The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

rv le trr.r.E. Nelson. 9A, cars. firAR. Sitb.

nA. uaxid v. rvniuriN lier. a M. a H.

DENST.l) IaNTELOPE. Browa. 6 Js KobinjoB. P. M.

Pwty PiHNNETT BofingeS P. M. I Ml Vo IT TmU. JOHN SIMU'" i LLYoTES.B:r.M Tr fxabfUlf n.TtwnM ocean fteanir. "T' "oM tlglTKU STATES.

Lntt 1 ItavL Uverpool via Hsilfaa. July 9 July 3 Boat on Nrw Orlea 1: ALU Ja9 i iTnf i.rn Jul 3 York via HI.Jn 6 BrfrtW'J July f. xtlaat 8 Juan and Aapinwall Jo York via Ju'v Heranaan. Crux Jiiy rtOM EUROPE.

Cowei a Jrrl. ST Livrrpo New ork June S' uwrpoo! Tor J.a',ei'' Africa 5V. York via Cowes.July i raJtoSt Tea rTbe atcsiner col K' will iw'i" havirc eonc. u.lcd to disrortmue her fri ho have already eb.pped wi.l please max. We aw TO COAST tta uin Ml.

mrTT arranirvi for Mobil will r.cp 4iy f.r (Vni aiilii. c. oa Man I Ti li rf.i.K far CWu Sprinr. c. tu JTUkiV on armai of T'i oTlcca A a a UKUnK.

Acrnt. Jri Lrrerwaa haw Duaina Kh the i HiMJS Biwrier atteit, boiween ar.a Ii clotk A. M. Jrt 't "TO SHiPPtHS THE BTEAMEK jjE Ti. AiiAed ar adid ey Cart.

ta. oi the a 3aoiZ taa: the fn UHt matifnrd to tiii yrSjt. ani is actycct to the ordrra of contutt.rra I'ilSlaWTie frric'rt forwarded by a krrT bi About irbirtt ofiw jooda were an.ed Sirtr Tw Bl owu by the M. Wr' t. but adrwed to wbom it a audreaaed.

P'l ft M. KOttlNSON ae Fir" SnTe i BASKKTS CBAMPAUNE. Dc.oerk Df 25B Cntomhue atn et. wasted to Hire Purchase, COLOKEB BOY. aexustcmed to the care aud diiriLf A 2f kdiaca ao4 working in rden or on XIl; at BEOAUWtLL AfW 3 Povdraa a.n t.

'7' TfB KLCilrP hulda oar la oar power of Ariotnev oic CHAilLES OD1KR Cl I iULUaoair. Orieana. Joty I rrG enr temporary from the city. Mr. k.i a a Ik Kairfi nur fnll nrtvrrr ol k'lut AW er.

aa per act paaaed 1 It I No oefore P. I. Nn'ii) H. III. Jl J.iT 1.

1 TkTOTICK Tbe buaineaa contiHi formerly ex tiua (XhetweeaJ P. TODD and W. H. F1SK. baaeanreu Z.

hmitadoa. TOUU cy. lOPAETNEKSHiP Tae uBerainel hae fonred a Coaarueraaip fcr the purpoae of carrjinj tbe laiDartiM and ncoieaaie ana neiaji ard atyi of TODD SANDOLFl. an wiU ronoanc U( boaiae TODD at lio Ca J. P.


FLEITAS. In Cacumndcrt. Jt 1 Balaam Jjiy 1. 1. DiS60LCTlo ur lurAM.iiair irv.

aenei heretofore ejiatirj in tb city, ooirr tl. atraf CtUH A. POI.LARU ft between I BIAh APOLLAAD. CHARLES W. Al.ri.ED iatkaday diaaoiTed.

by bmitatioo. mof tbelase nrra will artiltd by CUARLEs W. POLLARD, naina the name in liioidatn.n on: CtiAHLES W. POLLARD wiU continue ne far hw ow arconst. aji for tbe heira of ibe late I A A.

POLLARD, the aame vr. Canal atreet. iacVtyiTof CHARLES W. POLLARD CO.

NW Otleana. June 30. 1. J' 19SOLUTIOS Tbe 6rm of Bi Ll. DI C.

4 CO w. thday dwaolved. by nioteal consent, ana ci Urp.rp eaof 1 H. ICNCA jalyt. KM.

Jyl COPARTNERY lli 1 He hae Tran a Caanaerahia. nader tbe atyle of DCNCAN LO tjA! toVx creJ totnelale nrna of RAWUNS. DOC AN 4 CO kr (fee pmrpoae of traeaartinf Cattuo Factnrac ad ireaeral Coaoiaaioa buaineaa. and are ful.y au: tor Ued lioaidare tbe baamcaa of predrreMsra. iSiacm i I.

H. DOC AN. ttEO. VY. LCHj U.

Jalyl.isy. Jyi lm OH retilinc from tne Commiaaioa oueineaa. I take ie aurria tenderiea my eincrre thanka to tue parrot taeUtrnrm of RAT LIN S. l.LN CAN A CO and the aaee tiaia bef 13 rm 1 attention to the Card of Ufr sic mm. Mtar i DOCaN A LOO AN.

and tu aourit to: raaa acasonaancc of paot farora. "aUwed BAM. V. RAWLINS. Jaiy t.

Jy' HE onderaijned have formed a crparrnerafcip. tm! wj continue tLe baiuea ofCCMMINtiS STXv XT A under lae Urm of C. CU MINGS ro K. C. CCMMINo j.

BROWN. W. F. PRESTON. 5ew Orleaaa.

Ja'y I. ivs Jyi 'm FpHE Arm of H. H. HANiEi.C A nar.n mm. 1 awa.Ted.

the anbarriber wiu continue tee SJ erj tad Saddlery Hardware baa.neaa. ia own came, No Mmllie atreet. Hi. Stephen Bonliemet huida my power of Arre'cry HENRY H. HAN6E.L New Orleaaa.

July 1 156. Jy' FJSKi JOHN F. BEHiKE and ANDREW All WATT, become partnera ia aur firm from ale. JOHN WATT CO Jyl 3ta 5ew Orlrana. Joly I.

IXVi. NOTICE Vr. DC FF GREEN, af Vickaburs. ii. became a partner in out aocae tbia day.

GRKEN A CRC.VT. NewOrlaana. Jniy I. IW Jyl rtULtAal P. CONVERSE retiree toja cay trua trm of CONVERSE A CO.

Tbe era THOMAS M. CON VERSE, and ILLIA V. CONTEKsB. bi'F aaaociate with then SAS i KL VOODALL, acd ariil costiane anaineaa under lix ix.r Sew Orieane. Jose 30.

IV Jyl NOTiCE WILLIAM H. THOMAS tn: day oeer mea aaarwiarrof ocr arm. F.f. fuUilk Co New Oneaca. Jn'y 1.

Jyl COFARTNRSUlP Fromandat er 'hia I tare rra my eon. FITZWiLLi AM LONSDALE. ar EXE M. VS. BOYS an intereat in my ader arm mt H.


Jyl im IHaVE tasa aaoocuaud wua me in ouueeaa. hoo EaTMcSEm. and EMOMV CLAi'P, ani ni cool. one tacTkoieaaie Dry Good Miainea. at Nafanae ar eet aad 14 Bank Place aader the exu and rirm of A.

B. James a co a. it. jam s. Sew OrVaaa.

Jn'y t. Jii OF COPARTNfcRSHIP. Ite tu aieiofjee ender tbe came and a oi THOMPSON. ALLEN A ia thia cay diaao vd oy iu at EDWARD THOMPSON haTin prchad Vue inirrer A Ilea wita aad firm, all tbe Imoi acd charjej toe UnuiaaTiur. r.f tht tame Mi WASP THOMPSON.

Jyl lai W.M. L. ALLEN. THE asderwrnea wnnc fcin Mr aa. Bamea.

of city, will ctptinae tbe wlio' aa e. i 1 and Lhiuot B'mnea. andeTTSe rame ani or IH0MfON A BARNES. EDWARD IHOKPSOV New Orteaaa. nlr I.

I.V. Jy NOTICE ilaaOLCTiuN OF COPARTNEKaH: Tbe ropartoeraiip herrt. fore i (T ieaaei. nnwer tt ef NO iaia A WAV. (i aa tbawiied trr i3ocai oi nt.

I THADDEUS NOi.R.S ia Ctxfl t'ae Jculcifr at taw aaaire tbe aame xHAPDrrs pro tDW. HANco*ck. A IL i. OracA Joiy I. Jy! tt rOrAiTNERSfaic Tuf have tLa dv farmed a ceparrce a cilv.

tno tbe ii and aame of NOSRi. MaCLL A icrlcc pariw at carrriaa as Use Cwcciac Baceaa 'THADDEC NORRIS. CRAS. W. MACLL.

EDWARD C. HANco*ck. NewOriraaa, Jh I. lrseV J1 0 IN retirine: from ie aAere cnu. i moot cor A re ncrenn mill l.

I.L aaj BDWaRD C. HANco*ck to my frenda cwifi.ieet tt tkwy wia pee taem entire aatactioB in eery de Fr trat st tbe Mufw A. WAT. New OOewaa, Jaiy I. Jyl tf V'JJICE Hy racmeeseat uk aleaara POWELL.

A 7i0ra.LNo expirea lesa day. and I bare oprwed an 1 a So. ui Caiman arrret. coraer f. a af a Caaraa Factarmce acd General Com my aw a aame ana wrmTown ac fiimri.T' Jita j.

Lapryre. Kowiacaaa state oaak; Jamea rrto. tH foara Ma B.ak jL PaJfrry. Ea: Caasier Bran, a i 1" Bana A 8 Rasdeaa. Esq Aaaia Jinr akjr lakaana 8 ale BaaA Wat Pe.

mma, E4 AJiea. Rao, Jaiy las. CARROU.T3t AND LARE RAILROAD xaecara win rsa aaeassaoya. aawmy tor CarroUv a from fer ill? RX 1.VTVU'' bo ir from TWeU i aa aaaj tnpa freea la iff p. ine luc at Lepot, ma a Jyi it Lent A amall Hriim ivnru mm 'MtaJoarsa HafVy.

Tte Coder wui ie.eie fi't lW rrwa a a irarura the aase at Borta. a Caaa.kwrret. JOSEPH HCFTf. feZZv Ja rj AGONS aeJCaaeaaj lo tJCART8 DBATs TIM aa rKTS WHEELS. JERSEY la wiatena cma warairaoasia.

warran i a aJ aunattctare. aaw an as TeSal ir Limnmt cau aad eAaaaWa rtAWm irntAir a w. waw ra uraretin mom. af taa at.oa aroclea ai waWwrad a Ik. Jirtaey waata asA.

i AND TARRED CORDaGE 'wi ra atare. iar aaar bw tau aJUIfi, COOPER CO atria! it i 5x iUe KTRIver rxcll'OS To Las Sucre El. a for Ocean Jrnngs and inlerme '4 sto A. eas. ii steid of 4 dor.

N. account oi in. oar a ilwTtBMt tUe ritin enir of toe will kia i i WHITNEY I I nrfira Salts gaj. S. B.

Eykel sella 8 roc erica. Provisions and Liqasrs 10 o'clock, at as 'aMaaazinc street also. Cotton, at o'clock on the Levee, oppoaite St. Louis atreet also. Bacon Shoulders, at 10 o'clock, at 107 Maf axine at.

