru O'SM rVtHjt. 4MH9tftf, at" A nap Faiart-a4, M.ajt ha' int tea ll IN httHf ba.uicb 1 nioiaa raw, aim 1 "'ar-l in ftnarianrait aMty iOuUMFN. Naal 0'lL Man: III la, l)H a it lMMt fiata o't rirtvat i ta tm roL'Ad rtai a fail UlhWhjaH Uui A IA lT to.i- rawiw, lor a'( 'Hii-rytaaj (wnoamatiaa iaiwuaa are. Aut.lV CR'll VAN tuN- Mrt i 4 at oar i ma Jtpwf I ar vf wamtnrH. Hi- VVe4 Wei Akfav (War Imvom, I at mwiv Lxmm annetl Ataa mi STOCK MEN al Wary Op) pprvny tar aa.axcwa.

0a Aawrw. at'aaal artaMi wa vPAVaA, TOPPS tm at. U.ite mm. Rflt tiM but oord C'' til akAt "4 nuw en itea- Kill Mai. vaiirtiant it itwrArif a aaaarta'waa iitaw v-'iv wv ijt, mfnn.

wn rrtiuiiu Ml Ljar auar Ji Anaiaat M. mm aim int'ui au f'tatm par t-uil caantontf a iwm, MaritiMt kat.axfgni, 4 a e-1 auraii. IM CABPtT tutffKt 100 tree. Inlety1.

'Mi 4 iM iaatrt, vaai. aMwiar A 'tm norm k.T'L.. aial yao ani Al AiMMy to Fwwiura atoraaama. I at twi it am. am.

KHiit iwtiolaM $iia iftnor ra irPIM mji Irrol a- A-t -t io. ao -ottr ai lHt it an rwrf t.r. 1 VII A. Mnini hluvav-ail otwt gif M. nut A a.4 Ha rmiAA ivt uwxaiar a aM vn OHMASHFa GK'NIU a fiariiwat I 0 a av rai ii iiwirnaH an i Si.

1 1 a) rrrt antiar mH (HI HI! 1IHI luii tiwiinul ml urtuHl nm t'wwii Hati, at Sto a'm tnti nalfc tl ftaui'v PABTt Man tar rontrltcA awia.1' MAiNTtNANri awn tar'taiaa i i iMiua i tiRjf araf ln, cuia tvaiaa an an. a tiMi.aar in ir.i. i jaowuMt aa I0 'f Iw tinriiati liiu rnani forn oapariatani. awi.ii )iu at inayia in ficmi rMtrwa lor atfyantamanl.tor l.noar rVoia aafliifia, wait awmaiaa liornMAN Sam D'M'At'iil Caitw Aim i aa Mm Oni.i, anrJiiio-MM On-y i-ri-ja oarvoit aiw waraxauv Koai ti mwiH.t oii VAtfliWAN ruaiMtAral raol wa. Ii aaf i vl a 6tKnf tar lntti)hn jwa aiv.

aa laup pmabmaiist' iuii M.tfiina toono t-ivjrmaiy, 4J4 ait fan la)) ar Ma laag MAiMUNANCg tita I iiudir a i tin. kiii aoca aon Ul Ciinian A. vjaral ft OmnWMt, It Una. Ar An aoMM amain. Kooulr tuaat-n ln0rol.ini rv mava rraMir il.

tiee A- WTit auo'a a'-! 5 aaiV' 6t ivji mirnl. HrraramaA ai iat tuniit a iriaiviaa Coil Mr Oix MA I Ctunmu Ma'al M-tUBiiv UMomt rwii ir a 1 i. ki i5.4 naiiir fanana, iju Smarten -wa ai afxw am pHABMAfiST Ba iiya port MM ar ihui4 a Pf taetf elte 4 an ua Bw-tv npto, tif sod a tt nftl tn wne ketifju'trnt 140 ull A.e AllIlKK I rv I ar er aui Far ca4 4i4 44. Onier Cn. Heiaja A1rt.

eo't'l'm mm a. Hum. BU BARTENDER Full er Mm yetv-tv Cad tit I LU firTo tMtewars 6a waeet. StaiMy wl Gone oanrt tw) 1 Cum MAINTfMANCt maa: flamtr ik inaori vmt liwowt jnwur tar RianrMid ufa. a (an cl lima, ail raaiiaa ntafiaMil Wiiltl Manaov triay Aiam.

tainar amilti mta ltl Neaiaooar. CAIflNfiNS 1 caooauia rat AL SwAN Prarul U'Xrxi) k-U-iMv 4 4 lr'l ffdM'l tMniV ori nj-a-j Oat i Apv Haara'tf MAnw ft kMllilMlil MfcUtM. A tWlt flrflMI itMl ft 4t nar ftaua, av t- jk PhABVAi'HT Pull I ml "Or rrllli A.i MAlNIfNANrt Man, Hnt (Mitt io' A Jama tm w. tiaiw ua Ofu Pint a 1 fi HV i a m4Vv NT Ifla9 monl''l 4) Am aitanina lor man anm aanarv oki-tl aau'rHrr1 malntarwtara but GROCERY TROOUCE CLERKS a- irm am a (m tunkilw PmOTO ina vi l-Jir-ia, "raa, (prg I "V-T lii Art a-- rv i. I ftftJJ ird 1 1 n.

iinV 1 moMtvfiM arand alraa aa'al aa ixiawittrjiic arnMurtiant "oef iarw part t.nt raoarnrd wgu cAaHfNttfi no.i an Awr I'atia) KatHMianl. laui. xxaoer Aim jam I i Bl ivii nil! Imta tm I Citatn fr inn a. A. Via Irtllonif tore, tpl out not aiairjrv.

Aoo'v Mavoa; Piiiiwra vkw a r'ne. hinii turn vnrd a "4 in Lrrivar manv. tacatiant or1. rtxn ar. ra ra bananit i-nora wrvw.

4 Mo Vftffll M) f4H tSft ar oa ia.T i a. ami, kg i. Anl. MAINTENANCE man araj prKaart PmOTOGBAPmFB, r.roi.a aorva- inrtti aon inc. Wiw a.

14 Vm.m Asandii.ant Mna aoaa BMMiaiar Pmimiinmi ha. i. ruiitiaia aaiHaiH for afcarvatt, xt-it" Ho'V i latny in nau ar iwmui ajid taaiaia art! aiaam. Aaal1 Mi MuaioAidt ft. mor a ti 0-wy aut teniae, i'r tAflHf HHt' Monti If luCFB'Nlf NOtNT irliu flf a ta' lull O'MWAVHf Oov Ml.

Fnna lr ti) lint aafpall.on V-oy (omrtvyrvwoia a-th Mtiliara Mt na lonrarn. mtn lnalilt AoaIm StCUBiTV Ouardt Pinvanon i Inc. a. mvanl (wnrura lull ar imw! ib.4 an.o.A rryv Nl at o.i 1 ic 4 M4. ai can OL tj Mr Vwf.

Mei.oov ihrti. nani.tHa Hi, J.0 orrwn ai, mar von II, MM ColfD 41 Up haurty tanerl Li 4 UjI, Own tvat4MrtoM i ail rolian n. oa-Miy yvnl MJ. ln. Nau4 I PiN Cnairr.

full o.t Nnj manl Praa unitormv anmr If trryvr. ilarnvnarol Dian noan. MAiNHNANCf Mn; nouf a.iv itrnat var II yro'v a tivm awti'n'ant. karay, tvma Waaraa aoas ia Blflfrt M.Awa a euitlni QPfOUa I aarlar Nnl.AnAllir kMMI rmard Aiviv ot liy Cnariaii at 1 i NannxiP! An OMOOiwrtit, a.kii foant I a.r amaJ aoia tw ijm a FAriiniut aa oariarx. tctiiai), Aoo 1 Normoork umn, CO A I'M PLUMBE an rnacttanirt tljj 0 UN K-0 VANAOe "rival.

tluo (Vr 9 Clio lli iw I Inaa are attar ntaut a nun 1 a.irMl.tA ar itoia wrv a vi. nr nu I ua) OiVM.VAiMf Aovt, aanrj Kourt If aunt utii. orfHrt, rrrrn(t. rii jmf, N.i0BPr, -a. ar.

