The Richmond News Leader from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

I I C. (. I 1 DtlilU Richmond News Leader, Sat. Mav 21, 1953 11 Deaths 1 BUCKER filed, at hi residence. Last and FoorJ 7 PuCXETBOCiK Lost, cloth, contain Obituaries Painting.

Papering, FUiterg 3S BOBINSON Departed tin life at Ms miden, Unt fUVh St, Friday. P. Mfr. ing glasses, billfold wnh important papers. La It raids 5-OS13.

24ME Ealldisg and Contracting 14 CaRPLKTHY Brick- speclaUxjng In small Inha. WHII. 2.7 Rites Monday For G. C. Mason, Writer, Lecturer 19 at UR To Form New Honor Society CARPENTRY Minor home repairs H-nkys rig Il 7-Xd70 fARPENTRY New work and rerato-tng.

-Reasonably priced. B3-0773 RING Lost, I S-diamon Princes ring; vicinity Watktn Cottrell Co. Rewayd. Call S-507Z altar PPM 131 WATCH Lost. man' Grocn" fold mesh hand.

Raward Call 4-AI87. T2EM WATCH -Lost on 81 and Griire near H-n Shoppe. Hamilton, set with diamonds. Reward, d-7845 34MK PAINTING Decorating Calf AW. Glas.

Lakeatde Decontlng Co. 54 Lake id 4-27v4 21 PAINTING---Inlerlnr. larky; tiudevi term Free eeiWMiae J. W. Evaaa 98-4171 fAIN riNZnSpenngrpISieflhg'anJ r.

'nor repair Reasonable rale. Oiri'e. 3-4779: homa. 8JM326. 18 APErTng Patoring A.

Bryant 93-63-10. i A PERINCr PaTnY te- Herbert Robinson. The remain are resting at the Allmma Funeral Home. I 19UI and Hull Streets. Funeral potieelater.

81 ROSEnied at her rralde'n're. "May 18, IV 55. Men. Minnie Roan 915 30th St. fit Is survived by three daughter.

Uv grandchildren. rone sister, two aunts, on iKd, on aoo-ln-law. on brother-in-law and a boat of other relative and friend. Remains win rest CEMENT And Under block work. Carter, -9297.

4 i 01 Monument Awr, Friday, May I st 9.CM A. August Burlier, are 8 yeara. He aurvtved by too daugnirr-E Mrs. Kalharme B- Beime. Mra.

Mildred McKinley; one brother. Bernard E. thins grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. funeral from 5l Benedict Catholic Church. Monday, at It Interment Holy Croaa Crmetery.

5 -JEM CRAVES tiled, at her Sian, ford. Thursday. May IS, inSS. Mra Tennle Grave, wife of the late William G. Graves.

She survived by two daughters. Miss Florence Graves and Mrs. Jooeph K. Wood one son Master Sergeant William G. Graves, Jr.

of Japan: one brother-in-law Wallace E. Graves. ot Mineral and five grandchildren. Funeral services will All types scat Thomas Brea. ffiS'CRETirASb PLAlTTfaSH Its hie.

4-1772: W-8s20. JOSEPH 1L GRUBBS, SR. JosepIfHenry Grubbs, of 1811' Grove Ave died today in a Richmond hospital. He Was a retired buyer for the State Depart, ment of Purchasing and Piloting. A member of Hanover Avenue Christian Church, he is survived by his Wife, Mrs.

Rosalie Evans Grubbs; a son, Joseph H. Grubbs. and a granddaughter, all of Richmond. Funerg services will be held, at 11 A. M.

Monday at the Frank Bliley Funeral Home, with burial in Hollywood at thd above reaidenc after P. Friday Funeral aervtce will M. 24 CL iu 4 rt i. i a a a a held AacBea Sales TWWTKfoor aedan. 19 4.

special de tuxs. hy lienholder, by Public Auc- WORK Walks, patio and parchaa. etc. R. N.

Latng. 7-6998. IR WORK (iarpent ry7' PAPERING And pa in ling. Will lama, 83-4)951. seresne painting Ctarr.

4-2937 IIor. at Hechlar Motor Company, Highland Springs. Virginia, at P. Tuesday, May 34. 1955.

Teem of aaio Cam. IMS PAPERING A specially; paintiiMri work guaranteed. 7-4710. 29 Papering And jmbuirTQHBtd Decorating. 4-93X9.

9l P. jtbt Chen-ti, Rev. Blanche Brown officiating. Burial East End Cemetery, Family, -and Wends will assemble Sunday. 12:30 M.

W. W. Manning, funeral direct orj 21 ME SMITH Departed this life at the St REPAIRS. Carpentry plaeterlm LlghttooC 7-493d. 24 held Sunday.

May I at 9 from the Woodward Funeral noticb7f sale 1953 Bulck Mfr No. 6922239. PA1ERIN3 Average reoah 93k Prompt onrvtoe. 8-0146. Papering An pemung 'ftoseial Home.

Lnulaa, Va. Interment in Uak Land Cemetery. 72K prtreu. Twenty sure expenenow ly White Gienrt. 82-1401 scarred paint- Ufa guarantee: W.

K. Taylor. 3-91162. 24 fERI.1 1 Ti." AORffCal f'li 2S'80T" lo free estimates P. Bowery.

Jr IS1' building anil repairing Frre eljmtr jiny time. Sharpe, N3-4U19. dll. tanks excavated. "Sewer and water lines Basem*nt excavation 96-79: 9 11 FOR RF.PXTR plumbing and painting wiu he sold hie rasn at public Sale mt Mav 37.

1955. al A at Associates Discount Corporation. 110 West Main Street, Richmond Virginia. Taken from Venable E. Pane under a conditional sales.

Tbs seller reserves 111 right to Associates Discount Corporation ClE Seventeen students and two faculty members initiated tomorrow as charter members of the University of Richmonds Theta Theta chapter of' Kappa Delta Pi, an honor society in education. that wa established at the University of Illinois 1909. The installation will be held at 2:15 oclock in Keller Hall of Westhampton College, following a dinner at 1:30 in. the college dining bsIL Three University of Richmond professors who are members of the fraternity Dr. Spencer D.

Albright, Jr, Dr. D. Ferrel Atkins and Mrs. J. If.

Wessells, Jr. will compose the initiation team with the assistance of Dr. Katherine Vickery, of Montevallo, national president of Kappa Delti PL GRUBBS Died. May 71. 153.

at a Inrat hospital. Joseph Henry Crublm, at Ibll Grave Ave He i sur. vlved by hie wire. Mra. Knaalie Evans Gnihha; his son.

Jnoepti Henry 'Grubha. one grandchild. Tlie remains rest at the Frank A. BIHey Funeral Home 717 W. Grace where nervier will he held Monday morning, at 11 o'rlork.

Interment Hollywood. EM I ii i 1 i i i 1 1 i i ii I 1 PAPERING Palm tng. All work guar, an lead. Wingfield Brothers, 9-173L PLASTERING Brick! earoentry. cement slucnni 9-9807.