Uorpby A Kerina sell Sroceriea, Prorisiona. and Lrtqaora. at 10 o'clock, at Maoxlne street also, Scotch Ale. at 06 Common atreet. D.

L. I bearer sells Furniture, Ac, at 11 o'clock, Camp street. I H. Psychaud At Co. Dry Goods, at lBs'cloA, a 2a Old LrTeeatrerC N.

Vinie sella Wlnea. Liquors. Brandies. at 10 o'clock, ISJ Cbsrtres street. Gardner Smith aelia Srock in Trade.

c. at 10 o'rloi at Maf axine atreet. tMT lee AeTcrtlsemrDta. MOrNT MORIAH LODGE No.

Grand Lndje KU. nv ers thia evening. ALPS A LODGE No. Ti, Grand Uxlge Ha'l, meeU tbia enirt DUDLEY LODGE No. 6 LcJe Hall, rueeta tJ evening.

Odd Fello ia n. TECTONIA LODGE Nn. 10, Room No. Odd Fellowa' Hall. hia evenins.

ORLEANS LODGE No. 11, Room No. 1, Odd Fellos' Hall, nieeta tbia COVENANT LODGE No. 17. Waaiiingroa Hail.

MargTy rioillioca. thia ereninr UAGNOL1A LODGE No. ii. Room No. 6.

Odd Hail, meetatbiaeveninc SCJALNOTICES. New Orleans Canal and Banking Company I New Orlrana. 1st Ju.y, 1 Tli: Euk Willi cloaed on FRIDAY neat, ithe Fourth of i Paper maturing an that Jate will be payable Thursday, the 3d on wbirh dav intruded lor discoant'on Satuniay almnld I made, jyl A HCCHET KERN ION. Art. Caabier.

Sonthrrn Bans, New Orieana. June 3, At a meeting to dav of tbe Board ol Directors of thia Bank, a aemi annual "dividend of rive per cent, waa de riarrd. pavartle to the tori. bolder, on the Utll an.1 to tl.r Northern rtockhoMera at the Bank of America, in New York, on the Clat idem. jyi 3t MS.

L. WIBRAT. ttf New Orlrana. lat Jaiv. l.e..

Tliia Bank will he rlsaed on FRIDAY next. inat. Note, and billa matnrinc on that day ahould be paid on the Thurly rreccdin. od inat. jv, M.

DAVIS. Caihier. Kank of NewOrleaua. New Orleans. 1.

v. This Bank an! be cliwed on FRIDAY next, the Fourth nf Jalv. Farer due on that day will be payab.e ot, Thiirauay. Hie July, on which day otferira fur diacunnt liould be made. 4.

GRAYSON. Caahir AlerUanit and Travels Buk. i New Orleara. July I. I v.

Bank will cloaed on FRIDAY next, the Fourth of Jirv. rier falling due cm that day will he on ThurJay. tue July, on waich day odennga for be made. Jvi 4t CRTZAT.

Citizens' Bank ot Louiaiaua. New Orteana. Juna In. Thia Ba will be closed urst FRIDAY the Fouith of July. Note's etui bill radius due ou tiiat day mut be tlie previ.iua liuauueu lur uimrnai ii.t ai i i i i i' XII I LKON SERE.

Actir CaahliT. I IX ll DLEY LODGE N'X F. A. M. A nieeiing wiU be hekl in trie Grand Lode EJT Masonic Hal', corner of Perdido and St Cliar.

TH1S EVENING. 1st inat, at 7 o'clock. Vis itir.c Brethren are invited trTatrend. By oruer Jyl SOLOMON CC Secretary. Branch Louitana State Bank.

i My i New Orleans. 'Jixh June. Tliis Bank will be cloaed on FRIDAY next. Fourth r.f Juiy. Paper faiiingdue on that day v.

1:1 be Thuradav, tbe d. on which day the Board will niter i discount. Orlerings for discount most be niade on IV r.l neaday. the 2d. R.

PAI.FKEV. Caalpee Treasurer a Deiituicin. i New Orieana. June The public are hereby notified that the delay arconied lor the pevrurnt ot the city laxe on rrai estate i tieely Ci.ite on MONDAY, the July, when a.i i will be placed in the bauds of the Aaia'ant City Attorney for auit The Treasurer would also notify auch per.u. a are exerciAiiiK a proleaiou.

or running a purjlic or pr.ate without license, to come f.rward and take their nceuae. or he will Be compiled to enforce ordinance relating to auch matter. Jrt tJ7 ADAM GIFFF.N. Treaarirer FOR JUSTICE Or THE PEACE. TLe uc k.

iun. la induced by the a wirttationof fr.ecd. of party, to erler aa the peopie'i raudidate to the va. nti. of Third Jitice of tbe Peace, camel by the ceatli Kicha'd Ric harden The election will be heid on the toth of in the Eighth Precinct on Dauphin irect.

the Sintli Tre cin en Baain street, te CHARLES CLA1P. orieana Canal aud Banama Compas New Orleans. June Ipe At a meetina of the Board of IKrertora of this luiti' a on. held thia day. a eerui annua; divid nd cf nre per i.t.

aa declared payan.e to the stockbou.ers. in this nt on the firat MONDAY of July next auJ to th tot New York, on the rirat SlONDAY" of A next tj7 A HLCHET KERN ION Aee Sew Or.eaua Gas Light Couiai) June i. IKei Tbe Board of Directors of this Company hsve declared a virndof i per cent, payable to tne atockboi.era.

or their legal representatives, on and after 1st July next. By order: Jes lm T. O. JT TIDALE. Treaiurer New Orieana (aaa LUbt Compai.y.

Stay lorvi. At a meeting of the Board or" Directors of tniaCnmpary. he th a day. Mr. P.

N. WOOD waa enanimonaty eiectrd a Director and Preaident af the Company, to 6.1 the raranciea occasioned by tbe reaignatiaa af amea Rol a. Eaq By onier my. lm N.O.J T1SDALE. Treaasrer.

Headquarters Continental Gcarda. I New Orieana. June fa. 1 CONTINENTALS. ATTENTION You are brre bv orderr.1 to assemble at the Armory.

No. Cau.p 5 atreet. in fail uniform, en FRIDAY" MORNING, tee 4tn day of July, at o'ciaca. A fall and prumr? attendance is experted. Hv order of Cart.

Laburan Je MtEtd JAMES MrCLOSRY. Continental Guards. Ii New Orlears, itJth June, JS Rf rilfr Monthly Keetii c. ou are ce ebv otdere i to attend a retr mect.i; Vat the Ai TUESDAY EVENING, tie July, at 7 o'clock. Every memoer ia expected zo preeent.

aa otuineaa of tLe greatest importance will tx laid before tbe sneetins. By orier of Cast. ran: Jeir SuATu H. BIER. Secretarv.

AMarlitlan Rarn. Trie w.nter aieetiaf on tfce tirst SaT t'RDAT January. li'. oer tie cmrae. tear tue rtv of New Orieana.

with a sweepstake for thre year a ss beau one mile tcaarr.p tiea ti': lil. Same dv. Stakes teata. two mvea On tbel UESDAY following the Br Saturday In Jan ary. Ia.7 ockey ClcS Purse hau.

three miles. EDSESDAY 'weejatskes foe two year. sub aciiptlan saon fbrw git: oeata. one mile. it.

dav. Ji key cicr PuraegHi: he afa. tworailtfa THURSDAY" cg beat of tmni Parse 4 Sf.xf dev. Parse Vv beats, ane rti'e. FRIDAY Jo key Parse S' JC heata.

three best of ttve. oe mile. SATURDAY key C.ub Parse SlJOu; heata four es. Entrance money, five per cent, as the amount of puree, to go to the second hon Srtouia there be no aecond bcae. tr entrance money will go with tbe pnre.

No dedoit oo from tbe paraea case of a wa over Tbe eweepetakea will ctoae on tbe firat af tSeaaen aer. IS Three aunacribera wlil a atake, Sominatioaa it be addTeaaed to SIDNEY STORY. New ir teana. All 'fce aoove racea will be soverned by the ru aal regulations of tke Metallic Jockey Club. MINOR.

Jyl lit Chairman axcitive Co enmities Propriefor'si Fararii On tfce first SUN DAY after tee Jnrkey Racra. over tne Metairie Coorae. Bear New Or rant, the proprietor wiil rtter TWO PCRSES ta be run for. FIRST RACE Hea a one mi.e; Parse SECOND RACE Heata two Parse tt. T.

be run anc tbe ra es and rajcia ooa of tbe Jockey Ci ib. Oct free i n.y for bob win era daring tae week. SiAO krward Sigp ih? THrilfrgr. fi Tb' aboe reward win ven frr tne apfeben i nnc and T' Sta e. ew coontr.

cr of nia oe iwe to tt.e twf oi Texas, of aoe ROBERT HCNT. oBLxmrtea a cruel and onoro.cae marde apt the tdv of Wyiie Meaace. a oulet. inctTecree man. n') veT of ar.

1 Vo terry. Cm corty. Texas, ac tie tlsat tae l4tn Jai e. id Harts ia akaat twen'y three years of are. dark rr.rn plexroc.

bvoe eye. pert and acive in bia ra I ad of lienor, and a Jod fiddler; ataxda aavnt five feet ax or aevca inches ia bright, and we rra atwat 1 fotnas. THE HEIRS OF THE DECEASED. Jyl at near Monterey. Sstrtay V8t yed.

yesterday tnetirf. at 3 e'etork. from tne premise, of B. A Ca 1 Old Levee street, a ark mare MULE bad oa a pair af blind bridle. Any person bria icg ta aame ta the above address will he rnraiiy reaaniea LINSEED oiL btna.

rleJ and Haw. for aae try SMITH! COOPER A Jei St lx Tcbeupitoalaa treet G'UNNY BAGS IV. and boshes, for aale I try SMITH. COOPER A CO, Je 3t Tchonpilaa aa t're. KITE LEAD W.

tons Caioo Maaaiacxttre. ia aure and iaaiisg, for sale hy a jai i rs, wrcxa ax Jr39 St lc strret. A grata Union Whi Lead Vannfa torngCmiaey 'I1 IN PLATES AT boxea best Charcoal aada. f. 1 aa by SMITH.

COOPER A Importers and Ageata for Easnsa Maaafacrnrera. Jev 3t lf TcbowpitoM aaareeet COTTON DCCh. ootta assorted atuobrra. and brands, ia acore an i landiBC. or aale by SMITH.

COOPER A JrrJ at Tcboepttias atreet. Knarliak funnel Coal Tor Sale. 500, TONS ant llcf CacBel Coai, bow Ian In 'torn aii.p Exrraad fcr ra'e by JENJUNS, WILLIAMS CO Je KesraitAat au Biioxi, tiatut tae Foarth of July eTi An Araerican KUg wCi be ma for. alio a Pen sast, free frr skitTa. wTwi Jet a LArTATTE Hotel aa.1 WkarC VerUce.