CABPtNIi anrj hr oi fori aorxi nor, amm oo'm i nf Moat attiauranl, tAmiaai. Pwg tuorryi am it CuBiTV yw Oh Full and pol man aritn prravaa rat ard af l.a tark oj jb-a tr o'vi orotic tan In ad act and vrHur ry cupon falmn. Car OfO vavrvyvv tnvrrarH l.nat 1 kupar. von or, I yrark vr rx-'v at avion vnad irmwr a ml.l.nt. 4 Jl.

CH 4 In ocnavtar tW ha-rvndP) court. io.iry, OXiOunl, tvomrv. I ancaa KK9tmt Al(t WITH STUABT t'4 va' aai. and non rol Vntxlity. land ralarol ajroaram wn.

av. otuivnaa atcauntv, in Koticul- turol or vma marwaa mam coraar itn lara Pa-tionol canrarn Iroiory ronvmniian bonuvat and al trina prn.nn. Par Marvtpat, anon Mr. no. CM van aino or num iooitiAtrpra- ai 0.vVA4H, u.irir arcovM'na tiudant anvTim.

pu a a orcavniini Coil Ar. Haortarvjn. i mia.irr, of. arv-ao. w'lww," P'Y.

Jwlil, ratum i .1 ar pan f-'r" oi bv a. rtittwo i r-rrtannM Miwnrr Af 1 it BviCF Stii' tut A'vvunl. ianvr nmlvvnk. Caul Mr. frank at Bmnetlar.

ttttti ar ra.i a 1 ai. Awi octoun't aa'l limnmH. 9 h1 arm onw( N. ronar. aAg naar rvpar rnr 4.0 Hu MM 'vjO An I sua! Opuanunitv (may Stav ClMI tor A 0k dupli ISlrr'FaiNIFNOFNT, I'aMatvuoil, Iw.

Ci w.o'. trine," Ivnrliii Pt'manf' A(n at Neum CA.ET lor srxl haipar MANAGFB Train, train tor hranrtil nonoorrrnanl vr.m noliorvil lirvrv I romoonv. Muil riipn vcrtoot) riMuOl. OraM mol, COnvoanyl car orevided. pood vtortina till.

'0 atu pmr.l frrmorwl mal iaupr prararrad aparvmanf p1 a PLUMBER'S MANnv MAN- fa.xjM at arami 'at 7n a aoa 9 a vv Wuii nev aan toi. Call ft' ino imama aoponumi a. Convuil 'Aa conioony. OOT 4 l-m any Hour 0.1 not naratvory, COM Mr. acatt.

Cl 4 tor aoo 1. rtaoim an rtayr rvamat Ttma and Produv't jria-Aili'. NMvpapar, CABPET Saiatman: I inan- SAIFS Mgnaaamant aoorjri.rnitv:1.". IAHOB. FwM t.nv luvtw-non tor HELPERS noil ovrri.rr rorMIjtian niKI vary, tvaninat TB mi.

SANOVMAN PomilHir "piumn" p.on or cornpony hanrr.rv Aooiv in pnon Avvocia'M Ottf count Cora W2Q Monroa Av. I MANArFWI-NT Klim, BRICK MASONS von ar er company nov. a-ftndfiul oorre ao' 1 i in. rarpanlry and I a man a mrV HI lor iranrr tor irr.K. orr. vncai vrcT rtfia u.yrr" omi. oaarmviy. aM omhit ouv wnnt at wro notienol tiiMr-v Snoe. rial Mk) Ba Uj Br a arnrtti or ot imu 1 rrovonably nail adtno'r-d hy lb Ooortunity tar Mun vthool proK-u JuBvCVOB lnvlrmnt mo, mli lk.i.nrvv In comtlrl ml llory I a.oar arviad lea aiaa Far apportunify lor onvo'Kmrl aritn rooo ri Aoarlm-nt COM NO Draft a nohonol linonc comoony. Mint Or 91 urMr.

Ml mom hrM ilMnI i tor smen CREWS iin otov. iti olrarad py lml.n o'trrt oovv.pil. HANOV mon. Steady pot on or aradwat. Mivt navt fnf LirMOi' hm it A tm4j mrm.

OOP COX Mr kott CL irad I it.vl mr. vl i. It.av. varur.l. vuir ai Irina rryi arh vvh to mala patfrr Ihon) rao ajnmgi a tu'" trimo hr-ictiu' Pol Ira-ni 00 -I ad aarvonoal So lory aiut :iainmni.w for privoi.

iniryai 1 jvvi.i. jsmT. NrpoDr I anly nrj oocuy. I'aod. yaor a'Ouixl amrl.

Tooiv. trnmoMalion nlv oa'-rol nondv own F.v aav oion ot comoony hanarifk. Aoolvi aifrk With trirtoa Ornrlil Aaa iu LinrlniM fciiwwa. I77 fh.ll Awa I rnarttoniroJ drtol. ployirtent.

Msny oo'rti'on. npo M' a Ktiniar. stoa'avtiva umir.l irai at Coo ioc Mo'ei. 4S Cnntnwt. lM Goioa.

V.rk S-at. rorttorol.on nd Mo.n CrOOdrrwn Mr, In orv en ond canvturfton lor 'Corroi i tNtl ha cannot oniurmrrl from Or -ati'v. Siortl a II JO hourly tpntii ICCMNiCiAN tor dr.opnnl nd co.nplf.trly orHcrrrd 0y rrguior Incrtxrvav. Ivtiy rwn tntparl.on Maroon. tot lavt rabO'O hom Irv rnoMnna ainrl in iinanr ol o.

prova mon rauv rat tr-in. on aho con irrwortlt In tnit protrH.nn otlilv-J 1 1-oi anp.rv. t-O'durt drvaiopmrrtiol lrtt on Starting tautry lo tato wnli iroming rt Auooinlrt.nt, p.ny Bcntt, Ine ana rvy.rnmirjl nirav Inn nai.ona.iy knonn Hno ui Sa 3JIJ Out ae lo rw' rvmrw For cor.l'Antlei if ovil-" amtlnn ilMMnnr nnrt nontioCNjrd l.t'utrt wr.l 7eMS. Nrwwonrr T72.T?7 1 a ED 4-9893 Bupil Kd Mr. Aaawo.

Ul lux l.srQPr prTmt pro'ac, 800.CXX) Nvmnn Bdcts. Buildings ef 25.000. Tal all or part. $140 per Call CLK privo1 Induilrv. klandy w.n irom aood nov.

olrocl Pur Vklllnd .7. Ll Irroittman Unuiuoi nlc ro atork. MASON and CABPfNTE BS Kr nir Ton "Kd. Can auar 7.N am. CL.

I On 'I lornmyaxioi. pi liukrgr, Mainar. AH art a A 1A m.IM i wort tor adan IK', f.u.l S.ouon w.aan 1J. nT plumnina Voofly Prn Plumnina A MaoMn S4 e'OuP ond convevin, 'V on, Tbr uw po.d Crow and iu Sn.nd. oroa'om Piaova onn I OooOr1un.l lor arork i i rrT 4 IP rr, Noma I VM A'ON aoar.anf ad For bort.

on 1.000. It'll and nor! lima vrtl Ava and ttiiora Slora. potn. Hourly to lory Cl cor.wr Oiovvuni. p.a po'l aocvovon rv on, "VI 1 Ml lor Pu'gior Ofld tir.

Povrd raoar.anc Vd rt n.A.rM VI MH. Miirria lA rVAorVVaaT. P'nrt fjav.l CLEANING Part tim rvro nacavvory. ti ic.o C1A1M odiutioVi orirxa'eV I Iroma Compony tor. mony Irlng.

hf-in. Boom Irrminal tmo. ED 4-518? APTE SA! FSMAN Ctv-nnoay avnantmn.mi o-i. nova opmani. Amrr.con Satv au'pmant hnt crantr-d nrw tor ifHtrovrv pa.d Co'P, Oviton.