PrASTERiNU-Ttcmn repatHng. New work 1-99X9 pCSSTEPfNOrTRsrwirtng. rfo'Jairtoq amxIL Expertonesd. 7-1575. 21 PLASTER REPAIRINGCoU 9-4659 aftar 6 P.

M. Philip. Hospital. Thursday. May 13th.

1955. i 3: 1 5 A. -Deacon George Smllhi of Hickory Hill Neighhor-hood. County. He la survived iby his wife.

Mra Sarah M. Smith! ime daughter. Mrs. Mary M. Hill- Ibree anna.

Rev. George Smith and Mr Beniamin and David Smith; three I slendauthiar Mrs. Queen Esther Smith. Mrs. Majy L.

Roaaar. and Mrs, Hen ret a ChWlam: two brothers. Rev D. Smith and Mr. Roger Smith: three daughters-in-law, one snn-ln-law 19 grandehlldren.

one. slater-in-law. several niece and nephew and other, relatives and friend. The funeral service will he held Hunday. May 22nd.

2:45 P. from he Mt. Olivet Maptlat Church. Stop 3. Prlershurg Pi he.

Rev. C. Kent, offldaling. analaled by. Rev.

T. God den. Interment in family cstlma'es any llm. Sharpe. 63-4(1 ltti Travel Air, Land, Water Construction On rail Richmond 88-4863.

MRS. ALLIE F. TONEY Mrs. AHIe Flippen Toney, formerly of Richmond, died-yester day in a Washington hospital. She was living in Washington with a duaghter, Mrs.

Louise Maupin. She also is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Naomi Frazier, of Richmond; three grandsons and a great-grandson. Funeral arrangements were incomplete today. P(t GROUP TRAVEL aara Cbsrfw luxurious Clipper Pup or llmnustm Groom Tranapnrialbm.

7-8904 HENDERSON Died May CO. 1955. at a bieal hospital. Mis. Lula Allen NEWPORT NEWS; May 21-Funeral services fonGcorge Carrington Mason, 70, widely, known historian and lecturer, will be held at 11 A.

M. Monday in St. John's Epispai Church in Hampton, with burial in St Peter's Church Cemetery in New Kent County. Mason, wio retired last January-as editor of the Mariners' Museum publication in Warwick, had been historiographer for the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia for the past 14 years. He was in charge of restoration of St Peters Church In New Kent lie wrote "Colonial Churches in Tidewater Virginia, and edited books entitled, "A History of the Eastern Shore, "Tobacco Coast, and Newport News Ships He worked for Newport News Shipbilding and Drydock Com-.

pany, as a draftman, estimator and instructor until his retirement about five years fr. Mason is survived by his wife, Mrs Nancy Galt Mason; a daughter. Mason Houser, of Seattle; two sons, Phillip Benjamin Mason, of Anchorage. and Richard Davis Mason, of Warwick; a sister, Mrs; Ethel Masoh Nielsen, of Saluda, N- C.and a brother, Frederick Ogden Mason, of MODERNIZATION croon. ot RFD 9.

Sht is by her hue hand G. D. feraeoals 12 bABY WTrERSECIRTRY Serving Rietimond and. suburbs. By Reptirinf sad Scrvico 36 APM.IAHCI9 09 ALL KINP9 wXSHERX and RFFRietRAfCSl Repaired.

Guaranteed, service Thomas's. 7-4340. 1106 N. 25th. 29 derson; three daughters.

Mis Kalla Krmhlar. Mrs. Edith Allen and Mrs. Stanley Marrow; eight stepchildren, four, grandehlldren. one alder.

Mis. B. Ken-lck, Remain are prating In tha hielren Funeral Hnrae. where aervtcea will he held Sunday at P. M.

Tntermeab In Hardy Central Cemetery. 22EM cemetery. The remain are reeling ha Mlmmi Funeral Horn. 19th and Hull StreetA Attending relatives hour, day or week. 99-3144.

fatlBS Hoapllal Mi sold, rented. Whether youre planning, building, remodeling repairing, adding a room or Mist putting up a fenen youll find tha service you noad at Lind Builders. Wa use quality materials, expert workmanship. Free estimates, no doom payment, up to 9 years to pay. Lind Builders, Inc.

lll-A 1. MAIN BT. B-9791 Repurinf and Serrict 37 RADIO RN9 TKLIVIM9N PEOPLE'S rURNITURE fcTORE 91 E. Broad SL. 9-7449 WHEEL CHAIRS, E.

J. PDLDINQ For Any Type Invalid and friends pleas assemble at ihe resldepoa 1 Mrt Mary M. HIU. Hlrkoey Hill Neighherhood. Chesterfield County.

Sunday. 3 P. M. 21 WALKER Died May 1. IfSTat WJEVlSIfwnnVrodkwrrejSiffkig.

Oliver'. 523 Main 8-84 GORDON'S HOME For elderly lai West 7 miles no River Rood. ffoStff Ft. Philip Hospital. Mra, Virginia Gltoa! walker, of l902 Greenville 11 Box US.

Phone Manakin. Garden 3-5421 97-8605 Engines Senrict Offered 25 HAPPT-TIME'NURSERY Agr to 1 Chambertayna 5-1B39. 19 KELLEY Died at her reatdrnce Friday. May CO. 1959.

Mrs. Annie Sue Kelley. oT llfel Wilmer Ave. She la survived by her husband. Erneat Murray Kelley, one aoa, Erneat Murray Kelley.

two aittcra, C. B. Casper. Mrs. Marsy B.

Johnson, three brothers, J. Gordon. Walter C. and Robert L. Bamee Ke-, mains rest at the Joseph W.

Bliley Funrral. Home. Third and Marshall, where servlet will he held Sunday, at M. Interment la Forest Lawn. 33EM Hastings A Lucas Brick Contractors.

4-4140 CLEANED. tNSTZEQflL HOSPITAL BEDS Wheel chair, ate Rentals. Richmond Private Ambu lance Service. 3-8109 Hospital BEDS-whrei chaire'for Repairing and RefinUMBf 36 rt rnTtt f'r ep a i ringa N'b re-F1NIRHING Plano reftotshtne. Aa- tar.

208 Gtaee 5-9246. 9 REPAIRING, rrflnlfhlng. upholatir big. 25 off. Cash-carry.

93-0954- 91 REPAIRING Reftnlehln. upholatera Senile tanka our specially, l.ytlto A Barnes Sanitation 9 2944 Co. rent A. SIS N- Second St. Dial 3-8035.

V. Persona Furniture Septic tanks cuaneT Prompt sendee Halls ganattau company Are. She survived by her husband! (Tamer Walkrr; father, Anthony Giles; three sisters. Mre. Ida-Valley, Mrs.

Hattie Richardson apdJ Mra. i Bertha Coleman; four hrothere. William Clarence, Anthony and James JGiles; one aunt and a hast of rime and nephew, three ala-terJn-law. three brothers-ln-taw, srther relative and friend. Funeeal service Sunday, 1:30 Rlvervlew Baptist Church, Rev.