'IK. JULES LE MOf.E. of ibjs city, ho' da my power i'A inrfjrr, aa pr aci be. Th.ea d. at tary por'ic.

as tSe ftn inat. ED trACTHESlN New Irrew. jaw A Cau d. A BEE A CX. at ina of Caxe 4r lirJ will gtve asa im.

al anabtajai sariki tna aaoe G. eaoa ta ail eaeaa aa taw AtXaAapas aas Alan iaiai iaiirwa ed us tse above arsa. AU kaaii.iaa cwaamvsa lew. Brie Mr. Caxe, as) Caaas atreet, will i eerier auboaa er i aa Ta taa HaM.

ANFVT sapslv sf taw CHaVONO THERMAL HAIK CREAK, waaew awa arae.d aa liRracnaa ta rearwnag Bare aowa baid brass wf resale ace a af taiariry sat re enved ad tar sale as tbe HnearacatarK Pharmacy i A. E. P1NNEY CO ac awT Alaa. tbe CBa.030 BAiR IY aad 2 AUCTION SALES. Farnitarej 3tc, at Aaction, cine ttieet CALB continued end cl.sea THIS DAT, com neui iuj at 10 o'clock.

Jvl GARDNER SMITH. Aierionerr. Cirwcenca, I'roviaioun huiI Jitiiuur. BY B. B.

8YK.ES. Auctioneer Will be aold at aucriou on TUESDAY, tbe lat at 10 o'clock, at lus auction store, Magazine atreet. 10 ake shouiaera and Hama is caaea Sardine. caaea Trutflts Cigara; bbla. Flour: coils Kope; 73 bassets Oil li bales Corks Brandy.

Gin. Whiskey, Soap, Mo'aisra. Buckwheat. Prunes. Giivrs.

ay Pipes. Nai'S, Shovels, Scales, Jy Cotton Cotton. B. SYKES. Auctioneer III be awlJ at auction on TUESDAY, the 1st at clwk.

on tbe 1 iff. op.MUte St. I.ouil street, fur account of wbom it may courera 47 bales Cotton, damaged, tigr Terms Cash. Jyl Itut'ou nliunltlrra. IY R.

B. SYKES. Auctioneer iil oe aold at auction en TuESDAY. tbe Ut 10 elm k. at Mr Alag uine atreet, lur account of whf it may concern Bacon Sboulde.a.

fcaT Caab. J' l.rufrlctt, I'rov tsioui aud Luiuura. 1T SiORPHY A NE'. rS ill be aold at auction on i TUESDAY, tbe lai at 10 o'clock, at 4s Jlagaiine street cxbki Bec Sho'jlde 7 bV. Beef; 40 bsg.

Codec Ml SI Butter 4 bsil' chests les; ir. cseka bula Wbifkey C4i aketa Oil boxta Tobacco 1 tierrea Rice: Sop. Jyl i.uu.if, Arc BY It. FEYCHAl'l) A CO C. Simory.

Auctioneer Will be oid on TU ESDAY. I.t i at 10 oVlk, at their auction room, Old Levee atreet Domtatic Goods, cons aiing of Oscaburga. Heavy ana Fine Brown Sheetings, S.ripea. Ac. Alao ISO io'a.

cansivtlng of Ginghatna Silk Shawls and Man tlllaa. Iriah Fancy Drii'a. runted I awns. Toweia. Linen Camnnc Handaercli Hosiery, Tick.

Print Silk Parawls. Foulards, Ac Uf Terms libera', at siile. Jyl KuruitBi Furniture. BY D. L.

M. Montgomery. Auctioneer. Wnl be aold at auction on TUESDAY the lat July, at II o'clock, at tne Old Auction Mart. 7 Camp atreet A Large and general aceortmeut of new and aecond hand furniture, comprising Mahogany and Walnut Bedeteaoa.

Amioira. Bureaua Waabstanda, SofaaiLoungea. Centre. Card. Pier and Dining Tables.

Sp iue Seat Mahogany Chairs, Rockers and Fsay liaira. Curtaiiis.Carpeta.Ciocu. Lookiug Glasses. Cooaii.g Stoves, Kitchen Furniture, Ac. Also Second hand 1'jrtra.

Tern Ca Je Scotch Air Srotrli Ale. BY MORPH ICS Will be sold st aaction on TUESDAY. 1st Jaiy. at lu o'clock, at No. au Common street, for acru.

tit of whom it may concern caias Scotch Ale, and piutA aarTerma Caah incs, l.iqnorH, lirandies, Suaiar, Tc, Prunes. Ac. on account of departure. BY N. V'IGN 1 E.

Auctioneer ill be aoid at auction on TUESDAY, the 1st July, at 10:4 o'clock, at No. Ill Chanrea atteet The Stock of a Grocery Store. il loca'ed and well patrouited, consisting in Winea. L'quota. Cordia Bru Jies Sugar.

Tea. Caudlee, Brandy Fruits. SaMinea, Soap, Vermirrili. Cneeae, Ma chra.Cigara, Prunes. Sarertn.rats.

Pirklea. Ac Propoias at private aie will be received until the day cf saie. tSaT Terms Caeb. Sale oT Wine and Hrandiea, under Cm'om Hoosekes. witnout any reerve.

BY SYKES. Aactioneer iil or aoid at auction on WEDNESDAY, July, at II o'clock, at the Custom House Wsr house. No. Bienville atreet. near tbe corner of Rota! atreet.

tne fall iwujg Wictaand Btaiidira. for account of whom it may concern. 141 oa taves French Cognac Brandy SIcaaka 1 17 cases Caret ine. Tbe whole in bond aad rtititled to drawbars. tr Terms at aale.

which will be Je. Koncwood and Blnck Walnut Furniture at Anctioo. reerv mc ol it nearly new. BY GARDNER SMITH. Auctioneer Other No 7 Om merciai Ptace Wiii be aoid at auction on THURS DAY.

tbe at 4 o'clock, at lur Carronnelet at Roseaood Chairs. alnut Be.iatea.1s. Armnna., Taiea. Lousgea.

MattreMea Caxpe.a. Matin v. one hoe Far Framr Franca P. ate Minor, Mant.e Ornaoicnta. Coal

Ac. gat Tertna Cajh. I fxjndic'a union Snle of Jewelry anu Fancy without reserve. BY GARDNER SMITH. N0 7 Comme.

cai Place Will be on THISSDAY. d'v Sd. at iO 0'c icr and continued ur.tit the entire s'we. eixiureaaal Leae Store are disposed of. No Camp street Tue tck cotnrrus seta cf Rich Jeweuy.

Brace. eta. Chains. Lxktta. P.tx Ru gc.

Ear Rinrs. Prnrl Caaea. Ac: Work II sn. Dr ng Cases Travenna 1'ocVirt F.aaaa. Liquor Cava, lle.ka.

rtiiuc Caaea. Forte Mhuomi. I'ocae. Books Card Cee. rMii.

cl*t Ciar. Porte Foioa. Tac'ets. Malben Ii attuments. Co'or Boxa.

Ba Beika. rti eiy. Brashes of sit kic tt. Note and Letter Paer and ri lope. Guna.

Pistol. Pted Ware, Painlicga. and a real variety of la Artic a at. G.aasea and ee for aame, ar.d Watch Materials. Aiargeextia nne Safe, powder proof locas.

lateat iui provriaerts Gftixe Desks. Copying Prraaea. Siani Ac: a Frencn Plate Mirror. Gas Fixturea Frenoh ate Giase Silver Mounted. on'rr.

Shaw Cases. Show in dows and Side Cases. Tab ea Conrtera. Stamping Prrai. for atamping initias an paper and envrloia.

Leaae of Store and Improvcmrnta. taT Terme Casn. Je. a ALEX. HILL.

Svndlc. Camp Vr.t lieu I Katate In tbe P'irnt and Faurlk Uia trirs at Auction. BY GARDNER SMITH. Auctioneer OfEce. Ns 7 Commercial Fiace Will be aoid on SATCRDAY.

ly teh. at Ii o'cioca. at Banks a Arcade l. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, in aqua bounded by Felicity. Clara.

Me. pome tie axd Marin streets No I meaeuricgSi feet taincbea? lioea on Melpomene street. lj feet 1 1 inches 3 iines on Clara atret. and 3 feet a icchea liceaon Feiitity atreet. Lot No.

a.ijoiniua end measuring SI feet 7 tncLea on Melpomene atreet. lis feel on te line of No. 3, and 3J feet inches 3 Lii.r. on Felicity street. i SEVEN LOTS, in sqnsre bounded by First.

St. D.v;d and St. Andrew atrerra. acd hne formerly Faubonrs La fayette. Being Lota No i ll.

IJ. IJ and i No. a meaannsg feet front cn Firat atreet. by l2 feet 6 inrbea in depth, between parallel lines No forms the comer, being i feet on Firs: atreet. by 31 feet 3 inches on St.

Andrew street 10, 11. Ii aud 13 measure each no feet front on St Andrew atreet. by iu feet in deptu; No. 14 niea snrea li feet 3 incbes float oa St, Andrew street, by a depth of Ii" fret all between parallel unra. Term.

Out tiard rasa i tbe oa.ance at one and taa Ku rr.e partico'sra at aa'e REMOVAL EMOYaL Vr. te rL. kJ rTToed his to i. Caroc rl rtrt et. triTO Py rir tid Lf3'ett, ihrre doort 'r ct.

foretr ef rh intrr, Je It ROIO aL J. f. ALLEN, a ai'ct AjrtD, bz re norH from INex rret to a IS Poycra rtret. rcmer tf I EMOVAL UtANK HA ES AtUM LeOw. IV.

rrwic tr i oILce to So. 9m Cai.p REMOVAL H. ASHBRJl'OE A CO have removed from No. At St. Charles to No.

Common stmt. ender the Gaa e. rt DENTISTRY. R. CHARLES E.

KELLS. DENTIST. New Orrau. si Canai between (Jamr let and BarcBna Arf ttoal teeth inserted ia tiie best manner aoii ir FREDERICK R.NAPP. DENTAL BCRGtOW.

1U Canal street. Dr. K. wishes ta confine Bis pr a tK exctvaave.y to tboae wno wwii tneir oyjeratioaa perfaTBea ia the hif beat degree of perfection. Millions of teeth an now lost which might be aarrd by timeiy and la bciorit rrrarmeet.

Hia pncea are the aame that te baa cbA ged tbe fifteen years. dn dAWt EXCHANGE OS New York. CitciREarJ. Waaaicgton. Louuville.

Ba.timore. Louia. Ririmrr.d. Cnxaso. Auatin.

Texas, Mol.i e. Saa Texas, Nat. hex. Stiaa Foraarebr I SON A CO Barkers. Tia lr roe PirM an4 Camp eta New Orieana.

French rhirtar THE BBdersigr.rd bavirg male tw rdifitiam t.bis Area ty extetulve nock of FRENCH SHfRT ii ported dirertiy from Paris, is now a Dp Je I with and orjrrs for a full atsarrmexuof every style and size, comprising Ttire Lista Shirts, at per iaitn. sv. Vo a 0 Lie en Bosom Sairu. ii pet doxea Also Liaea abirt Boaoma from a to Si5 per dczen. Ail tne a lore Snirta are procured from the brat maaa fartares is Paris, aad are ajpervw every respect.