It tor-na tn.rvmnn arallmi yniot ont fgal apvortun.ty nglon Av. oporvrtuniiy lor man wna hov had o.rr wt i I viSiON "'axnuront fan i now and P1d Portiond Ayr. S'aooy or. HABOWABI "Oark. Ion Irancrrauolt.

Ort Mo.l or coll roliart I 0i01. miody 8 Mr, II 40 tivnono lurm o. iMrnoaicoIlt irviinod Ao MASON. BncJiioyar, trincd. St.

Bornrn.r. V. piy at nor an or daporimant, Na "oupoitoion Coil vntnB, Phon 'I6MAS40 onon, con Lumorr. too HU 1 -tS7. DBAF7SMAN.

MrrnarvfoiT" "Soma Hoil.ntk St. PLANT CLEANING aownlown Pun) la icr in I Ma pitfianv.n K.iiami tra Snnn ar BOWLING allay "vmoorr y.a'rO fty ina. av.nirxn. aioar.nrad. 1 tvvtrmt Sn ory and comm tlrvt rirnf nouta In arroorl.

v. Con 11 Win ioiiir.nn.r 7 1 T'rT MAINTENANCES Sim. ainarlanra nirl auoLlKfltlenl avanine i oov raouirad lo araoora HEAO Cook YMCA, Cono forv. erapar Hto took YMCA navt Formt inc. in imviii dt.ii an Afvmnr Lara.

a Mud. WrM. ItoMT, this Navrvpopar. 1 Sokkv. yVril 2AAr In itrawftno IVrwn Kr.kfl Lofca.

Summrr MU anrl BAKE ond muir lnioiir. tvont i- -p irooon. ana skrutm norvjfo P'bi. Comocl ha jotisiifd tm evarooa poydvark; CLEANEB: Full tlm Ovar II. An.

Heiar. 325 MI0. SAiESPEOPlE' Port tima. 01, lojoo.tng gh t. nno oovo'e von Ay or 11.1 unrduiev Good vnio'v, "wt wonts the Is ffnANf with" "tmoif family tor store discounts Anoy Personnel odvonc.

th verurttv ot enetoy i lu Part.ka. Bod Rood. Srort Roehuck I "b'ni and (iwtfitlikrwfll Monro Ave tta -mg p'r-giom hm a. Ul rUim i'i in, r.po.j In Cmi TENANT Man for dory farm To 4 DrMwT.iv rnrj rauma to parvaniaii ntmiwi.

imiallart Srnd tlm haipar. Ina lone Pond Rd. PoKt hov. Bos W4. RrKrvevtfr.

Iau2, or coil IU a- ond vocation Mutt 4. tvoiK ELECTRICIAN MECHANIC nrjO ironvoorraTion. toll r4 Mason Foreman Stnir-d mon raauirrd tor rndul. mg ond ot Movonry SuPCantrotiort BLOCK W0BK BRICK WORK and FLAT WORK FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT CALL BRIEN HOMES Attantion Ran Sumartond FR 7-4380 LU 6-6520 IOBiLLPHESS Oor.ow.. HFATING Srrvic.

ond Inilailolion day or n.oht work "n- riprrirnc oniy, oona lt. CO 4125. clTiOf. 10 7t r5A c.rZ""U?l!ZLjnmZ TiSE teryiramon MrWisarl timi: vou can tarn many mora ooikkv PS: Stoy wr-ak, rjpoorruniiy (or. Cdvontmnt.

0. OU RBICK Loyr. ynari.ncrd, Con-j vu Lak. Be 5-rPt atr 4 am, ar oiy6lE. LoM Sd.

Sndoy. BBOVVN end Snorp oparotorr Full tin. Don only aritn ovrtlm. I S175, or mora par yk far qmiitiad mon. Pold vocot'onv, hovo'toiiiotlon moior mc-dicol.

IM tnvurorvt. Wim COMPUTER OPERATOR (1401) 'w wv' At0 Mr. iWrt, "western Aut. fliscutsed of initsrv'ew. Fobulout M-a i ainoa erf B.nrtttt.

Cl Modi MA I JS43 mpiovmni enailcntp Willlom hfatinc irT.taiW. B. Seta. 1 DBl Vr Smoil poctoga dc 'vfrv mrnl. Full tomoonv tx-nrlttk.

Frrrl. I taryir. Mini know city; morriad rnt working condition Bohtro over J4 oriarrd. Aooiy 112. 14 Bovc ond Allon Hrotine Sorn Gordmar Pork, inr 1 Bueil BE Was.

soev opportunity Must tea it tn 8 i Tr i it iLmi u.r. i Coll Tuevdoy. Aorll 74 'L. m- 10 11 0 TUOLMAKE to bu Id t'mp t. Good working know ado.

ot rao tnc motorv contron ond mo Chinarv. Full lima orrmantnf pont'on with aood comoony Dnit N'onl hoi. 'v. om lo 4 5 B'ohti. ant, Dowmown location.

vror nd Ponut. AH producl Corp. onvtim Mr Jct.rv. EO 4 2W0 oood wo ft i raj candalioni. Btnefi.

SA, ESMFN tnr llnolei.n, ttor. or will train: narmn.! TOOL only first rlovt rw-rl vtl Lv.11 Av. 0RIVERS: Avphalt truck. Clrna iNFIPFt Irr lormlra cj: Luncn, 111.

Apply Uth BUSB0VS: Best nay. Vvnrk position oood tatarv nnrl 7'" aooiy. part time llfCYva Bmort A Midlown PiOTo. MASONS end hrlprrt: Block lovc-rt ond tinivnTt. Now horn commission Apply Personnel Mon.

co-vannra ta lioor, Wm VVarnaT Conlroctlng ncttory. Apply I20) Joy St. comttany ttaneftr, Comoensat.on 1 v- Cutted at tn-ervtew Aooiy Mr. CALL BETWEEN A.M. FXT S4l AND 4 P.M DRIVER: Full tlm.

Mutt ha um.rcan co.Mrucnon. i rontportoTion tweet. u. HOUSEB0V. mutt hay trontporio.

tar. Good hourly woo. 3S2avi An Imnve-difjt It now ovoHooi. in our Onto Procrtaing Oroortmant. Eaoarianr drtir.

howrvor orolicontrj wnn hov rompiMaa oceraditad training progromi will fl.t.i N-tt AO'. fcv i rprenrr-d Apply tn rvnrvon )Loii. Kiltyibargrr Furmtur. Avn St. r- mr.yu...

rwt-v. tL 2 O'lrr 9 m. Mnlirtnu Int. QJk tar SALES REPRESENTATIVE Hrnr rtts Rd tyiAMjao- un-conrroctort. r-or go ivir wmice "i'JV.

"''t- PORTER: Vaor round pm0lf)yman4 DRIVER WarMiout trxrur. potdMtn th Old tat KUi.iif. i. om om WRITE JJ4ST, THIS NEWSPAPER Ixhrd lood concern. Coll 4S4-414.

BUSBOYS Call Monday 10-5 for appointment, telephone DU 1-7070. Pittsford-Brighton area. S-Sl. Ti p.nna on i trownirv i-iuo. aoo kon Ettrtron.ra la Innking frtr man win torn anawiedo at hous.

144 S'o'. $1 II I ill I a TOOL and mnkvrt. Iml StRviCF t'aton att.noont, PMCodv foot 0 Hem. it am tarn Aso nerd Anderton Av. n.rirnced morvoac't tor nrw OL Boom: Anar.rtic Snnt io.ot'0-n 0J'y ft person t'tit'ltxi prfMred Anrvowk Kevs'on.

400 S'o. St sTooi ond 25 But'vr St SFBViCE" Sialon pari TOL ond 0 moks Fu or par tim. Somr Apply in tlm Too wooes Must htgnly prrvon. dgr Rd nur.rf ftro.nertt SI BviCE Station one rrdnnt: Fuii'or fewasningteri corner Monro. E.