Theodore Jmea. pastor, officiating. Remain will rest at 1737 Clalbnrn St. after 4 P. M.

Saturday, John B. Neblett, funeral dirartor, Intnr-mentin Louisa County. V. 52EM WILUAMS st a local Ima- ital, 19. 19.15, Mr.

Samuel ir- of SiM N. 25th St. TAX SERVICE mar reranu agsnt 9-7IB For 109(1 94-0161 nr 4-8184 SPECIALIZING In retafiilna walTa Willow Works. 'C. CONWAY MEREDITH FUneral services for C.

Conway Meredith, 62, a carpenter, will be held at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow at Billups- Funeral Home, with burial Tuesday morning in Rich-mond National Cemetery. Jle died yesterday in a Richmond hospital. A native of Louisa County, he was a veteran of World War and a member of Salem Christian Church in Louisa.

He-lived at 3326 West Cary St Mr. Meredith is survived by his wife, Mrs. Helen Thomas Meredith; two Mrs. Lucille Mugler -and Mrs. Allen Wood; a brother, Dean Meredith; two sisters, Mrs.

Williant S. Williams, and Mrs. Ernest E. Wyatt, all of Richmond, and four grandchildren. tne.

Rlehmond 9-2848. and foundations, masonry and porch slfp brick or eoncreta walkway; II CHARTER MEMBERS The charter members will be Dr. Edward F. Overton, chairman of the University of Richmond's department of education; Miss Jessie Pollard Haynes, as sistant professor, and the following students: Joseph R. Patterson, of Me-Kenny, a graduate student; David M.

Armbrister, Bluefield, W. Jean Burroughs, Norfolk; Anne Shirlee Garrett, Warwick; Wynn Snead Gregory, Richmond; Anne Stuart Hartz, Richmond; June Laurie Hodges, Eliza Graham Hubble, Marion; Betty Lou Klndall, Winchester; Mary Anne Logan, Adair R. McConnell, 'Patricia Ann McElroy, Arlington; Vincent J. Nitti, Arlington: Jean Olio Ruddle, Harrisonburg; John F. Swanson.

Baltimore; Leta Mae Tucker, Chester, and Betty Wyatt, South Boston. Rug, Fonutnr Oeudag 39 RUGS Cleaned Hke new. Laos ortosu. WILL kero children in my home colored. 7-6847.

21 WILL room and hoard. Mothar and child, child care. 93-1799. II Will ksep children in my Lawle Gardena home 97-9977. 23 A RCCRtS Bled at a local hoa.

pkal, Thursday. May IP. 1955. Al-ddae Joseph Marcalle. of I'lll Con-d it St.

He is survived by hla wife, Leon Hurst Marrott; on son, Al-cldas Joseph Maraotte. Jr4 of Lynchburg. throe sisters. Mra Mabel Gregory, ltra. Louis Donald aon.

both of Pltti field. Maaa and Mrs. Rosana Plersult. of HcUIJOvood. Calif.

threw brotheni.ii Edward. Oswald and William MarcoU all of Pittsfield, Mass. Remains rest at thp L. Christian Funeral ChapeL JUulevard and Park Avenue, where funaral services will he held 10 A. M.

Saturday with interment In SEffiaen1 28 NATa NABBASS. ACClaaoaigj HANDBAG REPAIRING Ladtow Hofhetmer-a. 5-2801. fcilf domeailc rug aleanad. 94.88k all types, experts.

Hazel Charles, 214 E. Makl 14 SHOP-by bhbna; in Sears eatalogu. phone 6-7011. isaii WILL keep children In my llnliy George A. Sloan.

Dies In New York Ladies HATS Factory re blocked. ti Sprlng area homd. 82 fa survived by hla wire, two brother, two alstere-ln-law. three nieces and other relative and friend. Remains rest at the UghtfOot Funeral Horn wherp services will be held Monday.

I P. IL, Rev. K. Turner officiating Interment East End Crmetery, M. Lightloot, Funeral Director.

23EM Ksmhourlan. 7-7474. Victory rug cleaning: ouauty jn-rvlce since 1992. Dial 2-1681. DARN ECUR urnlluie cleaner.

Fv-pert leaner and repairing. 84-5783. SHAMPOOING, repair- tneured ai'oe are on all make run. Call Jane 4 Pavla. 5-Pi 79.

Doachar, 629 X. Main St. 7-353 WILL keep children tn nw home while mother works. 6-0218. 24 Sunrise Cemetery, Radford.

Va-J P. If. Sunday. 9 1MX Lakeside, wiu keep child In 5-8461 1' Dretnuluiif Cettunet 29 REsTYLlNG Quality YOUNG Died, at St. Philip Hos -61a Helen's.

60S N. Sheppard. 4 SNTPRS Died, at a local hospllaL Mag 20. 1955. Mrs.

Sarah Lou Snipe of ,403 Nnrthsida WILL board children ate 4 to 13 In my country hom*o by week or week end S3 VACANCY leify In boarding pital. May 19th. 1953, Mrs. Rebecca A. Voung of 2707 E.

Graew st, husband, Xha la survived hy her MERGER rug rleantot and along. Finest equipment and ptrsonal u-pervialnn. 6-91 49. fONAN hT'O quality and repairing and storage: 3-day service Dial 7-2619. riq widow of Jolik Snipes.

She Is survived by five dsaghlere. Mrs. Maud Gunn. Mra. Mamie Cnlten.

39 Electrical Work NEW YORK, May 21, Industrialist George Sloan, who resigned in March as chairman of the board of the Metropolitan Opera Association, died yesterday following an operation at Roosevelt Hospital. He would have been 62 years old on Msy 30. hem 9-9291 1914 W. Grace 9L three' daughters, five sixteen grandchildren, four slnlere, one rather, twenty-eight nieces and nephews, one great-grandson, three WIRING Fixtures. rontrocC FHA- Upholsteripf, Slip Coveri 42 Will kero white rhUdren In mv East End ham while mother works.

2-4437. 79 WILL keep child In my home while sons-tn-law. five elsiera-ln-law. two bralhere-in-law, one annrovsd ireiirart. Bakaru Kletrir garvlca.

9-3299 ELECTRIC FIXTURES and wlrin Groces Electric Service, of Are MX, W. Grace. S-4660. Mr, Fowler Mr Aver Pemberton and Mr. Lula -May Parry; on son, John T.

Xnipes: three Meter, iMrt. Brock Wrenn, Mrs. Ullle Rnyslrr and Mr. Ivy Pleasant: six-teen grandchildren and eighteen grealfgrandrhlldren. The remain Sfate Deaths FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING Take adviniaer of special Summer pricas.

Blackburn Mattrea 7-4064 27 1 31 rest at the Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Third and Marshall, where Homn Flooriof shou'q 7-6169. it Steward. mother works. 7-7092 GROVE 3313.