ADOLFRE BLACHE. Jeso la av street, near Bienville. 1 Ii I LEMONS, arrived on the imp Gro, Washiiig ton, for aae at lew price a. br tsEO. BUUj.

31 st eet. Ct herweea aa Old Leeee. JsC Prtwrnt Kwwan for Hair aad Wk laker Dye. leg. Flttmg ao biga aad Taapeea.

a flf I. a rit. reniAVej kia anarisa and Hair Carang SaJooa ar big Manaractory from one siAe yi the Fsruco to tbe other ander tne St. Chariea Hotel, ia wrxos ha castaeriers and the public In general that he baa aaade sack unproveanetita in fitting Bp his new eataa jac a est as ta recoer it weal worthy af patrKatt. The siost patcte axtd brat workmen are to ae mad.

perial aneataaa mvea to faah rnahia Hair Cattrng Xorice. CRING my temporary absence rwn the cftr. try Dc werof at rrnry netd by Mr JOHN BAKER Jr TC WM N. BATaON Dolaear'a t'ommerrlal Colleaje, 10 Cans atreet All who na ta attend during the arheot tracaxiona appiy a as aaoat of tbe eeara are a.rea.:y ens aged. No seat sheared tu pad for.

Encnea. Frrncb. waaJt. German. Malnerr.a:ics Previsa "tip.

Book keetrla at4 PhoeidxTaphy are ta(Lt. Tcjtit a special Professor for ra' Lax scare ar CirFHS IXl.K'r: A. lc Cava! 1 Uti Caaaaa aireel. itlb HARNEY reaptrxsaier in forma turn friea'aaad tue utibc ten rally, that be has rjrabuaaed a Biiro vf ne a aid taad. Ha Catnaon afreet 1 fin' irfttui creOrated fcarber.

CHARLES BRisCO. wtere be be maat aarpy t' a era iesta, wo fi: 11 iaaavenirct, to aw us Jo ka 04 aas. Na to Comixt xi it ocrpoaie fe City eu tV at cither ivace if oa raw He a rod have, HilSEV Je a an atta C' IV Bated. laovseiiaakeabdsccrlaiated Horm fwiti we diat a 1 Tae pwrrtarer win taaa at ran at Ir. EiMtl ijC.

ww ama e. tw at Cava Hire), ca Moa t.y aud Taeanas Bear, The banrs wilt ae sotMXiltted ta Dr. E'iaoct aexasUataw, taT Good b.iata araali aad caaa paid la autre at 63 Ca arW. at Jea tvsverames)t laatrart. CeS DICA ASil.

Na. lO aasl wreet. wil, fcrvwx IXte cicy wilb PEACH at aoWvt IBe aeuataatv et ise lacr. mttl rar tKtwarty at fit Ut caucd to I IK iact. Jvs a BY BEARD MAY.

9Drreioa of ialen J. tratt. LI A BEARD MAY. J. A Beard, Aucttoneu.

WiU be sold at auction, oa SaTCHDAY, July I at 1 2 o'clock, at Hanks a Arcade. Magazine street. In he city of New Orieana. bv and in ore of an order of the Hob P. H.

Judre of the Second District Court of New Orieana. da'ed June IT, iaoh. the following described pro perl. belungii.g to the saecearion of the late Galen J. Pratt, viz A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated ia the Faubourg LivooJaia.

Fourth Dfcrtiirt of thia riry, being No 1 1 of sqnare 1'. hounded by Fulion, Sixth aud Cuippewa streets and Washington A.enue. which aaid let iiiraiures to feet front on sail Fulton street, by a depth of 110 fevt lu inches. One half rash, ant tbe balance at one years cieiit in note secured by tn.irfrsi;? on 'be property sold, and heanns 8 per trot interest trom maturity till paid. Act of aale brfure Wni.

L. Poole, notary pubUr, at the expense of tbe purchaser. JeM VVAiN'lU UTANTED A situation as Wet Nurse, uy a 'crpertaMe woman without rhiid. who cm gie una referepre. at ha no olyectioi.i to travel.

at No. 41 Fouriier atreet. between St ami D'or i A man to attend to a Saw mi I I ntarthecl'y. A rooi merl.anic that can come Aril oxJirueuded. will fins a i erTaueut situation by drupoing a l.ue in jx A 4 IVst othce.

with address and reler euce. Also, a man to run uw mill. Jeio "ANTED A higu.y rc.p ctaliie Eugi. woman is auaiora to rr.t an eprageairnt as Nurse wi a fuTiily traveliig N'or ill: ku bad rr.t rnfin'f tit rfciidrru. ani hi ti o'citi' i iu leaking heraelf jeiu aetul.

Addreai i. Picayune othie. Je in 3t H. ANTED aa Scania' rcaa onethorouah ty conipeti nt, rrlcreuces ivrn. Adaresa A.

JeJ A situation aaj Wn Nurse, by a healthy aud reaoectabie young womau. She can give beat city referrncrs aa to laerity. Adiirea. tlu orlice. Ja i vH' WANTED By Hie alaertiaer, who nas Dad ao ne years exirietce in business in thia city, aad is a nracliral Boos keeper, a situation in a wholesale, gro ry or couimiaiton house.

Would be wiiiiLg io take charge of the general managrrarnt of a business du the and believes tbat be con id satisfactorily discharge any duties he would be willing to uodertake. Any person wi.hing to make an engagement, or contvr witn him. wni please address L. Boa Post Otf. e.

Jeis Jf ANTED To puiasdaae A few very large wril bruke and active Muie. culor rray or black i ref. rred. HARRIbsON A CHEEK, 24 fit corner of Tehoiipitoula. and Povdraa a "ANTED TO HIRE A Co ored Woman to" cooa.

a a waan aua iron. oi irieieu. rm itiai mm character and capacity. Apply imrnedrto ely u. J.

T. BELKNAP. Common st. Jela tf oppoaite C'i'ege. WASTED TO HIRE 6i atout itilt Serro Laboreia.

to work on thfc of tbe New Orieana. Jacknon and Great Northern Railroad, nortbof tL line of ie State of Lomsia.ia in a healthy piny wor la Employment will be iv. tue aamtner. or the ear. Apply to McKLEROY A BKADFOdD.

No 4. Caroudilet or to the subscriber, on the one oi road, near Oay aa. tf JAMES L. GRANT JKWKLKV. The rstore No.

3 Camp ftr uaDuliK A HllJUg, Dealers la WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. GUNS. PISTOLS.

CUTLERY Aad everr of Fancy GsaJt of the aewest an 'JkUm styles, wnlct, we offer at low rates. Having enraged the aervices of Mr. Joseph E. Eaier, aa experienced atch klaker, we are prepared to da ail kicdi of work in that line. Alao, Diamond mounted and Jewelry manufactured at der.

orN. B. Old Go and Silver bongbL dg To Wewtern CLOCKS AND TIME PIECES. JC. BROWN, No.

3 Courtlandt atreet. New Trt manufacturer and dealer in Clocka and Time eces woa'd call the atention of Western merchants to La large and well aawrted atock of ail descriptions, wholeaaM aim retail. Bar Mrrchanai and dealers wail do weir to call be lot. purchasing eisewfcere. U'alrhra! Dinmouds Jewelry: ST.

CHARLES LOAN OFFICE. J4 ST. CHARLES aa oppare St. Charles HoteL WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Tbe suoaenber ia new a.

t.a.z Wa ci.ea at ra tali, at the flowing remarkaiy low pnees. ba trg much less ttai ary other bouse: Fine Gotd Leptne Wau hea. four holt Jews, ed Flue to.d Levers, fnll Uol.l F.nan.e 4 alcbea for Ladiea 3. Go. Uuoutig Eraliaa Fatent Levers, for Gentiemea.

a Gold Hunting Watcnea wt ran eignt daya Or.lc1 vatcnea In magic "aa.s. wtiich cbAege into tbjas differec? warcties. GoJ Watcbea which wind and Mt hands withaat aay key. Also A laere a of new style CarbBBCiea. Pearls aad beta freii styiee.

la received. JULES JERGENSEN wtth certlflcatea trom hirn wijj each vi'ch. perfect ttBit keepers Manue Clocas. from ap COOPER WATCHES. Daplax and Lerera.

soiae ia heating caaea, perfect keepers. INDEPENDENT SECOND WATCHES, for riming horses, in sold and ailvrr caaea Splend Gold Pocket CHRONOMETERS, tjrcla and Sliver Levers. Detained Levers. Ler ines, Bar a other aty tea of Watches. All of the above jr an.

a at msr less thaa taa asual pclcea. is), a.1 kiurli 'f JEWELRY, Diamond Rings acd Pica SiLVE SPOONS. Alas AU sleds of goll Chains, pu. gold WedJ eg RJaga gold Keys and Seal, gold Prns aid Pencils, gold aci si. ret

Dismao i Ring and Pina. Bracelets. Goid Lock eta. CuS" Pina. Earrinra.

Gid ar Si.ver Spectariea. Breaa, Pins. Flrger Rinsa. Stiver Fruit Knives. Sterling Suva: Spoons.

Cups. Foras. Ac, ax Dior leaa than tae oaaa price. Watches and Jew try exchanged. A Water warranted to keep good time, ov exenauged.

Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired la the beat xra aer, a much less fhSc the us ial pr.cea. JOSEPH A St. Charles trrect, Imaorrer of Watcaea ao 4 Jrwe'ry, whoteatue and vetaL tf i i ti.ea.ey i nu a 2JiW atrbea. in bexvy kutt in.

to carat cases; nr.e H' silver atcnea; Gold Lepice aad Anchor aic bcv jcrirj, c.ri ov acnptJoB; fine rocket Cutlery. Strj. Pistols aad Fancy Goods; for aale, wbo.csve sn rr ail. cy de jail tf i tv r. Ar.

A a aaai reer. I. out or ioi. PROMISSORY NOTE, for one ha dolla a. draws Mrs Catherine Peaiody.

autl.or sed by aer ttia aod Henry W. Ray. fr.vor of da'ed at New Or aua. fVte.aer Kh. iK'a.

payaa eix moutlj after date. Pameiit of trie an.e baa oeec rtoprec. tf E.iAN A IITPL V. Caa pst tioota hocw itud iroiati At eVbicsae, How Ian ring from mp ftorloA. aei la aeora 0X140 PALM LEAF.

STRAW aad CAMPiACIT HA. lowest market rricer HATs. CAPS. AT WHOLESALE. We are constAxit.y receiTix.

a general aea mer of gi.k. Fur. Cawrmere. I.ez'.ornj Straw, Falxa kit xican an Wool ATS. at tnr LOWEST JiiRAH" PRICES, o'l vi v4c.iv I snaT A CO io arailr rTr Palnleaa Kxtractloa or Teeth withoat ust of Clilorolbrm or Lethe ia, eOCAL ANESTHESIA.

rpHE oa teraajreed waa among the first to terrodacr ChlutxttSrm and Ether iaia practice in this cry. and now orfera ta bis patients tbe advantages of this new agent, wnicb by local application so benumbs tae jaw that teeth may be eatracte without tsn, aad tbe p4tlent at the same time retain ail the usual csudicra and powers of mind It ia an arret which can be ssed wild jut the ieast Buaaibi'ity cf danrer and with posirve saccrsa FREDERICK II ftvSAPP. Dental Sorreoo. mylS 3dPd tf I WCaaai atreet. For Keal or 'I'HAT well known and much freqaented eataaliahmeu 1 ST.