Mil I inr Tune-uo ond nvnor p*rnester reoa rt Split, Prer.r morr nd TOOL Ond 0 mater. Cross A. CLEBICArdrtmani men IZrVSZ MT7X TZ5Hn4 TKA oy aofiing locoi concern. Butlnc-vt Crntrol Pk. Door Co 1701 Jny St Joy St.

end bcmH.t,. in. Noig Co Inc. trhool groduot pr.trrl Mutt TJ, 'Jtilm brh-'nd Pnno'omo Piarn oH obi to work wall with prooi orvn oy whoirwi. TRUMENT ME1 tutlar.

full, port m. EK- R(1 Mou rb. V.rtnor, 3o comnony henettt, Good warktrvg 'n electronic tmvinrtt to coil on estobi thad partt lobhrr occountt tmt ora Compcnto-tion tcutted at int.ryiew Auto and travel fxoentei turmthed Sed Ousinett ond prtnol to C. 400 Wyman St Rocktord.

III. Att: E. J. Michalik. Partonnat Mgr.

An Eouol OpoortunIS Employer SALES: MorJiin fool ond Induitr ol eauipmenl. Matur. person, wth torn mr-chonlrn' badiarounn nton Bd tononiont. rauaa epoarrtmiTv inicrattad In volet.

Good tlortlng vuuvy ,0 1000 cion: upticoi tnitrumant ov mi BUSBOYS: Einerlencrd only. Brenk- toiory. AH trmoa brn.tlli An '6 ond anc drilrobi. Trop.1 Inc.

Fo'rport. MEAT tuttert: Port tlm dovt pdotfo totl ond lunch 4-dov w.rk. Aooiy a.crilent ootmrliinlty tor oclvonc. s'r, LU 4 7770. lueldov.

VVMnecTy ThurTdoy or Po5I, i Mmii. "2Ili. -v Downtowner RtVouront, 100 South ment. Writ. 373MT, Thl, Nrwtpopw.

ikisuBANrT-tirJialiww-Trn'Prt W. AY.JjJ2- Mol" Sargent 4 Green leaf. -trcta a Av. ttitay urrirrn.i. uooa tianirtB c.

.1. J. Orf Until fr.rmnnu.t H'V JU-u- HW 'itU't'l'ty. rrugfn. MECHANIC: Som experience.

Io Wetton. 3IS457S. ValyL SERVICE MANAGER HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS PORTER: Day work; tendy oosl-' tion for mcrtur. mem Experienc not essenllol 5 day. 40 hour work week; full benefits.

A poly nian, experienced, to' stollotion ond service ot heating DRIVER Sal. iman: Suhurhnn INVESTMENT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR operation of over the ond metal, work oood. wooes. i 00 ditlributor. Solorv.

Barolilv 0vr and mutual fund d.onri. benefits. John A. Lhtrvilt II Writ. Th.t Mtannnnrr Counter vVrHlvter Ave.

wi ijt rvtuin Wnster Av. Mono sai is e. Mam St. malar ond tool drs on Too post. on open Beol opportunity Large out ot ta Coroorot on.

yVnt jlVrST. Th I Newtpaor. i TOOv. and Dl mot.r, full tim. too 443.1.

TRt Climberi. iDt enred nty nerd apply. Must pot C'-mber Test. Too waget tor ed eaper men year around work. DRIVER for Econovon.

Alto will- and mrnnni nr.n,.ri,M MFC MANIC: Full 7 -A. vi onvt PORTER: oopy Montrrny Rettau. Som travel, writ Th.t BUS DRIVER: Cuttodion, 44-hour weak. Gl 2-1500 tor BUS Operotort: P.rmonnt ampioy-mnt, woort, othw benetitt.

Mutt be In oood ohytical condition, high teheed oroduol. over 2S, with oood bark i oround. Pleas onoly or 1 wen 9 12 1-5 0 m. Rochetter Tranilt, 1372 B. Molnjt.

BUS Bovs tor weekand, dinners' only. Downtowner, 100 South' Must xnrinrd en detet ond heavy component. Benefit ond tatonr open Write 794 WS, Tt Nrwsoooer ing to learn tlim prowmno. Con- Excellent oooorlunity. Salary open weekly, good ttorling oay.

Po ron'-. Henriatto Rd. i rtfwsoooer tact Mr. Klein.ED 4-4070. Writ.

MS, this newspaper. "holiday. Must ba married. JOiO PORTER, tteodv position tor reiirj. SALESMAN' Aearett'v moio0o DRIVERS: Laborer.

Londcooe JANITOR ondVointenonce i Won- 0 d0' Rd- 'v Pi onr company. Solorv grodina Steady work. Comstra ExoeVienre orefrVrrrf rd S4 50 per 4J sion Coll Mr. Suliiyon. GL M172 SuDrlnt.ndent for lawtri, rood construction ond cott.

Excel-lent wogn Autonvobli furnished. Progrettlve concern. Exo.ri.nced only. Coll Nick, SERVICE Station Attrnrtont Part Monroe Trr Su'geont, 252 W. timr.

Mob Slot on. Erno re Bivfl elto Rfl Contractor. HU 2 0563. necesvory. Goon salary ond working hour.

Experienced only. Fl 2-4011. i DRivFR.SniMmnn ttokWu i Uniforms and hosnlollto- uervTANic-' rriraamiav-cialrTon 'i7- "9. N.oht. D.pendobi.

Too -Sr'0" iurnlshed Apply B.rnord For. "LrrJri nn, Aif Woo. References Apply per. Ave. rornmr P- Rd.

SALESMEN HAVE YCU HEARD? STATE CONSTRUCTION BE 5-7300 Restaurant, 2851 West BUSB0Y: Exo.rl.nced. Colonial Ho Empiovre" benefit," Jii. M' 350 Mow operator, and r7'tendanT, nr'enci Rd. ton, Runds tel, 1129 Emplr. Blvd.

S3. JATOR: 4STioulVrrColl Po7k, tViXaia PO'TFR: boy, ty-J, Full Umoa BUSB0Y: Full time, 5 day week.1 CLERK: Llauor store, port tim. Many frlnoe beneflh. No Salur-. Norlhecnt section.

Writ oWMS days and Sundovs. Apply in nnon.t Thu Newspaper. j-juu, OAf. 10-17 mornino nunwignon ntriranr. SERVICE MAN (2) FULL TIME UKiVEK Salesman: Linen uooiy iAkiiT.B DriuM.Tka -r- Apply Mr.

Oi.boil. GFM Interna TRFE ciimhers. ground mm. steady mplovment. Tom MrCiuir rail otter 4 em.

UN 5004. BR t. 3013 TRUCK 1.1, 70 hourly sfartS4.42!4 i TRUCK Drtvr: Duma truck. iencdCiots 3 licns FR7 3M). i TRUCK Driver th otpholt crew good solorv, on benefits IV JW yiei.nniit., an arouna ana new car t.onal, 1755 Mt.

Read Blvd. CL 4 u-1 Steady employment. Whit Llnn r-. oow1 conditioning mon. Start Immedi- CONSTRUCTION foreman and "tiuiui uiriv.

teur urwrto wdtr in TYrsirrn oerlntendent, hiohway Supply Loundry, 427 Mode St rsr--i artar rvrnrv ITID 1 A1E1 Call for oppolnt- New' York but not necessory. load ment, 454-4596. person South lorgeat BuicK Dealer- JrVn rieSniii rrrceiv all comoony 0n Cloner, to Town Hous Motor Inn, 1325 Mt. Hop Av. No calls plos.

CABINET MAKERS Experienced In tfor fixture, ship. You II r.r.vVX- DUMP truck driver, abl CONTROLLER: Exoenenct with con-: run backhoe. Fl I A VI I TCI ortH mr.1. nnflta. nnlH wnr-ntlrn.

nrAlll ni'TOn. i Clots 3 license Good pay Steady Educational a'e I on. of th. fields todoy Rochester bronch of residence dotd processing school reauiret mon arcus-tomed to above overag. to enroll students from leads in th Rochester or.

a. No reserves, no holdback. No no credit relects. Orow against liberal commission. Company benalil.

325-7772. viiut-nun cornoany preterrea. ci crTanuir Good Bay. P. position.

work Good eauipment. BU 40472 whol.soier: experienced Permonent sharing etc. Flat rat ot 50-50 or PRESSMAN tor Harris or AT Must b. ambitious, aood pay, frlnoe benefits. Davtima salary discussed ot Interview.