Day ore for children Monday through Friday. St-2767 22 Will keep Chliffren in my. highland other relatlyes and friends. The remains re ting et C. -Scott's Main Chapel.

3223 Main where services will be held Saturday at 3 P. i Rev. Charles Brown offl. dating. Remains will be shipped to Boydlon.

funeral service win be held Sunday, at P. from-the New Hope Baptist Church. Interment Boyd ton. Va. R.

Scott, Funeral Director. 32EM MRS, MATTIE B. HALEY Graveside i for Mrs Mattie Belle Haley. 78. of 5304 Grove who died yesterday, will be held at 4:30 P.

M. tor morrow. in. Greenlawn Cemetery at Newport News. She is survived by a son, Glen W.

Haley, Jr.tof Newport News; two daughters, Mrs. Arthur N. Kemp, of Richmond, and Mrs. Harry McCarthy, of Newport News; a brother, William T. of Hampton; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

The family hag requested that no flowers be sent. services will be held Sunday, at 4 P. interment I Forest Lawn. 22E FLOORS 9ANDED And flrukheat For rsttmates. Jeckaoh 9-4)47 Woman Succumbs To April 23 Burns UPHOLSTERING Relying guaranteed.

S-UUjI 81-050H. hftRSONALlZCir fabrics. SANDING And reflnlahlne aid and new floor. Free estimate. RLSell.

17 SAVE: Rent our floor senders eta. Park home: Inquire altar 6 P. 601 Haselhurst Ava. 22 children. atea'S and up.

wn; WILL 'keen Big hot lunch; near. Fox SPENtfER Died. at a local hospital; Saturday, May 21, 1955, Mrs. Eusla Fanilknar Rpenrer. Sh la survived by on daughter.

Mre. Helen JL Weal amp ton Upholatary. 6 4-36 90. 11 School. M33S.

23 CLbAfYirmsTWIil rare for children A 19 1 i I i 4 it I IN MEMORUM NOTICES CUSTOM UPHOUTERINd: Free eaUmate. Pnt Hull SL Gall todav. BROTHERS. 97-9723 31 dlSTOM UP1 fOITER ING: Hrritae Uphotatarv. 731 W.

rare 7-2773. 91 Taylor; four sons, G. Earle: and R. O. Spencer ana eighteen grandchildren.

The remains rest at the Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Ham. Third and-MsrahsIl. Funeral ram -Beulah Methodist Church, Monday. al p.

m. Inter-meat in Sunset Memorial Park. 23EM in my heme. Age 4 up 6800 Broad Rockjld. 63-2371.

29 PRIVATE home, room, table board tor elderly peofds. Reasonable. Bnuthatd Hardware. 93-1288. FOR the flneet work anil Veteran.11 63-1070.

fcDCERS. eollahers to rent Richmond Glaaa Shop. 814 W. Broad lEAUTIFuHLY finished with Arm-tronf's' floor covering. No down nayment.

Call 2-9iI3, day or 2-6675. tor appointment 23 Coma see. 3019 Chamberlayn Are. mn Officials at St Philip Hospital today reported the death at 6. -05 A.

M. of Mrs. Julia Allen, 66. as a result of bums received at her home, 909 Glcnbumie on April 23. Mrt.

Allen's daughter. Mrs, Gladys Thompkins, said her mother's apron caught fire as she attempted to remove a ham from an electric As Mrs. Allen raced outside, the daugh-1 ter said, the flames spread to the rest of her clothing. Stona Windows 42-A WCATNCOsrgJPPIMI 6CRECN6 s(RM WINixiWSITumtoum i-trark Mtainrurk. 68-3098 TTLCER Died at hla residence.

Chester Reid County, Thursday, May IIP. 1955. Hoy Tiller, agml 7(1 year. He Is survived by nil wife. Mrs.

Della Atwell Tiller: two WILL" anyone who saw auto accident at Broad St. and Rneneth Rd. 'Friday. May 13. at 1 M.

please rail col led Goochland. Hunter 0-3091. 32 George W. Jones, 80. retired farmer, yesterday in Montross.

Funeral tomorrow. MIm H. Marla Parksr, Thursday )n Petersburg. Funeral today in Yale, Sussex County. John Crawley, retired Ice dealer, Thursday in Blackstone.

Funeral tomorrow. Survivors include a son; Edward Crawley, of Richmond. William B. Caldwell, 76, retired shoe salesman, Thursday in Lynchburg. Mrs.

Elliott B. Meredith. 74, wife of the Rev. Elliott B. Meredith, yesterday in Charlottesville.

Funeral tomorrow. Ella V. Nash, i 80, Thursday in a Fredericksburg hospital'. Funeral today in Coioniaji Beach, Westmoreland Cbunty. Benjamin P.

Chilton, 73, Wednesday In a Washington hos-pitaL Funeral today in White Stone, Lancaster Cbunty. Ginn Bofidert 31-A To assist you In writing an In Mamortan notice. have available -a booklet containing many suitable verses. If you would Ilk a copy, call the Classified Department. Richmond Newspapers.

7-1851. and one will be mailed to you prom pi and without coat. Mall phono your notice two or three days before yen wish It to appear and Insure publication ox tha correct day. WORKSHOP Tool house Masonry. IttseV) Sprriil intmHurtniY offr ana I Hoy and Lynwood hf.

TH-nne sister. Mrs. IL Clyde Jones STORM WINDOWS Screens wrath-eratrlpplng Chamberlin Co-. 84-2191. 26 WEATHERRTRIPPING Comhfnatbi alarm wtndimve, dnora screens.

Mnaixi-Mnlth 2-0778 I SPRiNti ATT" 7 wlndoava. CHILD PARE by nr week In Chesterfield County home ar-eenable to Beulah School or-Bemley School. Alan du Pont. Licenced home. 93-7063.

I 25 jikum Brm NM-5074, 25 SOLITE BUK'K: Single car. 9950 Double ear 91.090. Entrance door. 1 window 9x7 overhead doors. 98-7076 84-5678 24 and two grandchildren.

The remain rest at the Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Hurrrt Third and Marshall, where servifMU will be held Sunday at fhierfttent In Forest I-awn. 1 22KM TONEt- Mar "2a 1 955. In Washington. D.

Mrs. Allle Kllp-prn Tnay. widow nf John William Toned She Is survived by two daughters Mrs. Louisa Maupin, of Washington. and Mrs.

Naomi la McBoruua MRS. WILLIAM M. DAY Funeral rite's for. Mrs. William Day, 51, who died Wednesday at hpr home in Los Angeles, Califs were to he held at 3:30 M.

today in Los Angeles, with burial there, Mrs, Day, a native of Chester, lived in Richmond until 1922. Besides her husband she Is survived by a sister, Miss Lena T. Rowland, of Richmond, and brothers, W. H. Rowland.

of Siler City, N. M. Rowland, of Randieman, N. O. L.