MARY'S BAKERY, by Si. Mary a Market These very or. tocael premiaas coecrrand one ot lae at retail caa busiaraai a ia the rreeeot an epporturity of making marry rap rareiy I rrt with. Entrance Appiv to je.v A' A J. h.O Y.

on premises. asT Two Raktrs wanted. I.oat. rjg On St. Cfcarlea atreet.

a rOCKr.T BOOK. ae 'ronrainirg Par eia aad Meanoraadums. ai aa oh. hat tt oar, Alv Deraae w. i.

edits it sill recetie the txtanks of tbe owner by leatiax it at the Tatrersalia Stages Jeawst Piaaa fortes. Per nr. PIANO FORTES from HICKER1NG SONS and NCNNS A CLARK, The stnrk Is larre and well aaaorteA AAa. two or three good seeond hattd HENRY PARSONS. natrumratA Jei ea 12 Camp Tomer, lo Canal HAVING eatensiTe orders France, will ae prrparrd to offer tatbe ladiea.

in the fall, aa nnosnaa is se and at rractrvearofk of Gotvls. in PARIS MILLINERY, KONNETS. RIBBONS. FLOWcRS. FEATHERS AND HEAD DRESSES: CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS In the Bre railicg sty aad taahaaB aad Ecaaaoidrrira.

direct from maasfacfrera ia Nancy. La depaitsnent here win be morn novelty jm o. jop Briclaa, "Mid, Lltar, 3te. rtB ii ilut) English Fire BrVkA a Cold Spring; Fire Bricks lO OW Pettaacijia Brks io Biicxi Fire Bricks. bi'a Fine CUy.

aa Tboxaastaxi Lianc IV. bo's Plaster. 4 41 brr'A Cemextt, arte bb White Sand, l.cro SVa. Yellow Ssad. aba tute eita.

iV5. La'. IwO sacks Plaateriag Kair. For tale by JOHN STEWART. ii ravier atreet.

ar Je St JbIU strrrt LsoOiag. Srw Ba'la. CoiiJ. VcJ, Arc. IrTTSBCK CJAL a.

aid In bias. Ena.9 a.anae wi cm It A ta.1 Coal in tt rsd ia is. CLrroai. iu ae.a 13 i ia srks A and P.r. wd.

tie Vat quality. Deiverca in qaaxtxaa ta scit a 'Lk icwest rates. JOnN c. SIEW AD. Grater ret.

ard Je lt i i arreeT Laa tr.e New 3aain. a or A tec rrr HRSE. wej br ke ta sanrext Jl.ia isr aawU be ia a Bea7tfu! ram taa rat. at aor i nl col aud eOont ttaeida knga. far far tkeT aartrars.

at aoTchaapwaalaa at. Jeas ft Ckaa. Am Slrwati, Naa aad ITS C'as EEPt cenrrartir aw aaad a larycaavd etrgaart awrry af rcraaasaa. at an neaarpniaaa etc Seceiviaag by every arrrrai tae latest acd sees FaVaaaaair Ihaa ta few Rae that caa be IimI is iu cay. A a aw re a vy af reatiwra.

Stattsesaia aaa attasi4 ail axa deaf Cyaalsitiy work, fiit'n aad Aad It saweb aa tzwu advaatase ta eaaaaiw tow large Bta.k braare rsrrharn ewewnere, Tkas a aa ewurejj an a rererai aflaurtmrnt or svuis. Bnur a. are its 6AN3. ft Ax 5. Cris c.

one aip I Med pr.T.e DITCHING BOOTS RfS "sLT BOOTS. SKOGANS. WOOL. MEXICAN. a ana aa sag fCacA aa aaan, as ia ty HOTELS.

aw4WkJaaak.aarwwaaakta4riaaty a oner7 Well MBittutt4 iu Hinds coanty. Mioc, forty rriilcji from VicaUbarg, bv wilrrjed, Rfyrc'rud within foor mile, from tbertce Uy Tffe. TUio Dotel Wattrripf t'idce. fir the core of Chronic Di avirbetft. Iyvpepatiav lrop5 GroTel, JiAljteo, Qeneroi IetHiitj.

row ooen for tbe rwrptton of Tfttuton. AN. MAW WILLIAMS. Muxh. IWid.

Proprirtor. IS. B. It well kzMiwxi tbtt tb yUow fwer wat prf leat bre Itust fmXi. evidently bronjrht here by tfrMpj or ffpod from au in fee tod district, rrr otis omrinc ot tbe Weil will be smirk with tJ elersted lorotioo, (sitaoted In tbe pine bills.

and wiU foil to see sny local coose for fever. Precaution has been takes to fa are the beddinf nsed on tbe occasion pointed octt by tbe residnt physician, Vr. J. 8. Beaceley,) and burnt in prtseure of witnesses, and their cert.tiratewi pnblisbeX A thorough ivnoTatitu is now foinf on.

and visitors ore dally arrivinf I do not desire, nor ds i expt ct. a very larre company the coming season; bat evr raertian will oe msie to render the invalid com fortable. mhifS tf C'ullam Hprinp Cboctaw Coonty. A I aha ma T'letabSaTibr takes (rret pies are in uinouurtns tbe puhtir. tbst tlie aroT drlihrtful wfct ritic aiact now otQ for the irr ution tt viur.

The prcpVrtiei oftb werers of the dirTerent ou tae are being wU kLovvn, a leofthy dt srnp ti is annrcescary. Arrntiffemw nts are bHc mmp ro ss to have an Kxprf from Nc Orl aiiB to to tb( Spriaes. in order to pn vent the nsoai delay of (fitr and papers caused by the mailt. Rates of Board PerM'jnrb 40 Prr Week li Per jy fl Crriaers are in wrtitinc at tbe iaidiof apou the arrival of tlie boats, to Ct cvey pnev ni turmrdit.rt ly to tbe gpniiars Proprietor. Wbfie Hulntur SDrlita1.

1 tzrr Jjpr.cgs be oo for tbe reception of viiiion ou tu dny ol luis. i vi. They sre tiantd in MnTeomery county. Va. nne and a Lalf irri.s from the Virpnla and Tennessee 111 roed, from wbirh there branch railroad to the Springs.

Richmond or Peer bnrr after break fart, react, tbe Spriirgs by o'clock, P. same day, nil tbe wsr by railroad. The accommodations have been very much etnded tince last Sa ns tl.e ruomi are targe and comfortable, aud cape.oie of accpmmaatattniy imo prooa The Lyn Aure aud Abintrdrm Tt Comratiy are now build i rsr a bristicb tn ir line to the Si ritia, which will oe in operation early in Jure. A Bath Houaie bas been ouilt ii. lest seaeon.

Addiras, KO. MOSBT. Pres't. lm MonfgoTrfrj W. 8 S.

Company Point The nropTirt.trs of tne Ba'tir Houk bare the pia sure at intoTT.ii.js tre pj hr that tbe arvr deiisht ful 3t.VMi.aR F.5 H.T oivi. tnV'EDNKS DAY. lltb of ir1. liunvc tbe paet staon they improving the fronnds. and bare made some new additions t.

tut bis.Mij. gs. wh'ch are in perfVct order and geatiy BUg'irnt fcorn'ort. A new North Wharf bas been built, whicb will tfcfc distance and time considrrsMy. A Dew stable Lifts bern erected andibe roads macb improved.

Point bas ei ivautB over ail ptares upon the Coait, and tboie who riuted there Last ssan can endorse for tl.e soprrior Salt Water Pish and Oysters. BLOCii BAND bas been engaged for the season, and every variety of amusem*nt attend act at watering places will be provided. TLe Southern Star, Cant. Carson, will ply regularly d'irinaT the sesn between tbe city aud Point Clear. Rooms may be secured by addrtMihr xnyl7 to.a CHAMBERLAIN ft CO liladon nprinsiN.

Alabama. Messra CO.NNoR A WOOTO. tbe nropriet.irs of these delightful Mineral Sprinficsitoated in a hrirby reeion of riue w. iods. ur mites west of tne loinoic bee River ao 1 nxty niiirs north ot Motitie.

bave lately ttgaiu made raeat imrrovrmeuts to their estabtisbmnt. aud are oow irady to receive visitors and supply tbem with every comfort aud joyinent. A good steward and active and attentive servants from this city have neen secured, and the proprietor p' en pre themselves that nothing sba'l be wan ii.g on their part to make a summer Sojourn with thru ail that tbe moat particmar can deaire. Of the vaiue of the aters, the proprietors risve tbe ss tisfsrtion of krjow.r.g that it is nnne essary for thexn to say much, Tbe analyses of tbem by Profe sor Lmve been long before the public, and those who have at ready tried tbem have spread their feme far aud ww.e. The three springs the A Iks.

io pbar. tL' Bracch and tbe Viefcy afford as many pecu'iarities in the water, each baviLg its asraotage and as ailurdiug SB alkaline aoda Ions beverage. hey stand. as Dr. R.Mel testuiea.

"uo surpassed in ail this Souibern avettivn of country. Ard though exre.irti ia amount 'f matter, they Lard yieid to aoy as a p.easaut aud heajtb onugicg ic.nera. water" Tbis iscnnrirnatd by man exTr voidjuiao wiiieb tby have erfe ted. hoiaes are in atTeraianre at all tl.m to couvey passrrgreiS to axd from the river, for tbe ise visitors dancg their ttay. 1 ae sgnt in this city lt the pmpr.etois is T.

B. SMITH. 4 rirrt'i 6fr ft. J3 dftWrf Flora tirr iion et NKW Corner CtTnp aret and Laijere 6qua. wy This pieriart t'd L' i lil ieinain opeu.

duni'g tut nion' for ti KciiaoKit "I oj rity aii hufr irr liz L.a.tsy and airy a tuatkn ia auuif asaei iu bis City Bib3I JQ. T. JETF.R 51 I "noirt suh BA TOO ST JCLN J.I 'WAT HOTSE. cea JfTIi tbr t'w' gs. ww ipt hia ta.ecurant and lir ntr a l.

rtae fpJ' ar i of crstr nitri 1st May. The Ocevm mprlngn llorp. Wiii be sp i or. first of Jcr ander the pnwtal ntion rf JOHN McUONNELL. ef Common streer.

Every energy wlu be brought to bear to make the vis tors vt bo rie. myr tf iiarendoB Ilotrl cornerof rifhteectbsrieet and Faun a vet. ue. York, spcig The uuderv gned bg leave ta eunococe tual i.ey tare tasen Le CLARENDON HOTEL. Je Relyinguocn intimate acquaintance witb the business.

ani the interior arransr uuen and accomrcoda of the Hotel, wbich. in pir.t of comfort eiegaiice ar rft rtey hope ard frf ithatthey wi.l be ao. gve boqcaahe satisfvtion to tbeir norcerocs friends aud ail who msv favo with the patronage, ii. KERNER A BIRCH. Froprietora The or.deri:::ed al.oosrd ol bis Interest the art cdon to Messrs.