Aooiy Good oooortunltv working on new countermen. trols and r.lotj' Write full Electron- hours. Interview hmirv 0 a in a Loii Muto Srv Mar willing to learn. Goldcrest i-ou rionz eauipment in tost growing TRUCK driver tor lumber yard. Steady emo'ovment.

Port im morninot or Oftfrnoont will Phone MA 1-4300 ICS. 4H 5T. fOUl 5T detail, including salary required. Write 419MT, Thl Newspaper. p.m.

Naum 2373 Rldg buicx, jo North union St. company producing high ouaiitvi MECHANIC. Previous experience on work. Too Pay for th right man COVPUT0R considrd. Apo'y S.moton Bos EPVICEMEN for burglar Lumber Co Mt Rend Slvd D.rtM.rtmv Wtraigr.

TUH Time. 50 .7 MJHIOR executive Excel-i heavy eauipment ond hvdroullc Coll BR 1-2380. nnnnrlnnil.M HtMirrwl Imv. nun mi rst aa! r. TT grade, moi weekly salary, roll.

ry lent Vnchonia ond helpers. Inttaliert J- ciuST Excellent opportunity and ovf National mT. oPaHuni- Tn rZVrnZTa" opara.e tun iuiuyc oennits. MOPly COOK: Must be very Clothing 159 E. Main St, 1 I wt.j-iT.

i is. I VII V-JA-rTr U.IHM Col CCUCU' iAUKr-'. Wl Tn QCWV1 III ma ktV fi WUIMieM. tav x.w 'ji aj. v-isv a-sj la- architectural ml'lwork.

Deslrabi working condition. benefit. HOPEMAN LUMBER MFG. CO. 569 LYELL AVE.

Shoo. 16 Norm 4SV top wooes. Laruso Restaurant, fncinffoi wr. nrnftcmnn- fntVp. mxtrlnrm hlnful nnf- ftsrun-ry, ''-w.

rrtort arrecuBr k.o., a ablstctive? A ieb thot rotn mrchonlcaMv irrl.nd modi. i nrrrrrnniv nnt wnrar: inn uriinrt ir ant.t sr i xain Canandaigua. luus: country ub ei estmg protects in the field of wrv- ah benefits. Aooiy sipiev Aii4i yDur 'yenis ano oonirvr Amoie ond rjf-'L" nonwoven textile manufacturing Op- Employment Office, 6th Floor. 'Jl5r N2- imTXVrn PBESSERS: Expeerienced.

All forly fmoncial rewords? Opportunity 'on Ave. N. 546-7050. (TRUCK driver ond lonrtscoo heip- portunities to excerose cjetian KITCHEM'wion-Wontadfar Ml time. S2 50 hour.Pold or Wvorveemant lo rrvonooemanl? a--a-T "nVT-TvT oywret Landscooing Sryic.

preferred. Midvole Country Club, LI' 0-IW. abilitiC-S. Growth rrvm.l exnenenrert nrvnrt Annlu la MtLMANILAL engineer: LOTge PUD- vacation, goOO WOrttinO COndHIOn. riwi.

lo row Wlin B. grow com- SERVICE company? Security for the future COOK: Experienced preferred. Ap- pony xrKinciino tvminMnrir. etnft nortnn. fetnnw' DMcfrtiirnnt Tc1 lit.

sinaoi If 1 lim trrea a rt narfnrm dcutcd r.r- cornpeiinve oimospnere? The oooor mechanical engineer to tur handier. Year-round tteodv uiv wrsoii, no onone can, i uioenji oenefiTs, No Darkmo prop- oooamon. wnrlr in,rt InatallafinM nnH .1. to leorn more obnilt business win i 'ac 6ok HM. a in KITCHEN porter: Some kitchen w.r printing or lererprrss or orrset ex- In oenera If vou nmwrrl nil supervisor of the operation, reoo onswerea an ATTENDANTS CAB drivers: otter 4 p.m.

r- i "neiasitfB wine or con; experience, tlm Nursing Home, tunity To leaTn STY aX- v.trtit.. uovs, nianis. xperiencea1 t-ui iuiui jui yv. Lommernn ii 4-400. -pu in ivn.

UTW'ctJ vAklevrvA Ti VI fnr th ntUrm Prrvinrt CAB driver, wll train, gooa pov. li a' y- rermanem position it you c. nocnesier, lu o-ouou. LABORFR with asphalt crew Good i.i auallfy. Bonus, pension plan and coiiioiaEUT L.r emoloyment.

Salary commensurate with Contact Mr. Pool. Fl I TRUCK Driver, lor dispotal rouf? Clast 3 chauffeur dcrns. Stddy emoloyment Coll ID 60670 TRUCK Tire ervlr man, fleet Service men naenerl.

ntn.t with 5 v.tori exocrience. i of irm vmi'm y.rJ (tlOUi OUV Wt'rm innklna tW A uuia vacaiioii. rspu person to Oroder operator, wont- AnartrrTl! York nrintmo ni.hllshlna mmnrmu Good solorv and working conditions hoso'lol ond life insuronce Oooortunty for ctdvoncem.nt Aooiy GEM Inter, national, 1755 Mt. Read Blvd IJILH rtutlU. RUHU 1 RC3 UUIQni.

ZDJl mi you snoo. permanent run time m-: wt w.n.i.llr. pd "uuu oicniy or noun. proiecr. Appiy izzs Kiageway Ave.

range S10.155 13i5. Writ 221MT, lme7lewl Tor to ten wont "hardware inlMimn Experience necessary. Are pnuinri ployment. Apply 1203 Jay St. This Newspaper.

i.ompen,oTion aiscussea ai You'll be dealing with management LANDSCAPING-Maintenonce work. driver'! license; good storting rote. i itrs iw. iu tmr nco i too v.uuis: nignis. lop mon tor lop tut.

un 3ijwL wage. Apply In person. Marshall FACTORY Assembler. Grind Experienced preferred. BU S-6295.

MESSENGER, full time; must have magazine' production. Writ 513MT, you'll be dealing with them on moJl.for ond. medium paid pension program, paid steak House, 7B70 Dewey Ave. hands Will train. Fxcellent onnnr landscaping; Fxperienced ond! ooerarnrs rente; rnngemnt ossn-.

This Newspoper. level. Helwng them solve the permanent position. Aooiy Inexperienced. Phone Fl 2-4412; clotes; excellent emmc-vee benefit.

problems with some So? Tlr 154 Am between 8 9 a.m. or 5-6 p.m. Call personnel 454-5500, Ext. i J''15f. Production Ambitious tht mos, Sdvarrctjd eaulomenf 1052 St.

COOK: Ddvs-nlgM7 will troln. I CO 6-7460. Walt's. 178 Clinton. near FACTORY helnera.

hnnri nniinr. LATHE Hand: loth1 backoround for lev nosltian in manvtarturrrci-inclijding TRUCK Driver: Mutt obi to aipiey s. Mooiv conwooa 3 rnr. weaa biva. (ooposit Maple! and set up operator, benefit and MESSENGER, truck tar nunnll Co- woiking, pensioner fast arnwina nmmo ru a lyoewnter, any io-wni Book Bindery Inr COOK and brollerman, nights, lonial Hotel.

DU 1-3702. M.I i. u. tz.rtvLituty uicianon l-nuiamm overtime wirn local corporation, preferred. 1.

145, work Fl 2 8380. fhe new MrMMetlr St. Paul St. .....1.......

namco nnacn ne ana ectrnnlrs rtntlr-ni no a a. 'ju HIW.B, .1. I 250 Full-nart COUNTERMAN: Selectnc" Tvnewrlter If urut hr.u zr-z 7-7 PROJFCT ncTtnMr Accnrint! nr N. Goodman St. Gr 3- MILLING Hand.

Over IS. Vie (. Irv1. CO 4- chinists. excellent mrniniK frinnr.