Rowland, of Richmond, and D. II. Rowland, of Oklahoma City. ifettinf, PInnbiRfr Roofinf 32 of my BIXNS In loving memory hrlnved husband and daddy. Blnna.

who passed away-eight years Double Funeral For Ex-Virginians door 8199 95 AIeo Virginia mrp 2221 Chamberlayn Ava. 6-3831. 91 "IfTMfYSrVtX'MINIr PRODUCTS'' Screen Doors Window Screen Rtocm Window Screen Porches VIRGINIA IRON METAL OX CAU. THE. FACTORY NOW 4-1571; Aftar 9 P.

AIXM-'A-Utk aalf-aiortog combine- DUMP (wanted Plane within nr on edge of Richmond to dump tumnx log end brush In exchange tor all lacs and wood Writ p. Bog 76.1 Richmond. Va 33 IF vnu know a person, either while or colored, who need eve-elasse. a trust, artificial llm he or- other such device, and Is not able to pav tor them call 9-6230. exn usually arranrs tor tha smaller Item, and can probably help with the artificial limb.

ago today. Tima tprede on, eight year ha vs ASPHALT RUDFINO- jr any tyw roof repaired or csolacsd. Wa guaranteed E. Inga. 7-5938.

PUX)R PURNA'nn -Kreiakv tostah latkxi and nrvlre Free ssttmatea. 86-montli tsrma. Rlehmond Heating. 92-2804 FLOOR FURNACES Warm air fun- Frazier, of -Richmond; three grand- Taney, son lArthur Palmer, Robert ifiTTtomny shadow rest tton aiorm and bereew sash; alsd -area then, tripping. ITnma Modertilca linn Co 109 R.

Adams. 9-1747. Since Within our homa where aU seemed bright And took from us a shining fight. Wa miss that light hnd ever win: HI vacant place there a none to fill, nows tier we mourn, but not In vain. For up in seven see wilt meet a sain.

Loving Will, Mamie, and Children a aces plumbing, boiler burner unite, ell tvne hearing aveteme. Over 4.000 bntallatkmw ns eetbnaiea 86 month to oav. Hun gar ford loa. and William Toney; on great-grandson. William' Toney, Jr.

Upon arrival tha remains wilt rest at tha Frank Bliley Funeral Home, S17 W. Grace; Funeral notice later. 23ME TEN-tSCH-bled. May 18, 1955, at his residence. 503 Bread St.

Ho la survived hy a rousin: Llgh-Tong. Remains rest at the Frank A. Rilley Funeral Hope. 217 W. Grace Where service will he held Sun-Ay.

Mav 22. at 3 P. Interment Rlvervlew. 21E no Rhluif Tlaao-Diigaiak Tit RMimsi Raws LaaSar Help Waaltd Fnule SIRftTtY EimUDY' 2-4708 ffaNACEk Kreky floor" and wan. BILL WORRIES ENDED "Apply Grlgg'a Bakery.

W. Cary 23 Greradale Fraa eallmatre CaU Hardware. 88-O7M0. ran MfSbysM sag TM anmny i Rrei Mbr. HOOKER In loving memory of my dear husband, Henry H.

Booker, who AUGUSTA, May 21 Funeral services were held here today for a mother and daughter, formerly of Virginia, who were killed Thursday in a highway crash on U. S. Route 1, near Louisville, Ga. They are Mrs. N.

II. Cowing. 39. of North Augusta, S. formerly of Richmond, where she was president in 1930 of the James RIyer Junior Woman's Club, and her mother, Mrs.

Aileen Powell Moore, 70, formerly of Portsmouth. paaaed away-" (mm fear ago today. May 31, 1954. HOYE SI. TILLER Funeral- rites for Iloye M.

Tiller, 70, who died at his home in Chesterfleld County Thursday, will be held at 3 P. M. tomorrow at Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Home. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

DIAL 11151 ana ask raa wanr aaa BANK MESSENGER Immediate opening. High a ho grnduaih. 17 to 20. Fleaaant duties, with good advancement opportunity. Fv-dav week- good hour.

APPLY RiXIM 803 STATE-PLANTERS BANK NINTH AND MAIN STREETS that We arrange- easy weekly payments that ynu ran afford Bring all vour hill and bare only one elsce in pay. FURNACES Call now tor Bummer leaning by auction track, of fur-naees. rhlmrevi Low raise. Gualite Furnace 99-54 7B HEATING Warm air and repair George L. llnrrbkA.

4-7713. 19 HEADING Warm air. and repan Homing. 6-5542 Little 1 1 knew when dawned I Tha sorrow that day would bring; The end was sudden, the shock severe Mi stay skwssi. tin Ms sSw 'ttsgls IM BSH triH ts OsS iMM Up bssi rtwlH sf No Security No Reference eon'ldnntlal anonlntment Fnr without obligation rail To pari with tne on I loved so dear.

.11 never ba forgotten. Wife SI 7-7867 B.UYER ALLEH Departed this Ufa May V. 195. i Mr. Julia Alton, of 009 G'rnhurnl Ave.

Remains rest st thei Price. Funeral Home. Fuaersi notice BANKS Died at her, residence Mny Mrs. Roj Banks, of Chula, Va1 Surviving are her husband. Mr.

Iredelk Banks; two sisters. Mrs. Gertrude Thompson, of White Plsins. N. and Mis Bertha Tyler, ot ChuA; two brother, Henry and Fui Jackson Tyler, nf Chula.

Funeral CLSMiritB 9ATBS VIgaiMIA ABVIRTiaiM lovtng 'memory of our brother. Robert Crawford For Infanl' wear In large Tidewater who departed this life May til, a918, Though the year have passed. NATIONAL BUDGET CONSULTANTS 301 East Franklin direct. Room 313 PLUMBING Heating, workmanship you avonl rsgreL 91-6265 12 ROOFS Reoalred. DMlnted.

Gutter jkremato D. A Bvbee M4II4 ROOFINO -Cu ttr and 'repair aaoirk T. A. Phillips. 68-1068 ROOFING Roofs qf all kind rcpalvd and painted: gullrri end rondurtnra.

E. A. Bowles, 3-4779; home. 82-1 376. L.

D. JOHNSONS A BUNS. 1407 W. department store Splendid opportunity for one who la now an a-- Inwr aialant Good Inaime. pleasant wnrx.

still mis you. and Mo; Ruth Cash Rates Consecutive Days Morahig aad Evening Cambtaatlau and Suday Csss he res Wtrg, A a Us Sunday. May 32. 3:30 P. at MONEY TROUBLES Liberty Churi-h, ReV.

J. W. Manning ofo-i-ittnK. V. Y.

Scott- funnel 01-rertor. 21ME aiMoxeltejCrawford. HARGROVE In mirmorv of mv bus band. Rirphen Hargrove, who parted this life. May S3.

1951. 1o live In the hearia of tho ones lore la not to die. i. Ills wife, Kate Hedtrore. 1 ClE MRS.