RERNEK BII.CH. XMtUr to return his thsnks to nil numerous patrana. tnl takes great piesscre ia reermroendir.g ha snccearois tf their kind thT bavins; ha.i morh experience in cateriag for the pcolie veil! coctinne to keep op tbe wed known reputation rf tiie eata iliar.ment. aa l.avii no. pe states.

O. C. PUTNAM New York. February, lievt. er itm (larrelllsa ilotel.

Tfcbi dellrhtfi' reaor. ro convenient ta the cty enlf twenty mirctei' ie on the cars rtn.r,.ni Ja every half honr to and fcirc havirg been tbnro gb 'y rerwira. painted. Ac, nil ne ly ftrcabrd, is bow oper. to pa Fanailiea or rirgic fnt crrtrri can be accomniodated aatri and pieaaant rooms, or Doard only tmT Dinner parties will be serveJ to eVr on tbe sbortea notice.

The deucarjes of tbe setwoc. togthe w.tb the beat Wiser aad Iiqasra. will be served a' patrons rf HORTOS, Prorri )r. I'rtrHdlae Palat Ilotel, Second narf at Miariai.fpl c.ty. TtJs nsose Is now ea for tne recrpioa of vtert nr Peraoej sciratris; tor Hi aoe wul p.enae re that it HI tb second wharf at City.

W. TE9ARDEN. May 1. ri Brerkeortdaje Coal. THE ta'aarribers are now prefiarea to dtUver tae sove ceiebrated Coal ta steam aoats.

ntels. ciancfactonea ariTaxe families, Ac. in lora ta sri t. at A.ii per tan of Isr poBBda Orders left at the yard. Froat Levee, between iaiia acd St.

Joseph street. wiU receive Immediate artes VaUl I a a.n a.i.u. r. II alcbex street. Hair Patent one relrKlrr Proof fale.

The oniy Fire Proof Sale a Plate Ircn Box. THE aubacriber. sole agent in loia city of the tnauntar tureia. bas received per steamer Suaqaebariia a a piy of small, large an 1 mammoth a xea. retwlrni.g his aaaortxnent coraplrtc This is ti.e eniy kind of Sate, long eatarr.ixi.ed reputation, tsiiich Lai INVARIABLY proteeted its cootents wuen accidental tested by bre.

snl the n.ancrsrrcrrre of wlitcb DARE OFFER i FOR PROOF TO THE CONTRARY. It is aisotbe only Yrpaiar fire proof Sat for aa'e beee which' bas an interior ate iroa box. and it is taerefore incomparably more Scr proof than ia any rival article. The makera ot tfce Cl OEETE SAFE do not impose nprn tbevr CTjat ty Jng a powo proof i.x k. rud at trie aame time ieav a riratii) in tbe door which can.

by simply tarring vrew, be opened io bs.f a minute, and into wdch a arge xaxitrty of powoer car be ittrodoced. A SAFE AT ArO DEL NOxlTE. TEXAS HAVING A PO'A 0ER PKOOF LOCK. WASTHl a OPENED LAST BER. AMi ROBBED OF GOVERNMENT MONEY.

Neitner Kcrsra HALL. DO'D A CO. tuake ac article wbicb ra. Bke the Saxnaioier Safe, iiasle mat trom tbe Interior of tfce plate iron, exlxioiting boles 'B aide. Sack.

Acad re.t.ierirg the irot. too and rot sura a heavy irlL Uirg on. the se American fro a. and petformil their wrs. faitfntlr.

they are nar prepare i ro tetnp cuato by orJering f. rfia eair.a. aa dJ who aot enly const ct their sfea ot frr.or Engib iron, a jt likewise ight their work. a bkivc lecrhd rot they ar cocri'ent ths' tboae wte wul cr. r.ucB rorr.rtre ae iu.

nr. r. wnn any oian ttror. of Saie. will give tt a decided preftrenre.

as dtscr tare many psxcbiAers anad. ISAAC BRIDGE. a Magazine at. myi2 dt Wtf Texaa I. and.

'P HE aBdeTBtgsed are locating :an.ix to Texas oti rv. sole terma. AU tfcoae nji.lir.g rlaurs lor ma aicaced aa oc a do well on t.e a iritjera J. kl. SMOOT.

Aitoa. Deaha cctxiry. Texas. T. HATCHER.

1ST Graeler ret, dT aa IT New Oneaaa oliee. THE cre dltprs cf the snccrauon of Pasqaler A Ca areaererauiy reooeared ta famian etate ment af ac caant, aad ail peraoaa indebted ta tae aame are hereoy noticed ta make immediate payment to tbe cn tera rued. J. W. D1AS.

Cnrarar. J34 et comer of Graner aad New Levee. Tabarra. PETER LORILLARD. MAN FaCTCRIR, 4i Cbstaam arret.

New York. CCCE5SOR of Peter A Gearge Liriiri. oeTers for mtu ail krada of Sac3 and Tobacroa genera; ua For partica ara. a Price Current caa be obcained ad drsaing aa arjove. This es aiiiatii2ieBt a aoe of tne oldest o' tfce kind in tbe United Si ales Jejo ly fMrayed, Oa Oa Wedneadsy Bight.

tram the peemi mrs of tfce nn'leTalg i ed. corner tf Cons ante and Philip streets, a bcKr e1 bay HOtSE. about IA hands feigb A h'MTai reward will tie sivea for Lis mar ery Jeja et DOUGLAS WEST, so Cbiob st. Uae Uaadred grteea Waa ted. FOR which tae highest caaa nrtce wij be pai4.

Fami bea ia the ry baring Brgrtvea Vr saie wul ao well te call and see na beic cirri of tbem. Liaeral terml will ae made ln4 wuhrcr to ar.L or bare sold SENJ. SCRE'AS A CO. 1. Kanaa xle re, COMillialON PA1E1 WAB rOCBE.

ra a. neeaicas ex. a EALESS'a al dea tp gof PATEH nj PAFJ U.xt Kl.aa IV a jb aja ct r. is 1 1 111 Ta reapec ucrl arcraser. aa examitae ebeiracaek.

Orde ta are fo aad pavixsr extra faeilitiea farauan ilmcuin xg fnajtf Paaers. acta Soxx a4 News. te tft et 'iaeC eje 'a. re ceers at prices, an I w. "i feat eaiwi mv.iaar of STRAW PAPEiS wi.l liracvs ta tneir Pa ae ie i a.

ix i v. mw n. Tk kaar I I rLi 1 a mmm urn Ibe exrlarree fee tic tr 1 Si ts arid ar rrrsaead frexalfe tna at Hrt. we aar mob PxaxxM. aaicladeaaa, tVe.

Orw Pnace A la'l CELEBRATED MELODEOSS. Tiththa lariat Lmaaajaeuaaata. SeaaM lrigwie. ra axvl Krad Iswv a PIANOS, Bw4 agaer carxebxaacaJ m. bfiM Wayesaia aad Rxtefl A rear, PH.

P. WAaU.ElN. SHEET a A yrSIC BOO 8 no ad UUSlCAi. OtliL JaEX4 aad MCKCHaS PikS a xayi 1 lrrr 1 ml 1 i iCQMMERCl OFFICE OF THE PICAYCNE. I Monday Evening, June 3D, 18SS.

COTTON There hare been aome buyers in tbe market toJay. and aboot ljao hales have been disposed of at the range of oar previous qaotations. The descriptions offer ing atiU consist mostly of the lower gradra. which are neglected. Inferior C9 IMiddtlnr lottSii Ordinary a.

leood MiddllBg Oood til Middling Low Middling 10 Vo lOlFair STATEMENT OP COTTON. Stock on hand lat September, 1S56 bales 38 )1 Arrived since 1 J41 773 Arrived to day "ijt 1.71.131 l.TSt.MS 4.1M I.T33.72S Exported to F'tsportrd to day Stork on hand and on shipboard sat 46.403 TOBACCO The aalea are confined tu barely 173 including the following: i hints. Refused at 7rjc, to Admitted at ijjj. so at sod A) hiids. Lugs at 10.

STATEMENT OF TOBACCO. Stock on hsnd 1st September, 1SV. hhds. 11 000 Arrived lince 4.S.131 Arrived to Exported to date Exported to da I 67.0ttl lai 42.474 Stock on hand and on shipboard not SUGAR There is little or no rlianx in prices and the ssles to day are aliout Jio lihds. at wake, for fair tofolly fs.r.

MOLASSES Prices still take a wide ranae from for very inferior to 4 lirsre. lor good to prime. FLOUR Market rather heavy, yet the sales amounted to some iioi including 1K)i snperCne in 4 lots to one broaer at and t.i at $4 far supenine and i UK, bbL for fine. WHEAT TLe demand has been good, and nearly 6C0 sacks havr found pnrrhasers. of wbich 1123 prime red at I ST' by one party a mixed lot; at 348 prime white at el 4o.

and two or three small parrels ordinary to faix at 1 i .47 1 bnahel. CORN' The receipts are trifling, and we hear of only about sacks sold, of which sax white, yellow, and mixed at 2vu white in store at and 4 J0 rather ordinary at 4p bushel. OATS Pi ices have improved again, and the aales com priae 810 sacks prime St. Louis at 4.V., ssoo in store at 46c, end late in the day lirrj sacks prime St. Louis at 47c gjr bushel.

EKAN Saies iljo sacks in serersl lota 00 the Levee at 16 and some ahors at K'. HAY Two ftatboat loads of Western comprising 211 tons sold at g.M and 9.0 bales from the Levee at the same. POHK Prices have up still further, and we notice sales of iioO bbla, 000 and 2uo bb. uninspected Mess at g20; 75 at the saiuc luo do (a resale; at ii bbls. Rumps small) at tu 6o, and some M.

O. at lv 4 bbls. BACON The market is tiim and the aales are about ISO casks, of which 4'i ribbed Sides ordinary at prime in 3 lo! at lot of Shoulders at 8Vc, and 1.2 caaks clear Sidri at 101. a aolOcasks ordinary country Slioulder. at a TJ.

STAR CANILE3 Iwxts Proctor tt Gamble's were sold at COFFEE Tlie inquiry has hern good, and nearly UHX basts have been aoM. of whiih jfM at HOO at luJc; at lie, and skimuiingt" at ac. IB. WHISKEY On Saturday bbls Raw were aold at3c. sudtodsv so Wiluliirt extra Ect titled at iTjc, and lot) at a Ion.

LARD OIL A sale of iu tibia, to day at 'ic. gallon. FREIGHTS Oue Ship was taken up for Liverpool to da at id for Col tin. 7 lu Vi neat, and 3a. 4 bbL lor Flour.

EXCHANGES Yi ry little alt. in the rates: Lvkoo. t1.1. aud per cent premium. ii.lM', per dollar.

New 1 ot a eci 4aya Ntw YorkSht per cent, diaronnt. JkA per cot discount par CA TTLEMARKE T. J1tiD City, Moolay EvtBlng. June BEEF CATTLE We qnote at P3 c. TU net fat orditsry to.

Western Betves. and Trxas and I ake Cattle at 41ia7c. The receii. ts r. Lake and Texas Cattle Mmpnxr zi'j Lead.