5643 TV servic mon: Outsld caiit7FuiI. part time. GL 1-0432. TV ond rodio oporwitlce. Opportti.

nlfv tn learn Ahmnr fhrh4r yerfr0," Wanf work! 9588. Ibenefits. Day and niaht I A THFD PvuriMti-ul DC CAMERA SALESMAN Do vou hov dork room of home or are you actively Interested In photography? have a full time position In our camera department for a career minded Individual. Salary plu, Incentive, liberal comoony benefits. All replies confidential.

APPLY IN PERSON J. M. FIELDS 2613 W. Henrietta Rd. CH 4-7030 Good frlno? btocfiti.

rnilNTFR man. full time Annlv Ini Yawman Erbe Mfg. 1099 Jay 0855 after 6 p.m. efiP a'ho wtx 540 5 942 Hudson Av. Coll for Equal oooortunltv employer.

person, Burger Pork, 3161 W. Hen- A INnWV Wnrl.r Unrh it. nurn. E. Main Rochester, New lrk for wholesale onpontmnt, HO 7-7020.

netta Rd. ruiuni rturx: riasric moiaina ror in wasning aeoarrment, Tra n- mic.ut wi WJuri.isiun. juitreri! Cleanup: fUl Greenleaf. 94 Spnern 4u. An ni.r.l Ztmnrhi urnrlr Inn nrrrtrnm CTrlnna lunll, i "ui vi i iui.

tl. 'tJ Eauai KnunT, i 2 "ndltlonsT" c'i okJSSJi rajsTfuiHir. machine operators COUNTER man and Stock Clerk: uiuu, u. us. uyucina.

tt-tT- Tm. fAAlKt hB Good pay and benefits. Th. salary plus Incentive. Oooortu-Var Annfu unii opportunity employer Willow Hecrt na who esa er.

Must be am pensaflon discussed ot Interview Supply 760 Gnse St. port time. Closed Sundays ond most holiday, Manhattan Restou. Point Inc. behind Pnnoromn Dim.

i nitv rnr ontnnremenf Ann In ADD IV D.L. initv for advancement. i bitious, able to dr ve and lift. Oppor PUNCH press, spot welders, pow- salesman, r. -HOE exnerlenrei jvc r-.

tunity for future salesman. Call BR 45 Arthur off Penfield Rd. Interviewing hours, efton. Neat Laundry, 8-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m. St.

iALtb fcNG NEER iiaumoc. i.ii.t;iisr;u. rive evenings, J- shoe business. Good salary rtrvrii WAITERS, good working condition i er Drake experienced. Good woge.

Day roles. Coil CO 1 6-7460. 11. Too salory. GL 8-7201.

FArTnbv Am.rirn. rsti LA Y. aeneral work. Full or good pay. Noon 8 30 a.m..

ill t.nmmission. Lioerol company bent fits. Apply Thorn McAn, 151 E. Moi MACHINE TOOLS COUNTER Sales. Lumber and or hardware.

Experience preferred. Salary. Also shoo hand and order cal company has openings ini.Da,r' "me. uieaay worx, oenetus.i numcK worxer: Keiirea farmer PUNCHPRESS Operator- p.rn lull or part time. Apply Wit-sons R.stauront ft co*cktoll Lounoe, Exit 45, Victor, ask tor Mr.

Henry OolparL new owner. WAITERS, "waitresses, bus bovs, Smart rlawntAwn shoe Salesmen: Full and part time. Good salary, pleasant working conditions. Mature or retired nuiitos. uiiu liiiui.iu itu, 1 tsenetit* iujo ryiaoio second shift.

Also polntroom, as- Maple St. i n. near Blossom, 6-8 p.m. No phone bi iMriTbDcc semblers and stock keepers. Apply.

LAUNDRY: Washroom heloer. Full calls please. Experl- persott. after 9 a.m. American I fortv-hour week.

Free Blue Bn necessary oooa tringe man preferred. Apply Fin. Shne. Oddot Optical Co. (an eaual' ooportunltyi Blue Shield, paid vacation, holidays.

I Ji CAR WASHERS, full time Housing available for experl-ovalloble immediately. Contact lenced person. Coldwater Lumber Mr. Kelly, Jiffy Car Wash, 2995 W.I FA 8-2090. rirle.t.t0 E-Ti -JT is ICUSTODIANS: You could earn $88 a CAR Washers Full or part time week working 6 days daily.

c.a2DY, YPlDS Car Wash' West, You must bring good work refer- Moin ot Bull Head. lence, to orove you are a steady and CAR Washers; Full and part time reliable worker. Extra good benefits 3759S23 654 North Clinton. manager for construction benefits. Premium night pay.

office. Experienced for tunity for advancement. Federal employer). His Lexington Ave. (Uniforms furnished.

Convenient tn purchasing, reports, tc. stampings. 1455 Emerson St. time.iWAREHOUSE helper. Part tlm FACTORY work, Tight asseTnbivT n1i Av' bu- ln0ulr Glendale Call Foster-LlDtVi rer-L Dkins hp t.

SHORT order mon: Part Apply Gate, Skillet Restaurant, Westgale many benefits. AddIv Chef! 12 noon. Receiving and filling Plaza. i orders. Apply Til 1144 5901.

"iPUNCHPRESS foreman, 5 Our compnov need, a man with Machine Shoo or Sale, experience. College Engineering desirable. Compensation draw basis plus commission. Send resume, giving complete ond contlnuou employment hl-tory, marital tatu, educalton, address and telephone number, and approximate present arn-Ings. Keller Machinery Company, Highland at Colvin, Buffalo, New York 14223.

year niaae Rd t. ter Company, 2025 Brighton-Henrietta i LAYOUT and pasteup offset publl-Town Line Rd. cation. Genesee Valley Newspa work available Immediately. Apply Appiy aphi a-rt.

a.m. -4 Magic Car Wash, 2799 Monro P.m. at St. Ann' Home, 1500 1 5.al0,r.v MapVe St. SHORT order cook: Experienced.

wages. Sterling Diner, 81? W. Main. pers, uu l-JJUVI. opposite Clover Lanes.

ir-omana Ave. uii.i'.,. uutnjiiuniiv rur erators, spot welders and machin. LINOLEUM Mechanic; steody, ex-1 advancement. All paid RAOio-pnonograpri bench, man.pav CARPENTERS and helpers.

Experl-iDATA Processing: See our "salesman SHORT order cook, experienced. 1st, Fxcellent earninns. rinn. ceiieni opportunity tor. the right Vacation with oav.

Associated according to anility. ADmar Teie- Days. No Amber, 281 Lyell. benefits nnv nnri nTniit in man- Gooa salary, paid vacat on. Transport, 121 Norman St service 942 Hudson Av.

Ca vLmnn ch. r2" Apply Rochester Linoleum 4. Tll! rVctTr, (tor oppolntment, HO 7-7020. SHORT order: Light preparation. enced roughers.

Call TU 9-2090. for business forms ad." Autographic CAR Full time work nvnii.1 Business Forms, Inc. 235-7604. able Immediately. Lake Ave.

Car i DAVENPORT Operator: 1185 or Wash, location No. 1. 358 Lake more per week for qualified man. ii us, 1. 1 v.u.

ivr'jr JViy rarstap AJ7 Unnrna Aia "-t. Ttjir, (-LLUUIIIIIIU LrULrt- Davs. Kramer Restaurant Pllt around inh cnt. navrnii RADIO Technician, 2-woy radio, St. Equal opportunity employer.

ford Plaza. LOCKER Room Manager: Apply In SALESMAN: Become Independent! ambitious, neat oDDearina. Hnsnitaii.i musT nov 1a1u.11 nuatj 11(31 VI ICVUIIVI LIUSJ or second cl FACTORY helo: Steady, reliable si- a-juiiv. aiso location no. ill POia vacations, hospitalization, ma ion.

upportuniry to go Info the home SHORT order: Transportation Im- person to manager, o.m.-noon zatlon, vacation. Call GR lcense'' iolarv ooen- HosoltalUat N. Goodman, LI 4-3350. lor medical, life Insurance. With learn on lob.