O. D. HENDERSON Funeral services for Mrs. G. D.

Henderson, inf RFD .5, who died yesterday in a Richmond hospital, will be held at 3:30 P. M. tomorrow at Nelsen Funeral Home, with burial in Hardy Central Cemetery. She is survived by her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Katie Kembler, Miss Edith Allen and Mrs.

Stanley Marrow, ail of Richmond; a sister, Mrs. C. B. Kerrick; eight stepchildren and four grandchildren. Cary.

Roofers since 1887. 6-2911. Ing ronduluna Slat age. experi-enr. and references.

All Interviews 1 will he confidential. Writ CZ-792. ease this paper. 2L CANDY STAND'XtTENDANT Af 4() to 55. aalary plus cnmmlaunn.

Apply In person only between 9 and 10:. 'If) A M. Colonial Thealar. No phone calls please. fi CHIEF CLERK Frtr'weli organized.

filler dretaelwiaot aa l.u. of Bseaxa ynu hare not paid yow MU promptly. lasnUton 32-A FTBERGLA8 INBULATION A 9 Too must par out more aam each month. JORDAN In loving mrmory our I.SS Mt daughter and slater, Alice (Boots BROWN Died, Thursday, In Washington; D. Mr.

Berry i Connie) Brmvm formerly of Eller son, Va. Kurvlvlng are six nephews, seven nieces.) three slsters-ln-iaw and other relative. Remains rest at the C. P. Hayes i Funeral Home, where servlet will be held Sunday.

2 P. Rev, R. Kllpatrlrk of (Iris ting. Interment Ellerson. V.

2IMK lete aervire at ryasonabis rata BRING US TOUR BILLS Wei lac CW. 4-4648. Jan, who passed away two years ago, May 31. 1953. filing department largo company, opportunity for training aa Super MRS.

ERNEST KELLEY Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Sue Kelley, of 1221 Wilmer will be held at 4 P. hr. tomorrow at the Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Home, with burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

She died yesterday at her home. She is survived by her husband, Ernest Murray Kelley; a son, Ernest M. Kelley, of Richmond; two sisters. Mrs. C.

B. Carper, of New London, N. C. and Mrs. M.

B. Johnson, of Noi folk, and three brothers, J. Gordon Barnes, of Rutherford town, N. and Robert L. and Walter C.

Barnes, both of Albemarle, N. c. visor. some typing ability required, liberal employee benefits and rood working State age. educa Lunderinf ud detains S3 HAYs- SUITS Ladle's and 'gsnta Wsll arrange to gvt ynu out of debt, with tsrma von ran sfford.

regard-isos how many you reap. Ona plaes tn pay. We watched you suffer day ky day. It reused us hitter frier. To see you slowly slip away wa.

could not give you relief. aadNiaa mama 4 I lias fire Tims tim II .1 4 lb AM I. II I Ml 4.M (A tion and qualifications to lettar to care this paper. Cl Cleanen like new for Spring. Rleh-mnnd Hat Work.

B39 Mato 8L Your weary hours and days nf pain NOT A LOAN COMPANY And troubled nights are pas! And in- our aching hearts we know You have found sweet rest at last tm reiMSis SAM Ma ggrea MaL aak aalare laiaiiiBaa- Machiaists-Welders 33-A GE A RS Sprockets, machine pert. CD Budget Plan MRS. SUSIE F. SPENCER. Mra.

Susie Faulkner Spencer, of Chesterfield. County, died today in a Richmond hospital. She' is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Helen S. Taylor; four sons.

GOOD MIAN Departed this life Msy 18. 1955, at St. Phllp Hospital. Mr. James Goodman.

i Ha resides at the residence of Mib, Carrie Tyler. K25 Chlm horsao- Boulevard. He leaves a boat of relatives and. friends. Remain rest- ar the John E.

Davis Funeral Home. 9913 Street, where services will he -held Sunday. 3 P. M. R.

Fitzgerald officiating inter, ment East End Cemetery. 21 God gave strength tn fight courage to bear the nli in aiaaaiaaa 1 tarais as sMala. Ms as Ha Room i Broad-Gran Arcade Phone 7-7828 OPEN SATURDAY modern machinery tor quality production. Progressive Engineering 2010 E. Ma n.

3-0956. CLERICAL WORKER Young ladv. typing required, pleasing personality tn interview public, air-conditioned office, vacation with pay. Jones A GoodlngS) 38 W. Cary.

28 CLERK Perpetual inventory-ex--prrienred 40-hnur week, alr-eondt-lloned office. Anplv NAPA Ware-houzc. 1302 MrTavtzh Ave. 24 CLERK And clerk'-typiet. high school graduate, aga 18 to 24: 6-day week, good working rendi But what ilt meant tn lose you None will ever know.

Father Mother, Sisters and Brother 21 J( Mr Nut C. Earle and R. O. SMITH In memory oT Horace R. Awiiip, etc.

22-A Smith; who died May 31. 1950. Con, but not forgotten. MargateL 21 aw Is mares A rasAsiH. sSH sr soli aa Uaillassit asiaiailSIHt as uMMe tress resSliil arrara A MM A MSI flrsl laiirllsa tSr.

Meriag, HaoBaf, Stenp STORAGE Loral -andbinitrillstBnea moving. Wyatt Moving and Storage Corp-. 9-6938 ar 7-9630 night BARNE'S tocwL long dlatanre. PM 7-9827 day or -3526 night THOMAS TRANSFER: RenaonaMa tion and emnlnyee heneflia. Apply iployment office.

Virginia Electric Power Company, 7th and and 18 grandchildren, ail of Chesterfleld County. Fu neral service will be held at Beulah Methodist Church Monday at 3 P. with burial In Sunset Memorial Park. AWNINGS Pthergtae and aluminum awnings to stalled and guaranteed. LIND BUILDERS.

INC lll-A Mato St. 93731 2 GRAND! SON Died at her residence May 19. 1955. Mra. Lilli Harris Grand iann; nf.

1273 30th beloved wife of Deacon A. Grand Besides her husband, she Is survived by three daughters. four sons, 'fourteen grandchildren, one great-grandchild, two aisters, two brother, on brother-in-law, three siniers-Un-Uw. one aunt, one uncle. Cank 'Thanks 3 NOR t's The family of the I.

panlee Non-l wish to express their rate. Cargo toeurad. 8-6007. Franklin SI. 24 Prefer anme one with aulonudtlle experience In hilling and making out license paper.

Write Robertson Chevrolet, 1351 W. Broad SI. No phone calls 2S heart feltlhanka and appreciation appreel AWNINGS. Filwrgla nr aluminum. Patina carport, porches, chamber-lln 84-2194.

29 FOX II. SCOFIELD, SB. FUnoral services for Fon H. Scofjeld, who died at hla home in Poplar Bluff, Wednesday, will be held there tomorrow. He -is survived by a ton, the Rev.

Fon H. Scofield, associate secretary for audio-visual education for the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board in Richmond, and-a daughter, Miss Barbara Scofield, of New York. SHELBURNE Transfer and Slorage Long-dlatance moving. 4-0982. WHEN ynu need a track, rent It from flretx.