HOGS Stli ug at 7c. a TS net Modeiate aiock. SHEEP We quote at fbead for good and chime Western Sheep. Ainpie atork. MILCH CO rV 3 Prices heal Moderate d' mand.

VEAL CATTLE A lit aud wc quote at 4, iri 1 bead. All IX EN EWS. PICAYUNE OFFICE. July 1. I LK A RED YKSTEKIJAY.

Steanijitlp Texas. Forhex. Vera Cruz. Harris, Moron tco ilaiun) t'ieen. Emery, Liverpool.

Meeaer Aco Ship A. bus. yixisn. fietioa. Jcnkiiit.

Wiliiauis Ao Bsia Jotin Dei, barn. Davis. Venice. Whitney aro Bark Diana. Davis.

Boston. Hynson Aco AAR1VED. Steamship Faxhion. Baker, fm Brazos Santiago "id irtrt. to Wuartemiaster Ith district.

Ship Orarontbe, Younx.fin Liverpool 3d May. to II Axb brtdge Aro ltd dixtrict 3m. Ship Gen Dunlap. Badxer. fm Liverpool April 2lb.

to Wnitney Aco ath 1istrict A3. Brig Mary Elizaoeth. MrCucmeii. i daj. fm Havana, to niat' ii utnet W.

Schr HarxneM. fm Tampico 1Mb inat, to Goldecbow A Lesoarre tuarentirie Station, hchr Star. Kov tts. ii days foi Pensacois, to matter Basin Scbr Z'jume. eober.

das fin Prnsacola, to maatrr Basin. rVhr Corah. ZichsHo. the f'oaxt, to master id district. Schr fm tlie Coast, to master Jd district Schr Star.

fm the Coast, to master district. I.AkF. SCHOOXEItS NEW Foweil. fm B1I0XL aniea A Etlta, Stee.e. lm Biioxi. of the Lake. Jours, fm May Si Louix Marv Ann. fm Bay St Loaie. Ellzitnth. Nttti.

fm Baj St Louis, Botet, liu Ka St I.O i Ba.eares. ustiu. fm Psaragoiila. I onoa. Codrna.

fm Paacago'ila Rebecca Ana. Murray, fm Pont hitoula Bloom. Duncan Crvmgioo Perseverance. fm Amite River. Aliigior.

Landry, fm Amite River. Eima. Bnifotir. fm Tchefuucta. Decide.

Mellon, fin Bontoara. A Narciaae. fm cfoi i a. STClMCtS. Jeaxie Brll.

Ca'erhn. fm Cincinnati Oeprsy. are fm St MartinsviJie. Fiorina. Uutcuings.

fxn Mobile. Towboat Conquer. r. B.own. from tlie Pssses towed down anaTTo ses iitb inst.siMpsGosuort sod Astoria brought up ship Otaronthc and briz Mary Elizabeth.

Towboat Cbambrra. fm the Pssaes towed down snd to aea inat. sL.p Bremen, bar ax Cetiaand Navaria brought op abip Gen Duniao. Towboat Pbatnix.

Phitura. fm the Plain towed down and to ea 11 inst. siiip Southern Belle, bark A Kimt.ail. bris Pepeiio. at.d to the Bar ship Union ntooght tip schr VV Harkneas.

ARUID OK SL'NDAY. irtixcu. A n'eiope. Brown, fill Psdorah. Wnrht.

CJirk. fm Memphis Rsptdes. Jackson, fm Vicasburs. Jr. re.

(in Bavoa Sara. Oregon, fm Mooile. Below Coming Up. Ship Oxcard. Naaon, daya fm Boston, to uaer, Aco Schr The Deaniaon.

Story, days fm Cardenas, to Goi deBbow A Lespane EXPORTS. VERA CRrZ Stcsmahip Texas 347 hf bales cotton. fc ra bntrer. 3 Bbls Hi kga grease, tea hams, 10 bout put axrr. i pkga ise.

Li VERPOOL Ship Eastern Queen li bales cotton. Hr, iki corn. 4.J wlxest. SXu staves. GENOA Ship A.

rx baits cot too, 4uu0 staves. hh.tx tooacco. UMl Bark John Denham l'Oi bales cotton. BOSTON Bark Diana bales carton. 4 i do wool.

SM bals pork, ms floor, 1 bads bacon. rks corn. su' dry tuies. ifco pics ea4. ataves.

ft pkgx mdse. IMPORTS LIVERPOOL Sl.ip Gen Dunlap fA cks aria Fen nri'. Bee ico 40 do A Yamall a cakx earl ner. are F. Ferguaoo lifts baa tia plate J14 crates rartbeaaare Btvlge, Raaleft Aco IK! iar rr irou Vtuad A Low 3ck baa are ti bv.

tia plate bank iron i.l tds soeet do ark. Staufler Aro cak Lware Smith rks rods axl' Maxweil Aco 1 cak chairs io bxwa rail Perkins Aco 7 bars if brfis iron Ito bdl. a 1. ret Irao Priexr.ev A Bein lot bas ludae Granara IA raaaa hware xiidoctiains I da tin Hi exs slates I bdl a bee 1.31 r.l Dar iron 2S do hoop iron do afieet iron A Bobo Are haare JSAitaeca 3 da taainra do bo low ware I do tin 4 oss nana 3 cksclsein jcaara aleei A mien Aco 1 caa tia are I rase gaxns Bxxddecke Acx caa hwaee 4 do rrianl IX do nana Farley. ary Ac a 31 case.

bales mdse Crsmrr Aco IA bales wxdae Letco fori Aro I case do Hagrerty A Bra I box silver late Leverich Aco l'ts crates 1 cak evrare UP tows p.x iron bars iron do auia sheet iron da hoop iron, order. LIVERPOOL Ship Otarontbe 9'S ska aait IT Asb brvdge Aco i cks i case, a adwa mdae 1 aoviis Bad decae Aco 3 baxea andae Buraatde Aco It do A Brca aexxa Aco i7 do Cramer Aea 7ri aistes A DavM aon 31 rales 4 cks eware Doegberty 4 cks 47 tea da Dronaa 4 bales ssrane 1 box mrlae Grabaxra a tens rock salt Jackson Aco easea xodse Pier Aro at bales mdae Lrtcbford A cratea rax I bx miae Mod or. Aco 47 do glassware Oas Co 1 Ba A Neton Aco 13 caaea 13 baa i pars mdae Payra wr bxs mcse Priestley A Btjx bxs rks mdar A A co iv do mle xrk. anJfrr Aco 3 cks i crates sv'se A iolett Aco Ii bars rr Iran and A Law 1 panirb eow rum ti pkzs mdae 70 crates da IS! bda 14 cas da tea 3 casea do bars rr iron, order. AV AN A Brix; Mary Eozabrtk to caaea cigars to Vans 1 do S.

batter 3 do hales tobacca II bxs i ars BrrxM A Br cases da CshnlWrra A Bsanaaio Ca xx do I rk 1 case mdse MaadeviUe A Mrlibeany I raar cicara l.tnarde A Xxjaea wo i paf brandy I og cxiaVc I bx beef Sasabaea I cawe cisara la Cms I do Rjcam Aca 1 a mdar aiah baira tooacxa Eape rm im Aco a cases exxwrs Dowunsw 3 cm btvla dw Riraa 4 do 4 caaea do alder Cotiac I da Durv Sl ft taira. tow ca A Coals aua.rlrirs. order lot trait to Conceit. a CHARLESTON' Bark Jaua Dean aa cks IMLtfckt rice A Levy IS sks peas Daoova! Ac. 3011 do Bare.

a Aca 1 zlt.c nairt 1 xreeptr 1 bapper eode 4 wsx rm C3uimmxrs. Stewart Cia53 hxs la taves iae; order fENSACOLA Scfar SlAg Tljno ft Itnabex ta Ptxey, Ni.ottro PF.NiaCOLA jacsr Zirlimc O.Oio ft lamber Uerntt A McLot.r a. RECEIPTS OF Pi.ODCCE CINCTSXaT! Siramrr Jrase bell" bis raniie lAdt em cn xarj 1 ax. rta a ICS bajaa amy whaakey 3 ii'iia Vwclni. G.vt tea sn taa mr 2laa wijaxu le tl Ot bxs rallies bbis a' eaA nl qr cxs tasiidj el da 4a 4 peas anise Laaij.

gta H. aaa JoaxrC It kur tfoxd avrx isb i xaats Oraev kKtrti tav egs do tve a rora cks kwcaa Kevsedj xtca So fcat Jf trta. Owen A Cota 1 ctoj Hlrtry Aca ales put Roorrraon A klxDonxai J' do Hewitt. Nor taa Aco aa ay hf aas 4Va TC aacbeil Aca ti bra Una Ikeei Kard Ara a 4w A Tawaapaaat Art aa ana aatnaaeT 11 af Aear.a 7S aw uwtiaur a 1 aaxan.ra aa ara brxras A Backiwchasa ia da A Maartew An da at Tarxia heaawa Ruaxia. Mcaare Aca I bf CnUn ll eaew mmUkt at hfBXIwc B4a A Hake are ass caiatara da cheese lAataea Son 1 oa xr arch as wbis aa akaoi I a Mrs axcataai Naaoae io a Batlw A Las Aea 11.

waat waaakejr Xra.ra bat'T 4 bf Aox kiaoaw. IVtrrua A kit aatruiarry 1 Weaater lot aa Aadewsa VeUaf Wt ds JJ McMaoua 1 do Gen Can awry 44 aga bntter aas hT a "Till ban A AUanl SoyCheliet 61 Al AUTI NS VI LLE Steamer Oapray balea cotton J4 hideaM blKiaausar Hall. Rodd A Putoam Tda Dalb? A Tret.ioulrt 14 Jeannet Quertier Aea do7 bhta m.J Issses i do Is bali a cotton Duoreie H.u. x. oo ee r.

i "ieoea aco 40 bides Blaa cbin aundnes. order Total 2 bale cotton irt hhds aa gar on ia moiaxaea. Luani arur Aurunc aii obta molasses, arder COAST Schr Star xil l.n,l. 1X1. ZTIf order.

COAST Schr Corah 180 bbls 34 lag bbls molasses to order. Racpipr, at fJevr Bastn. BTT.nlC Rrhr Califarnla'cx ram ft kimlu. a reiaon orreav BILOXI Schr James Ellta Mjvo tt lumber, order BAY 8T I.OHtH lh. 1.1,.

maxter. BAY ST LOUIS Scbr Mary Ann 9 cords wood to i safer. 8T LD Schr EILtabeth rorda wood to. in aster. bbAfJwBLhotrde78'hr ftlmber x2Str rumber.

order. Sanford Florida ae.oou rt lumber to A CHITOULA Schr Rebecca Abb ca corda wood. COVINQTON Schr Bloom 000 ft lumber to AMITE RIVER Scbr Perseverance 30 corda wood to master. AMITE RIVER Schr AlIlgator 10,000 ahingies and IS eords wood, order TCHEFUNCTA Schr Elrtia bricks Blanc BON FOUCA Schr Decidets.i bricks order BON FODCA Scbr Alcyon li.ooO bricks, order. Per Pontxmartrato Railroad.