Able to work trick .1 mnrilVrm.nt hit.lnA. nnA perar ve. ira a i rmnin, Irondeauoit Country Club, 4045 East: uuimi, 7 Ul roH Products I work. Dolomite Glass Fiber, 1037 EX 2 8900. year end bonus.

961 Lyell Av. Ave. U3.I9IUIU. typing, Tiling, Apply In person, Polito uuoiitiea appointments Jay M. wuuu ai nsjures.

I an xnaw eaae nn. tm unu khuw now turn snen rnr vn.i SHORTORDER cook, of bookkeeoina. Too wanes, mmnnnu Compensation discussed at Interview LUBRICATION man. Experienced. Excellent oav for rloht man.

Rene. fu I m. Aonlv In narmn benefits. Apply In person, i Have you 'Apply Corning Awning Window, FARM hand, single, for dairy. Leon Portvka, Read Road, Churctivllle.

S68-F-15. Apply Gordon Meyer, Phllanz Carrol 2911 W. Henrietta Rd. Restaurant. 2851 West Henrtettn 30 wnv nor wort it nt nnnnr.

DEPARTMENT MANAGER oiasmooiie. 960 Ridge Rd. E. Alert eneraetlr man where vnu hnve uni.r ntn 1. nnrl i jALfcbVtA.rN wanted to tell musical Instruments ana copinet LUBE man and mechanic: Ex- SIGN Heloer: Apply Empire Outdoor FORMICA mechanic maker.

Full tim phone. Girls on phone duty, 9-9 dailv. Soend all vour time cellinn empioyrnent perlence necessary. Klem Ch.v- n. ooodman St.

and accessories. Knowledge of rt-t 1 1 I i-eil Inctaiiitm4rsylai ivrAlawal position, Ad- OFFSET PRESS ROOM FOREMAN guaranteed. Permanent ply 1203 Jay St. relet, OS 1-5390. SINGING experience new uvea in nomes as wen os i.

ofnpen50Tion aiscussea or nterview. uiiiin.iiuv. axw rti lj a. NIGHT SHIFT (4 P.M. TO 1 A.M.) OH DAY SHIFT Men wonted for General Factory Warehouse Work.

Dally pay If desired. Time and a half over I hour. No phone call pleos.ll NUGENT Service 94 SCIO ST. MACHINIST: All around, experl FARMHAND: Experienced for gen duty or morlaaae work Mefhnd of 412 t. OuU.

enced. Hauser Machine, 234 Mill eral farm work. A stable, married nov dlari.aH nf lnt.r,. Aluln II1" "nr. VOOOI SPORTING Goods saTesmon, trainees man preferred.

Housing on farm For women's department In lorge retail establishment. Must have women's ready to wear experience. Full company benefits. Minimum tfarfino olorv S135 per Write 693SS, Thl Newspaper. Moose, 454-1670.

REAL Estate wlesmen: Full time. provided. Write stating references, uuuicriiKe ror tire arms, marine, and snnrtlna anrvf r-. CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITY MILLERS FALLS CO. Leading manufacturer of portable electric tool and hand tools ha, opening for aggressive salesman to service hardware and building supply outlet In western New York.

The man we hire will receive salary plu commission, company car, travel expenses, family hos- pital plan, plus other benefit. He will hove an excellent opportunity to advance with this growth leader In th Industry. Send resum to S12ST, This Newspaper. MACHINE set-up trainee: Career DDnortiinltv to learn nlrillnrl experience. Smada 799 I aire pensdtlon discussed dt Interview.

Con- experienced. We think we offer trade in a stable, progressive Kocnester, Y. or ca CL 4- me oest aeai. Make us prove nausrrv. Mian scnoo machine shoo.

4100. Commission hnslv. Rnv Vnn 7nnHI mr. cong, watnews Boucher, 1950 Brighton-Henrietta Town-line Rd. Dracon iseaiTors, JZ4I0U.

good mechanical aptitude essential. Rochester Envelop 72 Clarissa St. FENCE erectors and helpers: App.y Falcone Fence, 42 Lowell St. DELIVERY man, must have hinh Kt al Estate salesmen or women school education; must know the (tun time) for aeneral real estate MACHINISTS wanted to operate FLOOR layer, hardwood, experienced. Own transnartntinn flrwl STFWARD: Experienced preferred.

Apply In person. No phon calls. Transportation essential. Mr. Wellington, Oak Hill Country Club.

Qualified mulfl or offset pressmen, with supervisory potential or experience wonted for second or third shift In toldlna carton plant. Would unervlse operations of 5-color and 7-color Harris, Mlehl and related equipm.nt. OUTSTANDING BENEFITS MODERN PLANT TO WORK IN Plea send detail and salary requirement to Personnel Manager, Rleget Paper Newark, N.Y. 14513. hor zonta and vert a borina city wen.

000a pay plus Denetit*. Coll CO 6-1525. SALES SUPERVISOR Furniture and floor covering. Excellent career oooortunltv. Salary put commission.

All benefit. APPLY SIBLEY'S Southown Plaza wages. HO 7-5581. FOUNDRY molder. grind transactions and troct work.

We will train, good commissions. Call Ed Bristol, Realtor, 442-2310, ED 4-2187. REAL Estate salesmon: Career mlnrtrvf flit. mills. Kaaiat arm.

Turret latnes ana mills. Experience required. All employe benefits, Incfudino pension STOCK handler, handyman for paper handling. Must abl to lift. Steady employment.

DnrhMiar En firemen, laborers. Apply si.i in which, luuun DESIGNERS: Tools, machines and eauipment. Challenging assign-ments. Engineering company. No age limit.

CH 4-3580 anytime. Multl-Metals, McKe Rd. pian. waiz ivrenzer a Flint 5f. velope 72 Clarissa St.

MACHINIST: Experienced. Excellent scneauiea plus company benefits. FOUNTAIN man: Nights. Meals, STOCK ond receiving clerk. Good working condition.

Weber Ma chine, 59 Rutter St. uiiiTurrtis rurni5nea, Appiy manager, Gleason', Drive-in, 1780 Mt. Hope. Interview confidential. Investigate.

Bill Marx, Sales Manager, Allianc Realtors, 456-7170. ODDOrtlinitv fnr CAR Washer: Full time workl DETAILER: Experienced for reln-avalloble Immediately. Apply Mr I forced concrete construction. Send DeCarrrilk), Jiffy Car Wash, 28 resume Foster Llpkins WAREHOUSEMAN with uui.iuj.i.u K.I mit.

rull me Posit on. aenernn. mm. drivers H- FURNITURE Solesman: Experi cense, permanent position. OLYMPIC Park: 1300 Scottsvlll Rd.

ployee benefits. Apply manaoer. 40-hour winton Rd. N. o.a.p.-i-.a.a., P.O.

box 9836, Roch RECEIVER Stockmen: Sears ha, MACHINIST ond turret lathe men, capable of setting up ond running lathe mills and drills. Good wooes week, no snti i.Hnw. cw National Cl.thlno Co. Southtown Kiae operators, maintenance men, enced preferred but willing to train. Salary and commission, oil ester.

several opening far bright, ombl- SALESMAN: The easiest thing In! th. wnrlri la tn .) cnmathlnr. 4.1 hour. ier cashier. Apply In perton between r-iua Call CO 4-7460.

Penfield I DELIVER and Install household op- I.AK wasnen: ji.50 Penfield Cor Wash, 1660 Rd. LU 6-8930. store benefits. Apply Sibley South- P.m. only.

Ganrt anlarv nnri vr.ll ka someone for less than what heVSTQCK Clerk, order picking, help Apply in own handwriting tatlna tCT. 1" Writ 554ST. WAREHOUSE Mali to work Tn OOP lane warehouse Prrfr pnance. Apply 306 Norton St. town fiQia More.

program. 5 day 40 hour week. Must'Pavlng for it. Food. Plenty of leods.l receiving.

Excellent storting OPERATORS: Shovel, loader, exoe rienced finish grod dozer operators. 352-3008. ibe In aood health and hnnrinhla Sale, experience or not. Will train if tolary and opportunity. Permonent.