1903 Chambariaynt A v. 7)301. evnrat: nieces and nephews, host of other lietatlves and friends. Remain to friends, neighbor, relatives and all tkbe who ware so kind In their expression! sympathy during the- recent hecenvrmcnt. MRS JOSEPHINE SMITH AND .21 BrikEaf and Coatracthif 24 CLERK TYPIST Dictaphone experience 37 -hour week, excellent working conditions, casually Insurance company.

CaU 7-62t4. 77 MOVING Special. 1 room. 8 to 98 and other small, art Idas. 4-0059.

AjmouNqnunm A DDITTONS New hnmw repair work. Free estimate. Burgas. 7-8703. 19 Deaths, la Mrrnorlaau.

Last and fouad. Lrgajj Kotlcaa. COTRKTYPIST A llPfTTQay 3714-h oir week, air-cnndlitoned of ADDITION Asbestos siding, storm door- American Home- 5-8762. Monuments, Cemetery Lota 6 EVERGREEN And Woodland Came- DOBBINS Transfer Quick servlet. Dependable.

Rcaaonabl. 2-19)9. 1 NMitHSlY5jE RANSFER: ADDITION All tvpss rarpentnr Complete attic hathronma roofing atone aldtn. qaheatoe Brent. 6-8023 (Your beat move.) Nights 3-7223.

29 LARGEST fleet of vane In the Soul). tary total far ankired CaU g-ltlA WASHINGTON MEMORIAL CEM TERY Near 'Seven Pines: two well Incaied lot at modtrale- price 29 rest at: the above real dr nee. Funeral service will he held Monday, P. from FL John Holiness (Tiurrh. Bishop W.

M. Clements official Ins Burial East End Cemetery. Family and friend will assemble' at Ih above resldenre at 1:13 M. W. Manning.

Funeral Director. HACKLEY Died at'fhe Ronwlne'i residence. DosweU. Il, Friday. May 70.

1 1193. Mr Alice- Harklev. Remdin -rest the Floyd E. Dabney Funeral Home. Ashland.

Va. Funeral notice later. 27EM HARRIS Died In Philadelphia. Ma; 18. Mr.

June Hams, husband ei Mre. Edna Scott Harris, formerly of Amelia- Coun'y. Funeral Sunday. May 22. 1 3 P.

at Union Branch Church, Rev. M. R. Jnhnann officiating. VJ Fruit, funeral dirrnor.

tlME ADDITIONS New home. Free eetf mate day or night: -sn rearr ax Etna. 97-8480 fice Intarcalad In learning bookkeeping duties. Phone Mrs. Lewis.

for an appointment. 24 CtARK'TYPI ST Permanent' iPlaV. 40-h'nir week general offirt work, fnr of fire, located on Soul It Stile: Starting salary 947 per week. Automatic Increase. Applv Into) flarw-4Ml St.

Hjl'ext rmirt, Monday, Mav It possible. A. M. lo P. 23 Van available to all eitto.

Brooks Transfer tor vour service all cities Bran Prowler Steals $108 in -West 'End Storage On Phone 5-1731 Lost and Found iDDlTIONX Repair of all iKS L. COton. 7-7409 after 8. MRS. SARAH LOU SNIFES Mrs.

Sarah Lou Snipes, of 602 Northside died yesterday in a. Richmond hospital. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Maude Gunn and Mrs. Mamie Gotten, both of-Richmond; Mrs.

Ruth Fowler, of Franklin; Mrs. Aver Pemberton. of. Urbanna. and Mrs.

Lula May "Perry, of a son, John T. Snipes, of Richmond; three sisters, Mrs. Brock Wrenn and Mrs. Lillie Royster, both of Danville, and Ivy Pleasant, of Rox-boro. N.

CL; 16 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 4 P. M. at Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Home.

wth (burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery. ADDITIONS Xepalra screen pnrehaa tanctog. CF Baton 6-8199. MOVING 3 room. JI-7 up: small articles.

S3 up B'g enclosed van. night. 8-llH4. (Jualily Servlcr, -44111 Broad. 20 I Advertisem*nts tor this daaat-flcatlon! eeeoted until 9:30 P.

tor the following day moronic and evening adlikma. I A DDITTONS REPAIRS Carpentry, painting block -work, allle. baths, ear era Gat our nrtrr and terms MR. ADAMS 94-1429: 6-8490 ate SKPUBMIKT 44-49 HsinWantcd. SHuaUMA WanL ad, OpportunltA.

'FINANCIAL 91-99 Monty lo las 1 iNSTaucrtoN ss-ao Courses Dsnctai. Beauty Culture Bualnsse livestock ai-aa MERCHANDISg ST-S7 Goads of all kind. Furniture Musical, Machinery. Garden and flureturelM Far Bale and BUSINESS EQUIPMENT ML1 Of flat and Stare Fixtures, ate AUTOMOTIVE 13-104 Cara and Aces sort Par Sal and Wanlsd Also Ssr-vtut. BOOMS AND MEALS 109-118 AvaUabA and Wantad.

BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT Apartmanta. House Bcaarte Butlnrea and Farm Proprety Far Rant and WantaC REAL ESTATE FOB BALE 13S-14A COW Strayed, Mack Angus: Parham and Rohlnion Road. If aeen please U8S-4(I96. Reword. 2lEM CLERK-TYPIST Auto, Track tor Hiro34-B WfilN roiTzM! a trash, rent from IP08 Chamberiayiw 7-0301.

25 MEREDETH Departed this Ilf May 21. -1953. Mr. Rufus Mrredeth. 87 4 -HOUR 5-DAY WEEK.

AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE. 2-5893. DOG Lost solid Mack male co*cker MMnlel. Vicinity Bt. Stephens Church, eward.i 9-4884 22EM DOG i Loaf.

May 9th. Dalmatian puppy: vicinity Bethlehem Road Reward 89-4597 or 9-5663. 22EM DOG Lost boxer narne Boots," ADDITIONS- Attica, ashrotas aiding, roofing aluminum storm windows. Call Bob Murray. 54-0426.

far fro estimate any time ADDITIONS Pain tin Pape riRfi.PUdterf 35 A prowled entered two West End homes during the night and escaped with $108 in cash police said today, Mrs. Robert Templeton, of 2903 Monument said a burglar took $100 from her apartment, and F. W. Gwaltney, of 3005 Monument, said an intruder took a wallet containing $8 from liis home. Both said the prowler used a ladder to gain entrance.

C2 ADDTTTUNTNO Interior end exicrice painting waiiaaparlag: enaclalprlM an atureo houses: commercial and Industrial spraying No fob too large Alj work guaranteed. Sttonatt. 4 5,130 3-0079 vicinity 600 Gilmer. SL 3-32Q6. Reward.