MOBILE Steamer Florida 1 bbl lad on water ta Geddoa hhds fish, order. KECEIPTS OF PRODUCE ON SUNDAY. PADCCAH Steamer Antelope K7 aks wheat grksba con 34 hhds tobacco Fellowes Aco 3 do Fraxier Aro 40 Hewitt. Norton Aro 4 Oglraby A Maraolay 90 Wm Sorry Aco IA Moore VanCu.lin 4 Yeatman Ara ia Crafts Aro a. Ethel ureen Aro 23 Bridges Short Aco el Turner IT do HQ bbls flour 1 rk bacon Levy A Summers A do Martin, Owen A Cobb do Reese Aro9 do kgs lard Schmidt A Zigler i do a hi bbls do a bbds tobacco 10 bbls eggs Hurley Aro AO boot whiskey McGregor M) da Wright A co I3.r) in notes 3 pkss mdse A 8wett A bbls errs Moore Aco 3 1 rks oacoo 4 kg.

lard A. Dolaen A Job bblx lard 41 huda tobacco IO pkgs sundries bon sk. beaTu kpork bbls Jour Nenleton do eaxa 14 firkins butter Schneider 1 pkc mdse Delbondio ou oxa neacaaa I Petre Total 4.K hhds tobacrn. pracnaw a MEMPHIS Steamer Wrightlax halea cotton to Dogan, Donovan Aco II do McDowell. Mios Aco 7 do Byrne, a rue Aco Cuddy, Hrown Ara 43 Watt Aro zi Campbell A Strou? Hughes, Hyllestrd Aca 3 A Gaines a a Aco 1 doWaiker.

Stuart A Hutchinson tjra ik notes A Fee ret 10 bbla new" floor Goodrich Aro 10 do la oil flfi bxs soap i alien bales burfslo robes 4 pkgi ixulxe Heald. Mast ie Aca bxa atea rine Eoquea Aco 10 do pear bea Partre 33 do Ant Axtredo aandriea. nnler Total 401 ba'es cotton. Steamer Rviidea i balea cotton to Tarletoo. Woning a.

Tuliia zt do Jackaon Aco 13 do Hemingway, FriedianJer Aro Cleveland. Bros Aco 4) McLeiuore. Rarbum Aco A EurbannAo. Carroll lm. a Watt Aco 6 N'usent Aco Oarey A Hawkins I do Buckner, Stanton A Niwmti I Pavue A Harrison A Person Tiornhiil Aco ill bxWruit 23 do potatoesDick Nash an head caiibage Duffy Aco tai aks potators and lot fruit, order bbla flour Carroll, rite hard Aca Total 1 1 balea cotton.

BAYOD SARA Steamer Jr Ax hh da an ear in bbla molasses Shaw Aco 12 do Lauve A McCall hhds suaar GordonAco hale, h.m,. a. co sundries, order. Per Poatcharti aln Railroad MOBILE Steamer Oregon pkgs mdse io arder 9 do K. Carter Aco 1 do a Vv Swrtt.

a a a CONSIGNEES. Per ship Oxnard, fm Boatoo Armstrong Frost Aco Voae Erua Powell A Hopkins Fearn, boneraa Aea Carroll Aro A ioett Aco MilUken A Gamble Bridge. Kanlett Aro Psyne A Harrison A Haoney Aco Turner tree rv Farwell A Neagie BudJecke Aco Cuddy. Brown Aco Wood A Low Hard way A yclie ampaou A Keene Me Donald Bnnton Aco Davis Woodman Junes BurnsKlc Aco Eaton A Henderson Smith A Bro Terrell A Bates er bed A Foster Goald Burundge Aco 8 Kennedy Aco Johnson A co Campbell. Perkins Aco I'nce, Converse Aco Bee be A co Kaggerty A Lattiog II Barlow Aco A Wbittog A co Taylor A lla.iden VV A fiiaucliard Nye Flint A Jones order.

MEMOKAxSDA The brig Msry Eilzabeali. Capt McConnetl. left Havana tin the iuh inst. Capt McCoonell reports that the tng Wm Clark aailcd from Havana oa tae BMimiBg of the id icxt, bound fr.r thia port. a The atesmxl.ip Fashion reports left off Brazoa Santiago, on the lust, in a rale, at aaclior, schr Star.

Domestic Ports. BOSTON. Jane C'id auip Fraaconla. White, KOrlg. 2 1 Arr baik Io ia Avrrill.

N'Oria NEW TOrfK. Jorae Cld abip Raaaati Crooker, Slctnmer, NOris. ix.1 Arr abip Tsar. Hail, ItOrla. Foreijin Pons, rl'er sresmsiiip Atlantic.

LIVERPOOL An lm NOrla Jane 7, Queen of the Wext. Ma.1ra. and I it'o Rogera, Holois. CooccrJia, and TrimootaiB. Iiirh F.lmeralda.

barn aei Adxms. ArcixJ Hirriland Chief, Cmciunatua, BanaiitoB, an 1 Msry HaxaaTiond. i to NOrla ine 7. Mary Saaaa. LONDON Clu June Adelaide Bell, for Card 1 9" and NOrla PASSED DEAL June 7, Shakespeare, from KOris fcr Er men ELSINOEE Art fm KOr'ji Jane 6, Barmgnis, for Rus xic GOTHENBURG A it fm NOr'ia May SI Canton.

HAVRE Arr fm NOrn Jone i.lL Gilchrist, In tue E'jb ix, rth, fui NOrla. Gslrna. PASSENGERS. Per efiip Gen Danlap. fm Liverpool 24 steerare.

Ixlst ot Vesoela Cleared aad Mailed far New Orleaaa. Corrected lor the Daily Picsynne. Jaiy 1. ISM. COASTWISE PORT! NEW YORK.

Ship Atlantic. Worth Ship Genes, penned Sbip Maid of Orieana. Dennis Scip eilington. Bark Bark Frances, Watts BOSTON.

Sb Bowditcb. Smith Ship Deibi, Knapp Snip Parthenon. Washburn Ship Warner. turn as Sbip lora. U.zgins Ship Dirgo.

Cutter Kara Oak Hill. Martin Bark Marc la. Fltt Bark srab Btidge. Ballard Bark BVaoott. Coo! man Bara Junny Liad.

Bonce Bark Rose stanmsh, Wiiiiazns Bark Cuba. Foster Br. a StrpiienaoB. Past THO ASTON. (Me.) Bark Liromo, klontaomery PH1LADELPUIA.

Eark Marian. Homeward Hark Eien S.ereE.x. Howe Bark Freda Lenuig. Symmes CHARLESTON. Bark Uncle Sam, Cole May Janet Jane June 14 Jane Jane May 30 May 0 Jane Jaac aae IT Jna It aid June IT aoe 10 BBC IO May SO June 10 aid May IT cld April Jane 14 May May Jane cld Jons 14 Jane 23 roREiert ports.

LIVERPOOL. Ship Cfaisora. Saaryer April 24 Ship Siiistria. Jones, via Holyhead aid May 14 Ship Africa dd May CARDIFF, IWiltx) Ship Mattapaa, Coiner sld May HAVRE rii Orient. H'fl aid Mar an Snip Mary M.

Maya Sbip Robert. Stasc. sld Msy 11 Ship Indian Renter. Myntk aid May IT Snip Marainaw. May IT Ship Heidelberg, Williams Bid Jane 1 ANTWERP.

Ship Golden Eagle. Davta sU April Hi ST NEZAISE ROADS. Ship Manila dMayg GIBRALTAR, Sfcip Coorier. Robinaoo cld Mar SI Snip Margarette, Bee I May ll CAGLIAK1. Ship Jas Titcomb.

Dean, via May 4 rtREMERHAVEN. Sliis MimpI Webauaa aid Mart rem Suip He aid May FOK SALE. Far ar Charter, a. raiBi wa 1 a ajiriy lat a arder. aa she rxw uaa aa ttc (aot of Par parucuiara aoply ooxta, Jei4 1 SMITH.

IlKew Levee. For rale ar C'aarter. ataaaen and tne reamer DELIA, now in rate raanaag order, well fauna wnn sax terms a.d a mm a acoiv ta nyls J. B. BELLOCV A si Catwndeiet at.

Far hale. The au sack hgkt draagad ateam er RUNAWAY. bow ia port. bant expaaiy tortiw Red River trade, carries a Bast too rt ex aue aa la coaad razniixig araxrr. xar tarxaa.

wbich will be liberal, afp to Capt. JAS. CiOORS. on board OGLF.bilY A GR'SWOLD. axirewport, La.

Jen are (tXOia(ia i. fmr raale, A4esfrabte RESIDENCE, ba coax, pie te arder, mit in iia atf tae 1 tae ranrta DwcrVrS. Appay ac "a IKCnna ia far aaaxte. A KO I ENOI5EER. LACK SMITH ASD COOPER, 27 years af age.

very likely and fully gTisa axTtaes. Ary prraon kn want of a compete attecbaai. win da well tacavl imivaeatatrty. THOMAS FOSTER, BfJ ft 17 Per Hale. ATV A Very aapenor pacuag HORSE, was Sax, ear Jm a 1.

and artxoa axaa. a weii iada Htt TOP CWak BJotrY. Mmar arH ttrena'. make, in gaod ar er. App ta WM.

R. BELL, at the aynaaa txaoars. las Caa iwi 1 1' urt irrt ati il a FAale, A arat ckasa FIXE E5GINE. year a. sow raaing.

ad a a 1 alst. AaV ams tsriat, ricsyaa saics. ear Male DELIG rTTT. SEA SHORE BEF'DtyCat AT uisassirri city. Ts be ao an Raswaaiae trrns prnaerty ar 3 Mawisaiaej: tTty ateuatd next Mr.

Htrut aad a'a withia rt 3MT ntrs' ws.k mi tae wls.1. TVeVwae ia cjar won as ia ceji rr pair. TW arnxtafv cm taetaaeatuarainsrinB reairei. Fr.r arrj. Urs, ta JAMES HAkRlSON A Je7 tf as Caaraanujajaa rtrvas.

i ar ftaiasta rae te far One or 7w Resrldrarea. TtlE Ittex Laarsv Grauad. each feat tracrra Swart by 113 ia 4V x. I. axl a ag aicara tu nia aWKiag tae aaatbaaxx orreT r.f Magernae aa 1 bird scxeess srrtaare avc fcecl.

acd ariztiaa twswla rea' OJe mrrmm tW AerbhXt, awyf tJ ia iil Flare. Fsr "alt. DESlRAaL SKA fHOfcS a rasa id aa a hagb ktaaT at Bay S. Laaw Tbe aaw saiavaaaanul are iiiimii aa 4 ra tar Beat ar eer. Toe trwr tkeaaanrta a aiarb acaee a xatuaanaa.

and tiae giaaute Bitigae'wT vwry iiinaali for a large aaa ily lasi rkaara. Ts a good part kwaa Braeraa cnelit veixi Be arts Asaeg as All A. A llllv At MAY. Si aaxrar aeaanaa llaa. 120 HHDS SCtsAI 111 I a.

ta Fair. tVw aaje an nlanTaraaa aSirr the ritv. be CJ t4 Mi LEA, aVaJAJH CO i CalM gg. 1 i 1 it.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.