-AKuentK: Ketiree. Live near I Apply Personnel Office, Sears Roe- Norton-Clinton. Apply Bastian necessary. Commissions plu, salary 1 Atocalted Wholesale, 50 Anderson js ij ayvyysrn. OPTICAL Laborotorv Terhnirinn-)buck 259 Monroe Ave.

1600 n. Clinton Ave. (aiscussea ar inierviewi. lo in p.m. Monday-Friday, 232- a.rn.-x Clerk: Wholesale Trainees-experienced.

31 Gibbs St. Receiving 'GAS station attendant, experience experience. 5 day, weekly, good it'asTs iooro 205 st- P0U WAREHOUSE Man wanted to learn Oil Phase nf ahlnninn 1470. Moin floor.

piumoing supplies, i days, steady. preferred, but not essential. Dav- STOCK Clerk: Expanding hardware, paint, building materials co. Full time, salary, benefits. Experience helpful, but not essential.

Age no barrier. Opportunity for advancement. Contact Mr hva nf RIII.DIIm PACKING house worker, national concern. vacation and RECEIVING vVnrahmir.a ri.rlf Mail Clerk Sort Distribute Mail in Large Downtown Firm Vorlous Duties In connection with Incoming, and internal mail. worx.

Appiy vr. Klcnards, Judge's, 81 Lake Av. v. 1 GAS Station Manaaer. See Cappv and StOrk llnluer.lh, nnM SALES ESTIMATOR TRAINEE hospitalization benefits.

40 hmtr! Stenriv wnrlr. mvnnnrtlnm week. Call Mr. Buckingham, 546- manufacturer. Good pay and bene-6860.

fits. The Nogel Co. Inc. Behind Wood Products, 200 E. Highland Drive, or call GR 3-2866 to arrange BB i.gnQo WAREHOUSEMAN, paper handllno experience desirable.

Genesee Valley Paper 1173 E. Main si voipe ot vvasn vvesT main at i I BullsHead. i GAS Station Attendant, full ond part PAINTERS: Experienced for large f-anorama piozo off Penfield Rd. GM Bulck dealership. Year oround Interview Hour, S-10, 1-3 er by STOCK Clerk to work In production rime, uownrown locarion.

call I weekday between I a.m.-12 p.m. at work. Pull company profit ui. w-nour week, Monday WAREHOUSE Helper: Making plos- vLa-ji snanns, poia vacations i nc. fiaT Kti-KiotKAl ion service man, M.iuuvn i-nuuy.

Appiy weeKaav. Bourion 33 Cooron St. A manufacturer of building material with AAA rating will train 4 men. Salarv 4100 per week. Must be married, neat appearance and desire for advancement.

Apply dolly 11-1, Style House, 385 Buell acros from Airport. ti'ittnjw vti iiii. icrciai. gooa pay, year roundi GENERAL Restaurant Work sales organization. DVOert Ontt Mnn.

Irw- Maturity MUSTIII Married men: If you ore looking I ui r. i i. trial St. 237-7494. null CUIUS, JU nOTTn DCCinFMT ulr-M mn.

HUmi tot pan Time work, oay or even na Experience desirable, ond dependability a HOURS: 7: IS a.m. to 3:45 5-Day Week Uniort i to supplement your present Income, trial eauipment offer career nasi. WrlnEr.OU!'AN:FOr,I iviir. education. Driver or ctvauffeur llrn.

uwnrui, iiuensa naiprui. PAINTERS: reliable, steady work. p.m. Own traniporotation, BU 8-7982. tlon, Rochester area.

Experienced SALES Assistant: Electrical dlstrlb- STOCK RECEIVERS scaie mon or Trainees wim mechan PAINTERS, experienced, iteody. I i ne Ka Born na, lust what you siwant. Apply In person ot Th Red Barn, 1965 Chill Av. GENERAL warehouseman for han-i rillna nf mntrinl Inr ri "v' cringe benefit. Apply Regal Beverage Co.

141 Rlrtoe Rrt DRAFTSMEN I We are seeking experienced Electronic and Electro-JIechaxtical personnel for permanent positions at our Albuquerque, New Mexico Division. We can offer attractive salaries, I group insurance, paid vacations and holidays, and also paid relocation. Interested candidates ohould submit detailed resume including current salary toi Mr. D. L.

Greenland at: BARNES REIJVECKE, EVC. 331 E. Ohio Su Chicago, III. 60611 Jit tqual opportunity employer. utot na, an opening in Rochester, New York for nersnn to hnnrlla can arter 3, LI 4-9560.

ical or electrical apptltude. Send resume to: Howe Rlchordson Scole E. RetWMn 10 For INTERVIEW Coll 232-5300. ext. 14 WEEKDAYS a.m.

or 4-5 p.m. PAINTERS (2) reliable, experienced. weekdays. j.r raaget unye, eurtaio, N.Y. order processing.

Some electrical experience or education preferred, but not required. Heavy customer t'Shippino and receiving Year rounrj' near, tost, i op rare. HO -fjuDS. ah inauiries kcpt in contiaence. WELDERS: Manual llntL Arc, ell empiovmem wirn gooa wages ond PAINTERS: Interested In steady vear contact ov Phone ana malt Annii In jier- company benefits.

Write 222MT This MAINTENADNCF man m.iri. nnri Apply Shop, Apply orouna worn? top woae? Good tion. Experienced, son, N.Y.C Car Rochester. East rawarspaper. outside work workina conditions? No floater or GENERAL worker for Curtice Elm Nursing Home, Call Mr.

i need apply. Telephone BU cants must hove 7 years college or eauival.nt work experience ond be capable of proceeding to manog-men position. Starting salory com-! with nhititw Fvraiini 48-hour week with oood working condition ond oil company benefit. APPLY IN PERSON J. M.

FIELDS PANORAMA PLAZA i v-reomery a Luttlce 5t. iPI00'. CL 4-7400. -uo arrer p.m. GENERAL help: For meat packing MAINTENANCE.

Port tirne" oood wage. Call 544-i pionf Steody emoloyment. Paid nlngs. Over il (Retiree nici I "43 after 5 p.m. ROAD FOREMAN Experienced, good EXCltnt candltlan'- "Wlenced.

Good surroundlngt. Poid holjdov ond vocation. Apply In benefits. Including Hospital and Lite Insurance, vocations, etc. All replies! held confidential Send complete! reurne.

I rw ii id i nn hnma nhm. nui'uuyt, vacanon. All company appiv ivtonro Auto Sal, 2451 PAINTERS and helners- Full port e7te''7rtrnSnri I time. Steady work. BU 057: 11 Inde- MAINTENANcir mechanic: Full 40 PAINTFRS nrvf other Irnriea rvrfl pendence St.

te oi tinJ; k-W lL This STOCK clerk: Port tlm. btween ut Laundry, 434 Monro Newspaper. Eaual opportunity em -i 9-2 or 10-3 Write MMt iiwli vm- Piovw, Newsnoner Wr" SERVICFMFkl Newspaper SERVICFMFM fori oov, time and a half over 40 rnnnrl work Fvrtaari. Blu hours, yacotlon. extra Insuronce ear round WOTK.

experi O'JLP course work. See Mr. overtime. Free Blue Cross. u.

vuiyiai Biannv 5 -r- rrr noiidovs. Uniform coverage. Year round work, incen-: ence necessary. Phona XTerlPr STOCK Boy: Over 11 year old Must helpers. Iratallan.

exceiienr working j1. tnouir 14 oienaaie pay k. j. Finnegan Inc. nnrtrtrt.

iruu and future. 7Z7 r.v..w, jimov. jam.y u.iH. CO 6-4880. SCHOOL bus drivers, hour 7-, Rochester Linoleum Til.

rir.r ITJZL oo. Willing ta ex mtrois, untTorm tvr uinii. on imnnrwy, i triage wa. vv UN I sonDrTv'n PtSo ivX0nI' iS. lon PaTntTrs, gondpay for top" man.

Dny-in, 1780 Mt. Hop Ave. shoo. 214 Oltford Ay. Own Trrprxtotlen.

LU M25 Aooiv Golden Arrow Line, in? Ridge W. 40 Jeff ln, 1451 Rldo Rd I Fl 2-7465. IML a.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.