2 IME Or miner or mator npaira. Can 6-5050. Jim White will help yaw plea and ttoanep yore fsh CLERK-TYPIST If you are Interested In a position in which you would use your typing DOG Lost, whit mala spitz, brown ears, large brown spot on lower part at back, license 345356. 1964 rabies tag 490. Reward.

S3-2347. 22ME WHITS CUN6TRUCTION OX INC 5-6060 BRICK WORJC Cement and'alnto and also work with (he public, would ba moat interested in you. CLEANING And scraping wallpaper. W. A.

NorreU. 7-9313. 21 CLEANING Waits. yalltwperT floor woodwork. Banka.

4-58t9. 27 CNF. Suburban and County Bsiirtl hr Sato and Wantad You must I a high school graduate. between 18-26. Hours 8 to 4:30.

5 dav a week. Free hdapital-ixatiun. tick leave ana other bento liva. DOG Lost In 2300 block'" Grova male Dalmatian, named Big Dog." Reward. 9-1914 or 4-94H.

23ME --Aiao Businas OpaortimlUaa. Deaths 1 ABELSOX bled. In Wash I njroo. KEMTDNING Also eolnUng. A.

Seward. 6-9720 PAINTING Interior and Matthew. 7-P349. 19 PAINTING Interior and exterior free rarimatea. 88-1526.

JMorkn Call Care. 4-2987 BRICK-WORK And ctadar Mock CZtarantevd. 837844. 19 BRICK WORK Garden avails foundations. Hum.

major repair work. 8-8754. 19 BUILDING Repairing and palnUng eoatractori 29 year axpartonea. G. Phillips 4-0576 Universal Leaf Elects Covington CALL 7-2321, EXT.

240 of 1727 Lakevlew Are. Remain mat at the A Price, Funeral home I Funeral notice later. 32E MURPHY Depart! this lira May 18th, 1935 at her residence. 1006 Bowe SL Mrs Mary Morphy. She la by three daughter.

Mrs. Laura Lacy. Mrs. Rebecca Pryor and Miss Beatrice Murphy: son, Samuei Smith; three Vsrers, five brother seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, daughter. In-law two sons-ln-lawr.

several nieces, mephewa and other relatives. Remains rest at the Chiles Funeral Home where the family will receive frirnis Saturday, from 7:30 to 9 P. Funeral services wiu be conducted Sunday. May 27ndj at 3:30 from SL James Baptist Church, I Beaverdam with tha Rev L. Bray officiating.

Inter-mem in family plot. Family and friend -will please asaembl at me funeral home Sunday, 2 PM. 2 IMS PE ARM AN Died. May IS. 1955.

Mrs. Saran Pearman. of 4373 S. 37th Bcj Sh is survived by three sisters, nine nieces six nephews, on aunt and many other relatives and friends. Remains rest at Light, toot Funaral Home.

Funeral Sunday, 3 P. at Second Bethel Rap-tlat Church. Fort Lee. Rev. E.

Fogle officiating. Interment church cemetery Family end friends assemble hunday. 4523 R. C. M.

22EM St. at 1:45 P. M. Ufhttoejt. Funeral Direct sr.

l' Friday. May 20th, IBjJ, Mrs. Ann Luhncr Abelson. She I I 1 1 I CLERK-TYPIST D(XS Lost; black toy Manchester. Made, child prL Answers to name nf "Bomsie." Strayed Saturday from 4305 West Franklin St.

Reward. Ptoasa call 4-9736 or 5-7340. 2 "ME EYEGLASSES Lnat In front of Social gacurltr Board. Reward. 2 IME GLASSES Biloc la.

lost with rase WILLIAM C. WILSON Funeral rites for William Calvin Wilson. 72. civil engineer and former resident of Richmond who died yesterday at his home in Port Washington. N.

will be held at 2 P. M. Monday in Port Washington, with burial there. He received his degree in civil engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Mr.

Wilson Is surwed by his wife, Mrs. Ada Wilson! two sons, William C. Wilson, and John Park Wilson, XV; a daughter, Mrs. Gene Terray, all of New York; two sisters, Mrs. W.

McLaughlin, of Japan, and Mrs. E. S. Currie, of Formosa, and several grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Building Additioni" Repairing.

Screening. Farsyth Construction. 97-21(14. 1 BUILD ING New-komifaT" tddltlon. a lie, baacmeata finished: repair work RAO ConatrneUon Os, P7-8969 re P7-4976.

TI vlved by her husband. Jack Abel-aon; three sisters. Mre. Shep Goldstein. of Richmond; Mrs.

Jack Berger and Miss Betty Lubner of Las Angeles I wo brothers. Aaron and -Nathan Lubner, of New York City; no nephew. Dr. Nathan of Richmond; six nieces. Mr -Hirry Abramion.

Mre Harold Brett, Mr. Louis Weinstein, ail of RM-n-mond; Mrs. Louise W'eiaa and Mrs. I. Rusenhsrg.

of Mt. Vernofl. N. and Mrs Irvin Weber, of Lm Angeles. Calif.

Tha remain rest AfNTING -Caroentry repair. Free MUmale 8a tors. 5-8189. PAINTING lirg or email "jobs Moderate pkw 48974. 17 PAINTING Interior 'extrrlor.

Roof specialty. 2-1718. T. F. Brooke.

19 AINTING Papering, raroent'ei Pres sotimatea N. L. finer 9L. 9-9789 Painting Roofing, siding, gutteri and dowapouta; 8 -year term. 97-2042.

4 pAlVnNrtP.onflnf and repairing. Rroannablo pricys. Free estimates. 8-6879 pAITLNG Jiu Ida and outslda on Hermitage or Mam Street bus. or Fulton HIM.

Reward. 2-6624. 23ME retail furrllure store, with pepetual Inventory axpenenca to -bandi sales llcxeta. Hav aoU-tuda for figures and familiar wen adJing machine. Air-con-ditmned office, thessant aur-roundings: 54-dav wytk.

Ex-ceiieat starting salary. All repiles strictly confidential. Writ CT-78S. cora this paper, to Pwp handwriting, giving axe, experience and references. The Universal Leaf Tobacco 1 Company has announced the election of J.

E. Covington to the post of executive vice-president. He was a vice-president. Covington, who has been in Richmond for the past 23 years, formerly represented, the firm In the Far East. He was elected at a meeting of the board of director yesterday.

large ur tmak. Sill glnntog. porch repair. Terms. P.

5a RPENtRf RapairlniTTsi ft tha Joseph Blliey Funeral Home. Third and Marshtll, where STOP wishing for a car! Select it today from the hundreds of real bargains in the Classified columns aonahla rata. 97-6124: 822413. I eerrire will be held Sunday, at 3 P. Interment la Sir Mrae Monte flare.

3EM Continued on Next Patfo BECOME A HOME OWNER I Youll And what you avant Ustad tn the Calm Roofa Placed. painted, repaired and re-Mr. Kelley. 3-7173. gg WANT AM Urataa a.

i Ii 1 1.

The Richmond News Leader from Richmond, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.